The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 1248 biographies.



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Read more from the biography of Kelzang Khyenrab Gyatso


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Atiśa Dīpaṃkara Śrījñāna was said to have been born the second son of a royal house in eastern India, given the name Candragarbha at birth

Returning to Purang, Rinchen Zangpo told the kings about Atiśa, whose fame was then known across the Buddhist world ...

Read more from the biography of Atiśa Dīpaṃkara


Azha Lodro Gyeltsen ('a zha blo gros rgyal mtshan) was born in a small village in the Yorpo (g.yor po) region of Lhokha and belonged to the Azha ('a zha) clan ...

Read more from the biography of Azha Lodro Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Bakton Zhonnu Tsultrim


Read more from the biography of Bamda Gelek


Read more from the biography of Barompa Darma Wangchuk

Chokyi Gyeltsen assumed the throne of Ganden in 1463 and remained until his death in 1473 ...

Read more from the biography of Baso Chokyi Gyeltsen


Bipa Mipam Dawa (bis pa mi pham zla ba) was born in 1767 in Bitang (bis thang), Karang, near the home of the Seventh (or Tenth) Paṇchen Lama, Lobzang Trinle Lhundrub Chokyi Gyeltsen  (paN chen 10 blo bzang phrin las lhun grub chos kyi rgyal mtshan, 1938-1989), and of Alak Lakho Jigme Trinle Gyatso, (a lags bla kho 'jigs med 'phrin las rgya mtsho, 1886-1948), a teacher of the Seventh Paṇchen Lama ...

Read more from the biography of Bipa Mipam Dawa


Read more from the biography of Bondrong Tenpa Wozer


Read more from the biography of Bonzhik Khyungnak


Read more from the biography of Botrul Dongak Tenpai Nyima


Read more from the biography of Buddhaguhya


Read more from the biography of Buddhagupta-nātha

In 1361, at the age of twenty-three, in the main temple of Pel Zangden (dpal bzang ldan), Buddhaśrī received monastic ordination (rab tu byung: pravrajyā) and full monastic ordination (bsnyen par rdzogs pa: upasaṃpadā) from Sabzang Mati Paṇchen Lodro Gyeltsen (sa bzang ma ti paN chen blo gros rgyal mtshan, 1294-1376) as presiding abbot (mkhan po: upādhyāya), Lochen Jangchub Tsemo (lo chen byang chub rtse mo, 1303/15-1379/80) as ceremony master (las kyi slob dpon: karmācārya), and Khenchen Sanggye Zangpo (mkhan chen sangs rgyas bzang po) as secret revealing preceptor (gsang ste ston pa'i slob dpon: raho'nuśāsaka)

In the mouse year of 1372, Buddhaśrī again approached Machik Chodron, requesting the tantric Mahāmudrā instruction known as Chagya Chenpo Lenchik Kyejor (phyag rgya chen po lhan cig skyes sbyor) ...

Read more from the biography of Buddhaśrī



Read more from the biography of Buton Rinchen Drub



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Read more from the biography of Changlung Pelchen Namkha Jigme


Read more from the biography of Changtul


Read more from the biography of Chegompa Sherab Dorje


Read more from the biography of Chekhawa Yeshe Dorje


Read more from the biography of Chennga Darma Tsultrim


Read more from the biography of Chennga Drakpa Jungne


Read more from the biography of Chennga Namtsowa


Read more from the biography of Chennga Rinchen Jungne


Read more from the biography of Chennga Rinchen Zangpo


Read more from the biography of Chennga Sonam Zangpo


Read more from the biography of Chennga Tsultrim Bar



Read more from the biography of Chime Dolkar


Read more from the biography of Chime Tenpai Nyima


Read more from the biography of Chime Yeshe


Read more from the biography of Choden Zangmo


Read more from the biography of Chodrak Zangpo, and Diana Mukpo, Dragon Thunder, Chapter One. ...

Read more from the biography of Chogyam Trungpa


Chogyel Mipam Trinle Rabten (si tu 06 chos rgyal 'phrin las rab bstan) was born in a village called Tsetang (g/rtse/s dangs/thang) the Mesho (smad shod) valley in Derge (sde dge) ...

Read more from the biography of Chogyel Mipam Trinle Rabten


Read more from the biography of Choje Gangpa Rinchen Wozer

... His birth as the reincarnation of the First Chakra Tulku, Sanggye Peljor (lcags ra sprul sku 01 grub thob sangs rgyas dpal 'byor, 1449-1523) was said to have been prophesized to the Second Pakpa Lha, Sanggye Pel ('phags pa Lha 02 sangs rgyas dpal, 1507-1566) by Jangsem Lodro Wozser (byang sems blo gros 'od zer). ...

Read more from the biography of Choje Ngawang



Read more from the biography of Choje Tsadrelwa

Chokgyur Lingpa's early treasure revelations are recorded in multiple ambiguous and confused narratives

An ambitious twenty-five-year-old in search of religious authorization in eighteenth-century Khams, Chokgyur Lingpa would easily have been drawn to Derge, the largest and most vibrant religious and political region in Khams

Over the next two years, as Chokgyur Lingpa traversed the region between Derge and the Terlung Valley, he repeatedly came into contact with Khyentse Wangpo, meeting him three times at his monastery, Dzongsar (rdzong sar), between October 1853 and November 1855 ...

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Chokle Namgyel (phyogs las rnam rgyal), who is also known by the name Chokyi Gyelpo (chos kyi rgyal po), was born in the western region of Ngari (mnga' ris) in 1306 ...

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Read more from the biography of Chokyi Dronma


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Read more from the biography of Chokyi Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Chokyi Gyeltsen


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Read more from the biography of Chokyong Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Chokyong Zangpo


Read more from the biography of Chonam


Read more from the biography of Chonyi Wangmo


Read more from the biography of Chopa Lugu


Read more from the biography of Chopel Zangpo


Read more from the biography of Chowang Dorje Dzinpa


Read more from the biography of Chowang Drakpa


Read more from the biography of Chowang Lhundrub


Read more from the biography of Choying Dorje


Read more from the biography of Choying Dorje



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Read more from the biography of Chung Dorje Drakpa


Read more from the biography of Dakchen Sherab Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Dakpo Duldzin


Read more from the biography of Damcho Lingpa


Read more from the biography of Damcho Pelbar


Read more from the biography of Damcho Pelwa


Read more from the biography of Damcho Wozer


Read more from the biography of Dampa Lodro Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Dampa Yuzhik


Read more from the biography of Dawa Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Dawo Wangmo


Read more from the biography of Dechen Nyingpo



Read more from the biography of Delok Dawa Drolma


Read more from the biography of Delok Tenzin Chodron


Read more from the biography of Demchok Dorje

Born in the Denma region of Kham, Denma Tsemang (ldan ma rtse mang) was a Sanskrit scholar and translator and is credited with fashioning the elegant calligraphy of the Tibetan script ...

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Norbu (nor bu) was born in the village of Gyale (rgyal le) in the Tolung Valley (stod lung), northwest of Lhasa ...

Read more from the biography of Depa Norbu


Read more from the biography of Deumar Geshe Tendzin Puntsok


Read more from the biography of Dezhung Chopel Jamyang Kunga Namgyel


Read more from the biography of Dharmapālarakṣita


Read more from the biography of Dilgo Khyentse Tashi Peljor

Stories of Yeshe Dorje's unconventional actions are widely known ...

Read more from the biography of Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje



Read more from the biography of Dogyu Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Dokhar Tsewang Norbu


Read more from the biography of Dola Jigme Kelzang

In 1314 Dolpopa traveled to many of the great monasteries of Tsang and central Tibet and received the title “Omniscient” (kun mkhyen) because of his mastery of scriptures such as the one-hundred-thousand-line sutra on the perfection of wisdom ...

Read more from the biography of Dolpopa Sherab Gyeltsen


The Forty-eighth Ganden Tripa Dondrub Gyatso (dga' ldan khri pa 48 don grub rgya mtsho) was born in Tre Naktsang region (kre nag tshang) in Kham in 1655, the wood-sheep year of the eleventh sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Dondrub Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Dondrub Gyel


Read more from the biography of Dondrub Gyelpo


Read more from the biography of Dondrub Rinchen


Read more from the biography of Dongak Chokyi Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Dongak Chokyi Nyima


Read more from the biography of Dongak Tendzin


Read more from the biography of Donggom Zhikpo


Read more from the biography of Dordzin Gowoche


Read more from the biography of Dordzin Sonam Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Dorje Gyelpo


Read more from the biography of Dorje Khyung

Dorje Lingpa (rdo rje gling pa) was born in 1346 in Dranang Valley (grwa nang dben rtsa) in Tibet, into a family of yogis, and was given the name Orgyen Zangpo (o rgyan bzang po) ...

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Read more from the biography of Dorje Palam


Read more from the biography of Dorje Rabten


Read more from the biography of Dorje Rinchen


Read more from the biography of Dorje Rinchen


Read more from the biography of Dorje Sengge


Read more from the biography of Dorje Sherab


Read more from the biography of Dorje Zangpo


Read more from the biography of Doton Sherab Drakpa


Read more from the biography of Drakpa Dondrub


Read more from the biography of Drakpa Dorje


Read more from the biography of Drakpa Gyatso

During the period of intensive instruction he went through as a youth, the teachings Drakpa Gyeltsen received included commentaries on the Hevajra root tantra and the entire Cakrasaṃvara root tantra, several explanations of the Guhyasamāja tantra and many others

Drakpa Gyeltsen's written works also include spiritual songs and instructions to disciples as well as at least one medical text and one astrological treatise. He composed texts on the four classes of tantra and wrote an important consecration manual which strongly influenced authors of later manuals in various Buddhist traditions.

During his years as throne holder, Drakpa Gyeltsen sponsored the making of a statue of his grandfather Khon Konchok Gyelpo (khon dkon mchog rgyal po) who founded of Sakya monastery, and a stupa to hold his grandfather's relics ...

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Drakpa Gyeltsen (grags pa rgyal mtshan) was born in the year 1365 ...

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Read more from the biography of Drakpa Gyeltsen

Soon after, the story goes – and there are many stories, most of which, based on the art-historical evidence, seem to be quite late, possibly even early twentieth-century –  all sorts of calamities befell the residents of Lhasa and the region: diseases, deaths, and crop failures ...

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Read more from the biography of Drakpa Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Drakpa Gyeltsen

When he was six years old Drakpa Lekdrub went to Riwoche Monastery and took novice ordination with the twentieth throne-holder of Taklung Monastery, Tashi Peldrub (bkra shis dpal grub, 1600-1671/1672), who gave him the name Drakpa Tenkyong (grags pa bstan skyong) ...

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Read more from the biography of Drakpa Rinchen


Read more from the biography of Drakpa Rinchen

At the age of twenty-four Rinchen Sherab was made abbot of Yanggon Monastery (yang dgon), a branch of Riwoche ...

Read more from the biography of Drakpa Rinchen Sherab


The First Zhamar Drakpa Sengge (zhwa dmar 01 grags pa seng ge) was born in Pompo (spom po) in 1283 ...

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Read more from the biography of Drakpa Shedrub


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Read more from the biography of Draktengpa Yonten Tsultrim


Read more from the biography of Drangti Paṇchen Namkha Pelzang

Later in life he returned his vows and lived as a layman at Nemoche (gnas mo che) in Lak (glag) where he taught tantras and built stupas ...

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Read more from the biography of Drayab Tubten Zangpo


Read more from the biography of Drenpa Namkha


Drilungpa Tsultrim Sherab ('bri lung pa tshul khrims shes rab) was born in Tolung (stod lung) in the twelfth century into a family that belonged to Zhang clan, which was traditionally affiliated with the Bon tradition ...

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Read more from the biography of Drime Wosel Lingpa

... Used by permission." border="0" height="238" src="/uploads/person/8574/Andzom%20Drugpa%20shechen%2015275.jpg" width="210" />

Among his main disciples were Khenpo Kunzang Pelden (mkhan po kun bzang dpal ldan, 1862-1943); Terton Sogyal Lerab Lingpa (gter ston bsod rgyal las rab gling pa, 1856-1926); the Third Katok Situ Orgyen Chokyi Gyatso, the Third Getse, Gyurme Tenpa Namgyel (dge rtse 03 'gyur med bstan pa rnam rgyal, 1886-1952); the Fourth Moktsa Jikdrel Chokyi Langpo (rmog rtsa 04 'jigs bral phyogs kyi glang po, d.u.); Tubten Gyeltsen Ozer (thub bstan rgyal mtshan 'od zer, b.1862); Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro ('jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros, 1893-1959); Choying Rangdrol (chos dbyings rang grol, 1872-1952); Drejongpa Tubten Chonyi ('bras ljongs pa thub bstan chos nyid, d.u.), the Fifty-fourth Ngor Khenchen Kunga Tenpai Gyeltsen (ngor mkhan chen 54 kun dga' bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1829-1870), Ayu Khadro Dorje Peldron (a g.yu mkha' 'gro rdo rje dpal sgron, 1839-1953), and Khunu Lama Tendzin Gyeltsen (khu nu bla ma bstan 'dzin rgyal mtshan, 1895-1977). ...

Read more from the biography of Drodul Pawo Dorje


Terton Drodul Tobden Lingpa (gter ston 'gro 'dul stobs ldan gling pa) was born, it is assumed, in in the late second or third quarter of the nineteenth century ...

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Read more from the biography of Drogon Dutsi Gyeltsen

Drokmi Pelgyi Yeshe ('brog mi dpal gyi ye shes) was born at Yamdrok Gang (yar 'brog sgang) into the Drokmi ('brog mi) clan. ...

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Drokmi Lotsāwa Shākya Yeshe ('brog mi lo tsA ba shAkya ye shes) was a member of the Ban (ban) branch of the Drokmi ('brog mi) clan ...

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Dromton’s three chief disciples were Potowa Rinchen Sel Chokle Namgyel (po to ba rin chen gsal phyogs las rnam rgyal, 1027-1105), Puchungwa Zhonnu Gyeltsen (phu chung ba gzhon nu rgyal mtshan, 1031-1106) and Chennga Tsultrim Bar (spyan snga tshul khrims ’bar, 1038-1103). ...

Read more from the biography of Dromton Gyelwa Jungne


Dromton Zhonnu Lodro ('brom ston gzhon nu blo gros) was born in Ngar Shiujana (ngar shi'u bya sna) in the Lungsho (klung shod) region in 1271, the iron-sheep year ...

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Read more from the biography of Droton Dutsi Drakpa


Read more from the biography of Drubchen Bardrokpa

In 1386, when Kunga Lodro was twenty-two years old, he succeeded his teacher Nyawon on the seat of Tsechen Monastery (rtse chen) ...

Read more from the biography of Drubchen Kunga Lodro


Drubchen Namkha Gyeltsen (grub chen nam mkha' rgyal mtshan) was born into the Shupu clan (shud pu'i rigs) in Lhodrak in 1326, the fire-tiger year of the seventh sexagenary cycle

Later in his life, Namkha Gyeltsen was enthroned to seat of the abbot of Drowa Gon (lho brag sgro ba dgon), a small hermitage in Lhodrak ...

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Read more from the biography of Drubgyud Tulku


Read more from the biography of Drubgyud Tulku

... The cave was said to have been a practice site of Padmasambhava, and the site where the Tselpa Kagyu founder Zhang Yudrakpa (zhang g.yu brag pa, 1123-1193) later established a practice center ...

Read more from the biography of Drubkhang Gelek Gyatso



Read more from the biography of Drubtob Nyakre Sewo


Read more from the biography of Drubtob Pema Trinle


Read more from the biography of Drubtob Sengge Yeshe


Read more from the biography of Drubtob Tsangzhikpa


Read more from the biography of Drubwang Drakpa Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Druk Khenpo Ngawang Yonten Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Drukpa Kunle


Read more from the biography of Drungchen Khachopa Namkha Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Drusha Namkha Wozer


Read more from the biography of Druton Dulwa Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Druton Sonam Gyeltsen

In early 1837, at the age of three, his mother once went out to forage wild sweet potatoes and tied him to a rope at their tent so he would not wander ...

Read more from the biography of Dudjom Lingpa


Read more from the biography of Dudul Dorje


Duldzin Drakpa Gyeltsen ('dul 'dzin grags pa rgyal mtshan) was born in Drangyul (sbrang yul), in U in 1374

... A Kadampa monk, he was a main disciple of Tsongkhapa Lobzang Drakpa (tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa, 1357-1419) and Gyeltsab Darma Rinchen (rgyal tshab dar ma rin chen, 1364-1432)

... He was regarded by some followers of the Geluk tradition as one of the Je Yabsesum (rje yab sras gsum), the three main disciples of Tsongkhapa, until he was displaced by Khedrub Gelek Pelzang (mkhas grub rje dge legs dpal bzang, 1385-1438). ...

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Duldzinpa Takmapa ('dul 'dzin thag ma pa) was born in the early twelfth century in Tsang ...

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Read more from the biography of Dungtso Repa The Earlier

At the age of nineteen Dusum Khyenpa went to U-Tsang, visiting a monastery called Tolung Satang (stod lungs sa thang), where he received teachings on logic and Madhyamaka from a teacher named Tolung Gyamarwa Jangchubdrak (stod lung rgya dmar ba byang chub grags, d.u.)

He then proceeded to Daklha Gampo (dwags lha sgam po) and received teachings and transmissions from Gampopa

When Dusum Khyenpa was about fifty years old Gampopa passed away, and, following some last advice that he should return to meditate at a place called Kampo Nenang (kam po gnas nang), he returned to Kham

... There he founded the monastery of Kampo Nenang in 1164

While he was in Kham he met and taught Dampa Deshek (dam pa bde gshegs, 1122-1192), the younger brother of Pakmodrupa Dorje Gyelpo (phag mo gru pa rdo rje rgyal pa, 1110-1170), who had been in central Tibet for several decades studying ...

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Read more from the biography of Dutsi Gyurme


Read more from the biography of Dzeng Dharmabodhi


Read more from the biography of Ga Lama Gendun Zangpo


Read more from the biography of Ga Lotsāwa Zhonnu Pel


Read more from the biography of Ga Rabjampa Kunga Yeshe


Read more from the biography of Gakye

Some years after taking ordination, after sitting a short retreat near his home village, he overheard three beggars speaking about Milarepa (mi las ras pa, 1052-1135), and he experienced a rush of faith

According to the Blue Annals, Milarepa explained to Sonam Rinchen that the Kadam tradition possessed inadequate tantric teachings, owing to Dromton Gyelwa Jungne ('brom ston, 1005-1064) and other members of the Eastern Vinaya tradition objecting to the full implications of Atiśa Dīpaṃkara's (c

While passing though Yarlung (yar lung) on his way to Drin, Sonam Rinchen learned that Milarepa had passed away ...

Read more from the biography of Gampopa Sonam Rinchen


Gar Chodingpa was an early promoter of the Tsari (rtsa ri) pilgrimage route, one of three men sent there by Jikten Gonpo to develop the mountain region for Drigung Kagyu practice. ...

Read more from the biography of Gar Dampa Chodingpa


Read more from the biography of Gara Lama Sonam Rabten



Read more from the biography of Garwang Chokyi Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Garwang Dorje


Read more from the biography of Garwang Lerab Lingpa

At the age of nine Ngawang Lekpa completed the retreats of White Tārā and Bhūtaḍāmara Vajrapāṇi ...

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Read more from the biography of Gejong Tashi Bum


Read more from the biography of Gelek Namgyel


Read more from the biography of Gelek Pelzang


Read more from the biography of Gelongma Pelmo


Read more from the biography of Gendun Chokyi Wangchuk


Read more from the biography of Gendun Chopel


Gendun Drub was born to a family of nomadic farmers in 1391 near Sakya in Tsang

When he was twenty-five, in 1415, Gendun Drub traveled to U where he met Tsongkhapa Lobzang Drakpa (tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa, 1357-1419), remaining at Ganden for roughly twelve years, although Tsongkhapa passed away only four years after their meeting ...

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Gendun Gyatso (dge 'dun rgya mtsho) was born in 1476 in the Tanak area of Tsang

At this time, in the early years of the Geluk lineage in Tibet, the tradition of recognizing reincarnated lamas was extremely unusual, and Gendun Gyatso remained at home for some time, before being enthroned as the reincarnation of Gendun Drub at Tashilhunpo in 1487 ...

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Read more from the biography of Gendun Gyeltsen


The Twenty-eighth Ganden Tripa, Gendun Gyeltsen (dga' ldan khri pa 28 dge 'dun rgyal mtshan) was born at Lumpa Shar in Lhasa (lha sa'i lum pa shar) in 1532, the water-dragon year of the ninth sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Gendun Konchok Lobzang Tendzin


Read more from the biography of Gendun Puntsok


Read more from the biography of Gendun Rinchen Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Gendun Tashi


Read more from the biography of Gendun Tendzin Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Gendun Tendzin Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Gendun Tenpa Dargye

... He initially was enthroned at Chubzang, but soon moved to Lamo Dechen Monastery (la mo bde chen dgon), which had been founded by the Third Zhabdrung Karpo, Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen (zhabs drung dkar po 03 blo bzang bstan pai rgyal mtshan, 1660-1728). ...

Read more from the biography of Gendun Tenzin Norbu


The Third Rongwo Drubchen, Gendun Trinle Rabgye (rong bo grub chen 03 dge 'dun 'phrin las rab rgyas) was born in 1740, the iron-monkey year of the twelfth sexagenary cycle, in a place named Nyagong Drakarto (gnya gong brag dkar to) in the Nyantok (gnyan tog) area of Rebkong ...

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Read more from the biography of Gendun Tsultrim


Read more from the biography of Gepel Tulku Jamyang Kunga Chokyi Nyima


Read more from the biography of Geshe Yakru Peldrak


Read more from the biography of Getse Pema


Read more from the biography of Gharungwa Lhai Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Giteng Lobzang Pelden

According to the Peking Tripitaka Online Search there are eight translations in the Tibetan canon credited to Go Chodrub ...

Read more from the biography of Go Chodrub

Discouraged by his inability to receive teachings in Tibet, Khukpa Lhetse then decided to try his luck in India

Khukpa Lhetse translated dozens of important texts that are today preserved in the Tibetan Buddhist canon ...

Read more from the biography of Go Khukpa Lhetse

... Go Lotsawa.jpeg" width="170" />


Read more from the biography of Go Lotsāwa Zhonnu Pel


Godzung Lodro Gyeltsen (sgo dzung blo gros rgyal mtshan) was born in Gyelrong (rgyal rong) region of Kham some time in the sixteenth century ...

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Read more from the biography of Gomchen Barwa


Read more from the biography of Gomchung Sherab Jangchub


Read more from the biography of Gompa Adrupa


Read more from the biography of Gompa Choseng


Read more from the biography of Gompo Tsultrim Nyingpo


Read more from the biography of Gonbujab

During the final five years of his life, beginning in 1078, Wangchuk Gyeltsen served as abbot of Reting Monastery (rwa sgreng), which was established by Dromton in 1057, ...

Read more from the biography of Gonpawa Wangchuk Gyeltsen



Read more from the biography of Gonpo Dargye

In his early twenties, Gorampa fell ill and was prevented from going on a tour of various monastic colleges as he had intended ...

Read more from the biography of Gorampa Sonam Sengge


Gorub Lotsāwa Chokyi Sherab (go rub lo tsA ba chos kyi shes rab) was born sometime during the beginning of the eleventh century, probably in central Tibet, where he completed his religious studies. ...

Read more from the biography of Gorub Lotsāwa Chokyi Sherab


Read more from the biography of Gorumpa Kunga Lekpa


Read more from the biography of Gotsangpa Gonpo Dorje


Read more from the biography of Gurawa Tsultrim Dorje


Read more from the biography of Guru Chowang


Read more from the biography of Guru Tsewang


Read more from the biography of Gyarong Khandro Dechen Wangmo

... They likely worked from the earliest Chinese version (T374), translated around 421–432 by Dharmakṣema in the northern kingdom of Beiliang 北涼.1 Gewai Lodro seems to have lived in the eleventh century, judging by his many collaborations with Atiśa Dīpaṃkara Śrījñāna (982-1055?), Jñānaśrībhadra and other men who lived in that century. ...

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Gyelpo Zhabdrung Stansrung Stobden Migyur Tseten Namgyel (rgyal po zhabs drung bstan srung stobs ldan mi 'gyur tshe brtan rnam rgyal) was born in the year 1711 ...

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Read more from the biography of Gyelse Kunga Gyeltsen

As an infant he was identified as the reincarnation of Rigdzin Dudul Dorje (rig 'dzin bdud 'dul rdo rje, 1615-1672) a famous treasure revealer associated with Katok. ...

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Gyelse Tokme Zangpo (rgyal sras thogs med bzang po) was born in a small place called Puljung Drakkya (phul byung brag skya) in Sakya in 1295, the wood-sheep year of the fifth sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Gyelse Zhenpen Taye Wozer


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Darma Rinchen studied at Sakya Monastery (sa skya dgon), the Kadam monastery of Sangpu (gsang phu), and the Kagyu monastery Tsetang (rtse thang), which was later converted to the Geluk tradition

Following Tsongkhapa's death in 1419, at the age of fifty-four or fifty-six Darma Rinchen ascended to the golden throne of Ganden, becoming the Second Ganden Tripa (dga' ldan khri pa), the official head of the Geluk tradition

Gyeltsab was a prolific author, composing works on Madhyamaka, Epistemology, and the Guhyasamāja, among other topics ...

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Gyelwa Chokyang (rgyal ba mchog dbyangs) was born into the Ngenlam (ngan lam) clan in Uru Penyul Valley (dbu ru 'phan yul), north of Lhasa

Gyelwa Chokyang’s reincarnations are said to include the Second Karmapa, Karma Pakshi (karma pa 02 karma pakshi, 1204-1283) ...

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Born to the Dre ('bre) clan, Gyelwai Lodro (rgyal ba'i blo gros) was an administrator in the government of King Tri Songdetsen (khri srong lde'u btsan) before taking ordination in India ...

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Gyergom Tsultrim Sengge (gyer sgom tshul khrims seng+ge) was born a member of Khangsar (khang gsar) family which formed part of the Begu (be gu) branch of the Gyer (dgyer) clan ...

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Read more from the biography of Gyurme Dechen


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Read more from the biography of Gyurme Sizhi Puntsok


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Read more from the biography of Gyurme Tenpa Namgyel


Read more from the biography of Gyurme Tenpel Chozang


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Read more from the biography of Hor Donyon Rinpoche


Read more from the biography of Horkhang Sonam Pelbar


Read more from the biography of Humrel Dung Dung Gyelchok

Kongtrul complained in his autobiography that his second ordination was unnecessary, but there were institutional reasons for taking it

The first of the Five Treasuries that Jamgon Kongtrul began work on was the ten-volume Treasury of Kagyu Tantras (bka' brgyud sngags mdzod), a compendium of tantric liturgical texts based on material originally transmitted by Marpa Chokyi Lodro (mar pa chos kyi blo gros, 1012-1097) to his disciple Ngokton Choku Dorje (rngog ston chos sku rdo rje, 1036-1102), the lama to whom Milarepa (mi la ras pa, 1040-1123) once fled when Marpa refused to give him teachings ...

Read more from the biography of Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye

... Tripa 90.jpg" src="/uploads/person/7870/80482.%20Tripa%2090.jpg" width="230" />

The Ninetieth Ganden Tripa, Jampa Chodrak (dga' ldan khri pa 90 byams pa chos grags) was born at Drango in the Trehor region of Kham (tre hor brag 'go) in 1849, the earth-bird year of the fourteenth sexagenary cycle ...

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The Twenty-fourth Ganden Tripa, Jampa Gyatso (dga' ldan khri pa 24 byams pa rgya mtsho) was born in Zhog Drampu (zhogs gram phu) in Penpo ('phan po) in 1516, the fire-mouse year of the ninth sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Jampa Jungne


Read more from the biography of Jampa Khawoche


Read more from the biography of Jampa Kunga Tashi


Read more from the biography of Jampa Namkha Kunzang Tenpai Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Jampa Ngawang Kunga Chopel

In 1665 established the Nyingma Pelyul Monastery in the southern region of the Derge territory, assigning Rigdzin Kunzang Sherab to serve as its first throne holder. ...

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Read more from the biography of Jampa Rinchen Khyentse Wangpo


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Read more from the biography of Jampa Tashi


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Read more from the biography of Jampel Dorje


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This essay was adapted from "The Eighth Dalai Lama Jampel Gyatso", in Martin Brauen, editor, The Dalai Lamas, Chicago: Serindia, pp ...

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Jampel Gyatso ('jam dpal rgya mtsho) was born in 1356 in the Tsongkha region of Amdo ...

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Read more from the biography of Jampel Gyepai Dorje


Read more from the biography of Jampel Kelzang Jigme Chokyi Gyeltsen

[28]; ...

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Among his disciples were Peljor Dondrub, the First Tsurpu Gyeltsab (mtshur phu rgyal tshab 01 dpal 'byor don grub, 1427-1489), and Minyak Dorje Sengge (mi nyag pa rdo rje seng+ge, b ...

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Read more from the biography of Jamyang Amnye Zhab Ngawang Kunga Sonam



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Read more from the biography of Jamyang Choje Tashi Pelden


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Read more from the biography of Jamyang Damcho


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Read more from the biography of Jamyang Donyo Pelden


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Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo ('jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse' dbang po) was born on the first day of the sixth month of the iron dragon year, or July 11, 1820, in the village of Dilgo (dil mgo) in the Terlung (gter klung) valley to the southeast of the Derge capital

... There he also received a blessing from Pema Chogyel Tulku Jangchub Chokyi Nyima (pad+ma chos rgyal sprul sku byang chub chos kyi nyi ma, d.u.), who prophesied that he would have a long life.

When the boy was twelve Tartse Khenpo identified him as the reincarnation of Tartse Khenchen Jampa Namkha Chime (thar rtse mkhan chen byams pa nam mkha' 'chi med, 1765-1820), and gave him the name Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo Kunga Tenpai Gyeltsen Pelzangpo ('jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse' dbang po kun dga' bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po)

... Although the Longchen Nyingtik was not one of his primary practices, he figures large in the transmission history of the treasure cycle.

Other prominent lamas that he studied with include: Shechen Paṇḍita Jamyang Gyepai Lodro (zhe chen paNDita 'jam dbyangs dgyes pa'i blo gros, d.u.), the Second Dzogchen Khenrab Zhenpen Taye (rdzogs chen mkhan rabs 02 gzhan phan mtha' yas, 1800-1855), the Fourth Dzogchen Tulku Mingyur Namkhai Dorje (rdzogs chen 04 mi 'gyur nam mkha'i rdo rje, 1793-1870), the Thirty-fourth Sakya Trichen Pema Dundul Wangchuk (sa skya khri chen 34 pad+ma bdud 'dul dbang phyug, 1792-1853), the Thirty-fifth Sakya Trichen Dorje Rinchen (sa skya khri chen 35 rdo rje rin chen, 1819-1867), Zhalu Ribuk Tulku Losel Tenkyong (zhwa lu ri sbug sprul sku blo gsal bstan skyong, b

... For the next four years, in accordance with the Ngor custom, he practiced tantra, such as Hevajra, the three classes of Kriya tantra, and so forth.

At the age of twenty-nine, in 1848, Khyentse Wangpo traveled again to Tibet with the Ngor Khenchen, where he remained until the beginning of the 1850s.

Over the decade of the 1850s Khyentse Wangpo collaborated so closely with two men that the three continue to be referred to as the Khyen Kong Chok Desum (mkhyen kong mchog sde gsum), meaning “the triumvirate of Khyentse Wangpo, Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye ('jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas, 1813-1899), and Chokgyur Lingpa (mchog gyur gling pa, 1829-1870)." Jamgon Kongtrul was a prominent tulku at Pelpung (dpal spungs), the Karma Kagyu monastery a half a day's walk from Dzongsar

... At the time Khyentse Wangpo gave Jamgon Kongtrul a complete set of Tāranātha's writings.

Khyentse Wangpo appears to have first met Chokgyur Lingpa when Jamgon Kongtrul sent the young treasure revealer for evaluation sometime between the end of 1853 and the end of 1855

... Khyentse Wangpo also participated in the sanctification of Jamgon Kongtrul's hermitage above Pelpung, Tsadra Rinchen Drak (tsa 'dra rin chen brag) a month later.

Khyentse and Chokgyur Lingpa again collaborated on the sanctification of a site near Dzongsar, Rongme Karmo Taktsang (rong me dkar mo stag tshang), a cave site that became the hermitage for the monastery's college at the beginning of the twentieth century ...

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Jamyang Konchok Zangpo ('jam dbyangs dkon mchog bzang po) was born in Drakmar (brag dmar) in western Tsang in 1398 ...

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Read more from the biography of Jamyang Kunzang Tenpai Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Jamyang Kunzang Tubten Chokyi Gyeltsen


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Read more from the biography of Jamyang Namkha Gyeltsen


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Read more from the biography of Jamyang Sherab Chokyi Nangwa


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Read more from the biography of Jamyang Tenpai Gyeltsen

The Fifth Gungtang Lama, Jamyang Tenpai Nyima (gung thang 05 'jam dbyang bstan pa'i nyi ma) was born in Marchu Dram-ngog Chakok in Amdo (mdo smad rma chu 'gram ngogs gca' khog) in 1860, the year of iron-monkey of the fourteenth sexagenary cycle ...

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The Third Belmang, Jamyang Tenzin Gyatso (dbal mang 03 'jam dbyangs bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho, 1854–1919) was born on February 17, 1854 in Chokhor Shitsang (chos 'khor shis tshang), Amdo ...

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Read more from the biography of Jamyang Yeshe Rinchen

In the 1709 Jamyang Zhepa returned to Amdo and the following year laid the foundation of Labrang Tashikhyil Monastery, on the full-moon day of the third month of the iron-tiger year, at the request and with the patronage of, among other Tibetan and Mongolians, the local Quoshot chieftain, Erdeni Jinong, who was later involved in the protection of the young Seventh Dalai Lama ...

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Katokpa Jangchub Bumpa (kaH thog pa byang chub 'bum pa) was born in a place called Tramtri (khram khri) in 1284, the wood-monkey year of the fifth sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Jangchub Chokyi Nyima

Lobzang Tsultrim Pelden, (blo bzang tshul khrims dpal ldan, 1839-1900), who served as the Eighty-fifth Ganden Tripa, was recognized as the reincarnation of Jangchub Chopel, and took the title of Trijang Rinpoche (khri byang rin po che) ...

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The First Nyingon Choktrul, Jangchub Dorje (nyin dgon mchog sprul 01 byang chub rdo rje) was born in Litang (li thang) in the seventeenth century ...

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Jangchub Tsondru (byang chub brtson grus) was born in 1817 at Olkha ('ol kha) near Gyantse (rgyal rtse) in Tsang

Adapted from “The fascinating life of lama Jangchub Tsondru (1817-1856) according to his biography.” In Karma Ura and Sonam Kinga, eds., The Spider and the Piglet: Proceedings of the First International Seminar on Bhutan Studies ...

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Janglingpa Tashi Gyeltsen (byang gling pa rin chen bkra shis rgyal mtshan) was a fifteenth century Sakya master ...

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Read more from the biography of Jangsem Choje Sonam Gyeltsen


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Read more from the biography of Japa Dongak Gyatso

Jatson Nyingpo established the monastic center of Bangri Jokpo (bang ri 'jog po), and he served as master to many prominent Nyingma and Kagyu lamas ...

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Read more from the biography of Jazi Amnye Drodul Pema Garwang Lingpa


Read more from the biography of Jedrung Jamyang Shenyin


Read more from the biography of Jedrung Miyowa Zhonnu Lodro


Read more from the biography of Jedrung Sherab Wangpo


Read more from the biography of Jetsunma Kunga Trinle Wangmo


Read more from the biography of Jigme Chokyi Wangchuk


Read more from the biography of Jigme Choying Dorje


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When he was twenty-eight, Jigme Lingpa entered a three-year retreat at Pelri, basing his practice on a number of popular treasure cycles such as the Droltik Gongpa Rangdrol (grol tig dgongs pa rang grol) of Drodul Lingpa

Jigme Lingpa never fully ordained, living as a tantrika, with a topknot and robes

Perhaps of equal importance to his training of Nyingma lamas from Kham and the subsequent spread there of the Longchen Nyingtik teachings was his involvement with the royal family of Dege

Jigme Lingpa passed away in 1798, at the age of sixty-nine, at his seat at Tsering Jong ...

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... Soon after, in 1862, Jigme Puntsok Jungne began to establish a new community in the upper Do valley, on the Tsangchen (gtsang chen) plain, which he named Tsangchen Ngodrub Pelbar Ling ...

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The Second Drime Zhingkyong, Jigme Rigdzin Gonpo (dri med zhing skyong 02 'jigs med rig 'dzin mgon po) was born in the late eighteenth century ...

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The Fourth Zamtsa Sertri, Jigme Samdrub Gyatso (zam tsha gser khri 04 'jigs med bsam grub rgya mtsho) was born at a place called Kotse in Amdo (mdo smad kho tshe) in 1833, the water-snake year of the fourteenth sexagenary cycle ...

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Jigme Tenpai Gyeltsen ('jig med 'bstan pa’i rgyal mtshan, 1788-1850) was born in 1788 at Mangdi Trelar (mang sde sprel lar), in the Trongsa (krong gsar) district of central Bhutan ...

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The Fourth Hortsang Sertri, Jigme Tenpai Nyima (hor tshang gser khri 04 'jigs med bstan pa'i nyi ma) was born in Pelshul (dpal shul) in Amdo in late 1816, the year of fire-mouse of the fourteenth sexagenary cycle ...

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... Returning to Kham after another visit to Jigme Lingpa, he began to transmit the Longchen Nyingtik there, giving them for the first time to the Third Dzogchen Negdon Tendzin Zangpo and Second Dzogchen Ponlob, Pema Sangngag Tendzin (rdzogs chen dpon slob 02 pad+ma gsang sngags bstan 'dzin, 1735-1810) ...

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At Labrang he studied under Ngawang Tubten Gyatso (ngag dbang thub bstan rgya mtsho, 1836-1877/1889), the fifty-first abbot of Labrang ...

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The Third Drime Zhingkyong Jigme Yonten Gonpo (dri med zhing skyong 03 'jigs med yon tan mgon po) was born in 1837, the fire-bird year of the fourteenth sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Jikdrel Chokyi Langpo


Read more from the biography of Jikdrel Jangchub Dorje

The Third Moktsa Tulku, Jikdrel Tutob Dorje (rmog rtsa 03 'jigs bral mthu stobs rdo rje) was born to the family of Gyiling Tukchok Dorje (gyi ling thugs mchog rdo rje, d.u.) in Golok ('go log), presumably in the first quarter of nineteenth century ...

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Tsunpa Kyab's father died when he was fifteen, and his mother passed away a year later ...

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The Forty-sixth Ganden Tripa, Jinpa Gyatso (dga' ldan khri pa 46 sbyin pa rgya mtsho) was born at Serdo (se mdo) in Amdo in 1629, the earth-snake year of the eleventh sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Jomo Mangchungma


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Read more from the biography of Jonang Lotsāwa Lodro Pel

... He was born in 1223, the water-sheep year, into the Nub (snubs) clan in the lineage of Nub Namkhai Nyingpo (snubs nam mkha'i snying po, eighth century) and Nubchen Sanggye Yeshe (snubs chen sangs rgyas ye shes, 832?-962?).

Dorje Yeshe received monastic ordination from Chung Dorje Drakpa (gcung rdo rje grags pa, 1210-1278), the fifth abbot of Drigung

... Dorje Drakpa and Tokkhawa Rinchen Sengge (thog kha ba rin chen seng ge, 1226-1284), the sixth abbot of the Drigung, gave him the complete transmission of Drigung teachings.

Not much is known about Yeshe Dorje's life until 1286, when the seventh abbot of Drigung, Chennga Tsamchedpa Drakpa Sonam (pyan snga mtshams bjad pa grags pa bsod nams, 1238-1286) passed away

... At the time, Chunyipa Dorje Rinchen (bcu gnyis pa rdo rje rin chen, 1278-1314), was next in line in the Kyura clan that had controlled Drigung since its founding

... Jikten Gonpo Rinchen Pel, ('jig rten mgon po rin chen dpal, 1143-1217), the founder of the Drigung tradition and the monastery, is said to have left in his last will and testament an admonition against choosing a throne holder outside of the Kyura clan

... It included the temples built by Jikten Gonpo Rinchen Pel, with subsequent additions built by Won Sonam Drakpa (dbon bsod nams grags pa, 1187-1234) and Chennga Drakpa Jungne (spyan snga grags pa 'byung gnas, 1175-1255), as well as vast numbers of statues, scriptures and stupas ...

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Khyunggom Joyung (khyung sgom jo g.yung) was born in Nyimo (snyi mo) sometime in the eleventh century, to a family that belonged to the Khyungpo (khyung po) clan, one of the main clans traditionally associated with the Bonpo tradition ...

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Read more from the biography of Karma Chopel


Read more from the biography of Karma Gyurme Ngedon Tendzin


Read more from the biography of Karma Jangchub Gyelpo


Read more from the biography of Karma Lhawang


Read more from the biography of Karma Ngawang Drakpa Chokdrub


Read more from the biography of Karma Ngedon Tendzin Trinle Rabgye


Read more from the biography of Karma Ngelek Tendzin Trinle Rabgye

While spending much of his early life in retreat, during the second part of his life, Karma Pakshi moved frequently due to local conflicts and wars ...

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Read more from the biography of Karma Zopa Zangpo

... Sengge Zangpo (seng+ge bzang po), a noted Kadam lama at Reting (rwa sgreng), gave him and teachings on the Bodhipathapradīpa, Prajñāpāramitā, Madhyamaka, and Pramāṇa and a number of tantric empowerments. ...

Read more from the biography of Katokpa Dampa Deshek


Biographical details about the fourteenth abbot of Katok Monastery, Jangchub Gyeltsen (byang chub rgyal mtshan), are few. ...

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Read more from the biography of Kawa Peltsek



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Read more from the biography of Kelzang Chodrak Pelden


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In 1714, upon hearing once more that some of Lhazang's men would again be in the vicinity, Sonam Dargye decided that it would be best to seek a haven for his son in Derge (sde dge)

In 1717 the Dzungar Mongols invaded central Tibet and Kham and drove out Lhazang

This essay is adapted from Matthew Kapstein, "The Seventh Dalai Lama Kalsang Gyatso", in Martin Brauen, ed., The Dalai Lamas: A Visual History ...

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Read more from the biography of Kelzang Jigme Namkha


Read more from the biography of Kelzang Lodro Kunga Lungtok Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Kelzang Lungrik Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Kelzang Pema Wangchuk


Read more from the biography of Kelzang Pema Wanggyel


Read more from the biography of Kelzang Tubten Wangchuk


Read more from the biography of Kelzang Wangchuk


Read more from the biography of Khandro Tāre Lhamo


Read more from the biography of Khangchenne Sonam Gyelpo


Read more from the biography of Khangsar Yangchen Drolma


Read more from the biography of Kharakpa Dulwa Wo

A layman, Pelgyi Wangchuk is said to have accompanied Padmasambava and Yeshe Tsogyel throughout Tibet teaching. ...

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Khardo Zopa Gyatso (mkhar rdo bzod pa rgya mtsho) was born near Lhasa in 1672 ...

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Read more from the biography of Khaying Drolma


Read more from the biography of Khedrub Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Khedrub Kunzang Gyeltsen

Among Norzang Gyatso's surviving works are a treatise on the generation and completion stages of Guhyasamāja, a short (5 folio) work on how to generate the illusory body, a commentary on the Kālacakra translated into English as Ornament of Stainless Light, a work on Mahāmudrā, and a treatise on calendars and astrology ...

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Khedrub Rinchen Lodro (mkhas grub rin chen blo gros) was born in Yeru Wensakha (g.yas ru dben sa kha), the famous Bon sanctuary in Tsang, where the Wensakha monastery was located ...

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In 1604, at the age of nineteen, he was enthroned to the seat of abbot of Tashi Pende Monastery (bkra shis phan bde dgon) in Nyangpo, which was established by the First Pakpa Lha, Gyelwa Pakpa Lha ('phags pa lha 01 rgyal ba 'phags pa lha 1439-1487) ...

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Khedrubje Gelek Pelzang (mkhas grub rje dge legs dpal bzang) was born in Tsang in 1385

When Gelek Pelzang was twenty-one he studied with Rendawa Zhonnu Lodro (red mda' ba gzhon nu blo gros, 1349-1412), with whom he took full ordination

Gelek Pelzang returned to Tsang and assumed the abbacy of Changra Monastery (lcang ra) ...

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Read more from the biography of Khenchen Dazer


Khenchen Lungrik Gyatso (mkhan chen lung rigs rgya mtsho) was a disciple of Kunga Drolchok (kun dga' grol mchog, 1507-1566) ...

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Read more from the biography of Khenpo Lobzang Puntsok


Read more from the biography of Khenpo Zopa


Read more from the biography of Khetsun Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Khon Konchok Gyelpo


Read more from the biography of Khon Lui Wangpo


Read more from the biography of Khordong Terchen Nuden Dorje


Read more from the biography of Khyenrab Jigme Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Khyenrab Norbu


Read more from the biography of Khyenrab Sengge


Read more from the biography of Khyenrab Wangchuk Drakpa Zangpo


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Gongkarwa's mother, Dorje Denma (rdo rje ldan ma, d


Read more from the biography of Khyentse Chenmo


Khyentse Tokden (mkhyen brtse rtogs ldan), a lineage holder of the early Drukpa Kagyu tradition, was a disciple of Lodro Sengge (blo gros seng ge, 1345-1390) as well as the great Jonang master Chokle Namgyel (phyogs las rnam rgyal, 1306-1386), from whom he learned Kālacakra ...

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Among those said to have been his reincarnations were Dudul Dorje (bdud 'dul rdo rje, 1615-1672), the Fifth Shechen Rabjam, Tenpe Gyeltsen (zhe chen rab 'byams 05 bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1650-1704), Dudjom Lingpa (bdud 'joms gling pa, 1835-1904), and Dudjom Jikdrel Yeshe Dorje (bdud 'joms 'jigs bral ye shes rdo rje, 1904-1987). ...

Read more from the biography of Khyeuchung Lotsāwa


Khyungdrak Dorje (khyung brag rdo rje, d.u.) was born in Sangen (sa ngan) in the seventeenth century ...

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According to the Blue Annals, Khyungpo Neljor asked his teachers whether anyone in India had met the Buddha Vajradhāra, the source of the Buddhist tantras ...

Read more from the biography of Khyungpo Neljor


Khyungtsangpa Yeshe Lama (khyung tshang pa ye shes bla ma) was born in 1115 in the Tolung (stod lung) valley to parents of old and prestigious families, the Gar (mgar) and the Nub (snubs)

With Drigom's blessings he returned to U to seek out Milarepa's disciple Rechungpa Dorje Drakpa (ras chung pa rdo rje grags pa, 1085-1161)

Khyungtsangpa stayed unnoticed in retreats for several years, but then while staying at Khyungtsang the secret of his sainthood became known to the world, no doubt largely because of his miraculous powers ...

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Kodrakpa was born in 1182, in Dingri (ding ri), long famous as the region where Padampa Sanggye (pha dam pa sangs rgyas, d.) had lived and taught for two decades ...

Read more from the biography of Kodrakpa Sonam Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Konchok Chodrak


Read more from the biography of Konchok Chopel


Read more from the biography of Konchok Chopel


Read more from the biography of Konchok Chozang


Read more from the biography of Konchok Damcho Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Konchok Dechen


Read more from the biography of Konchok Delek


Read more from the biography of Konchok Drakpa


Read more from the biography of Konchok Gyatso

The Second Belmang, Konchok Gyeltsen (dbal mang 02 dkon mchog rgyal mtshan) was born in 1764 in Sangzhung (bsang gzhung) near Labrang ...

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Read more from the biography of Konchok Gyepai Lodro

The Second Jamyang Zhepa, Konchok Jigme Wangpo ('jam dbyangs bzhad pa 02 dkon mchog 'jigs med dbang po) was born in a noble family at a place called Dechen Drampa Nang (sde chen gram pa nang) in southern Amdo in 1728, the earth-monkey year of the twelfth sexagenary cycle ...

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The Second Dzogchen Kongtrul Konchok Jigme Wangpo (rdzogs chen kong sprul 02 dkon mchog 'jigs med dbang po) was born at a place called Gyato (rgya stod) not far from Dzogchen Orgyen Samten Choling (rdzogs chen o rgyan bsam gtan chos gling) in the Rudam Kyitram (ru dam skyid khram) Valley in 1953, the water-snake year of the sixteenth sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Konchok Kyab

Konchok Lhundrub was enthroned as the tenth abbot of Ngor at the age of thirty-eight ...

Read more from the biography of Konchok Lhundrub


Konchok Pelden (dkon mchog dpal ldan) was born at Sakya in 1526 ...

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Read more from the biography of Konchok Peldron


Read more from the biography of Konchok Pelwa


Read more from the biography of Konchok Pendar


Read more from the biography of Konchok Sengge


Read more from the biography of Konchok Stanzin Damchos Gyurmed


Read more from the biography of Konchok Tendzin

The Third Gungtang Konchok Tenpai Dronme (gung thang 03 dkon mchog bstan pa'i sgron me) was born in southern Dzodge (mdzod dge'i smad) near Labrang (bla brang), in 1762, on the eighth day of the second month of the water-horse year of the thirteenth sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Konchok Tenpai Gyatso


The First Dzogchen Kongtul, Konchok Tenpai Gyeltsen (rdzogs chen kong sprul 01 dkon mchog bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan) was born in the lineage of Gyang-khar (gdung rigs gyang khar) that was descended from a famous minister and advisor to the king of Derge ...

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Read more from the biography of Konchok Tenpai Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Konchok Tenpai Nyima


Read more from the biography of Konchok Tsultrim


Read more from the biography of Konchok Yeshe Wozer


Read more from the biography of Konchok Zangpo


Read more from the biography of Kontse Tsewang Dondrub


Read more from the biography of Kunden Rema

He participated in the construction of Tropu Monastery (khro phu dgon), which was officially credited to Rinchen Gon for its founding ...

Read more from the biography of Kunden Repa


Katok Kunga Bum (kaH thog kun dga' 'bum pa) was born in 1332, the water-monkey year of the sixth sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Kunga Chopak Tubten Nyima


Read more from the biography of Kunga Drolchok

He likely joined the Geluk monastery Chamdo Jampa Ling (chab mdo byams pa gling) in Kham and from there was went to Lhasa and the surrounding region to study the texts of sutra and tantra in the Geluk monasteries there ...

Read more from the biography of Kunga Lodro


Kunga Pelden (kun dga' dpal ldan) was born near the Sakya Monastery of Galenteng (dga' len steng) near to Derge's Lhundrubteng Monastery (sde dge lhun grub steng)1 in the year 1878 ...

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Read more from the biography of Kunga Pelden


Read more from the biography of Kunga Peljor


Read more from the biography of Kunga Pelwa


Read more from the biography of Kunga Pelzang


Read more from the biography of Kunga Puntsok


Read more from the biography of Kunga Rinchen


Read more from the biography of Kunga Rinchen Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Kunga Sonam Lhundrub


Read more from the biography of Kunga Tashi



Read more from the biography of Kunga Tendzin


Read more from the biography of Kunga Wangchuk


Read more from the biography of Kunga Wangchuk


Read more from the biography of Kunga Zangmo


Read more from the biography of Kunkyong Lingpa


Read more from the biography of Kunpang Chodrak Pelzang


Read more from the biography of Kunpang Delek Rinchen


Read more from the biography of Kunzang Chokyi Drolma


Read more from the biography of Kunzang Dorje

After the death of the Third Karma Kuchen he supervised monastic affairs until the enthronement of the ninth throne holder of Pelyul, the Second Penor Rinpoche, Rigdzin Pelchen Dupa (pad nor 02 rig 'dzin dpal chen 'dus pa, 1887-1932), whom he continued to advise ...

Read more from the biography of Kunzang Gyurme



Read more from the biography of Kunzang Gyurme Lhundrub


Read more from the biography of Kunzang Jampa Sengge


Read more from the biography of Kunzang Ngedon Wangpo


Read more from the biography of Kunzang Pelden


Read more from the biography of Kunzang Pema Wanggyel


Read more from the biography of Kunzang Tenpai Nyinje


Read more from the biography of Kunzang Wangmo

Kuyelwa was said to be a great teacher, capable of meeting the needs of a large variety of disciples ...

Read more from the biography of Kuyelwa Rinchen Gon


Drubchok Wangpo (grub mchog dbang po) was born around the year 1571 into a familial line of a ruler of Chonggye ('phyong rgyas), a family that claimed Zahor ancestry ...

Read more from the biography of Kyabdak Drubchok Wangpo


Read more from the biography of Kyabje Yongdzin Tsultrim Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Kyobpa Pel Zangpo


Read more from the biography of Kyoton Monlam Tsultrim


Read more from the biography of Labsum Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Lachen Chemchok


Read more from the biography of Lachen Gongpa Rabsel

Sonam Gyeltsen was a prolific author, although many of his writings were never printed ...

Read more from the biography of Lama Dampa Sonam Gyeltsen


Lama Jangchub Sengge (bla ma byang chub seng ge) was a thirteenth century Sakya master

... He received it from Lama Ngawang Drakpa (bla ma ngag dbang grags pa) and passed it on to Sabzang Pakpa Zhonnu Lodro (sa bzang 'phags pa gzhon nu blo gros, 1358-1412) ...

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Lama Ngawang Drakpa (bla ma ngag dbang grags pa) was a thirteenth century Sakya lama ...

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Read more from the biography of Lama Orgyen


Read more from the biography of Lama Tsentrangwa

Pelgyi Sengge (dpal gyi seng ge), born into the Lang (rlangs / glang) clan, was the son of Ame Changchub Dekhol (a mes byang chub 'dre khol), who had been a disciple of Padmasambhava and participated in the Buddhist subjugation of Tibetan deities ...

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Konchok Jungne (dkon mchog 'byung gnas) was born in Yaru Chang Tanak (g.yas ru byang rta nag) in Tsang and became an influential minister at the court of King Tri Songdetsen (khri srong lde'u btsan), under the name Langdro (lang gro) ...

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Read more from the biography of Langlab Jangchub Dorje

Gyelwa Jangchub belonged to the Lasum (la gsum) clan ...

Read more from the biography of Lasum Gyelwa Jangchub


Layakpa Jangchub Ngodrub (la yag pa byang chub dngos grub) was born in Layak, in Lhokha ...

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Read more from the biography of Lekden Dorje


Read more from the biography of Lekdrub Pel


Read more from the biography of Lekpa Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Lekshe Chokyi Drayang


Read more from the biography of Lekshe Mawai Nyima

... Among his closest disciples were Drodul Pema Garwang Lingpa (gro 'dul pad+ma gar dbang gling pa, 1901-1965) and the Third Dodrubchen, Jigme Tenpai Nyima (rdo grub chen 03 'jigs med bstan pa'i nyi ma, 1865-1926) ...

Read more from the biography of Lerab Lingpa


From an early age Lachok Sengge was trained in foundational Madhyamaka teachings and given Hevajra practice instructions

Before passing away in 1489, Gorampa made several predictions about Lachok Sengge's future ...

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Read more from the biography of Lhachuk Kharwa Nyida Wo


Read more from the biography of Lhagyari Dechen Trinle Rolpa


Read more from the biography of Lhagyari Drale Namgyel


Read more from the biography of Lhagyari Ganden Pelbar


Read more from the biography of Lhagyari Jigme Wangchuk


Read more from the biography of Lhagyari Jikten Wangchuk


Read more from the biography of Lhagyari Kelzang Nyendrak


Read more from the biography of Lhagyari Lobzang Tutob Chogyel


Read more from the biography of Lhagyari Namgyel Wangchuk


Read more from the biography of Lhagyari Sonam Rabten


Read more from the biography of Lhagyari Tobjor Wangchuk


Read more from the biography of Lhagyari Tri Songwanggyel


Read more from the biography of Lhagyari Tsering Pelbar


Read more from the biography of Lhagyari Yulkhor Wangchuk


Read more from the biography of Lhagyari Zilnon Wangchuk

Lha'i Metok was the daughter Lha Lama Yeshe Wo, likely born some time in the middle of the tenth century

She ordained the year her father did, 988, and soon after established a nunnery, Trewel Ude (kre wel dbu sde) ...

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Lhalung Pelgyi Dorje (lha lung dpal gyi rdo rje) was born in Dromto Gungmoche ('brom stod gung mo che), east of Lhasa on north bank of Kyichu (skyid chu) ...

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Read more from the biography of Lhodrak Gyelse Zangpo

Lhodrak Sengge Zangpo (lho brag seng ge bzang po) was born into the Shupu (shud phu) clan in Lhodrak the late thirteenth or early fourteenth century ...

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Read more from the biography of Lhundrub Gyatso

... Tripa 94.jpg" src="/uploads/person/9053/80486.%20Tripa%2094.jpg" width="230" />

The Ninety-Fourth Ganden Tripa, Lhundrub Tsondru (dga' ldan khri pa 94 lhun grub brtson 'grus) was born at Shang Namling (shangs rnam gling) in Tsang some time in the last quarter of the nineteenth century ...

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Lingrepa Pema Dorje (gling ras pa pad+ma rdo rje) was born in 1128, in upper Nyang (smyang stod), the general area that includes the city of Gyantse (rgyal rtse) in south-central Tibet ...

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Read more from the biography of Lingza Chokyi


Read more from the biography of Lo Gendun Sadutshang


Read more from the biography of Lo Nyendrak Sadutshang


Read more from the biography of Lobpon Galeb


Read more from the biography of Lobpon Gonkarwa


Read more from the biography of Lobpon Tsangpa Jamseng


Read more from the biography of Lobpon Tsilungpa


Read more from the biography of Lobpon Yeshe Jangchub


Read more from the biography of Lobsang Phuntsok Lhalungpa


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Chodar


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Chodrak


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Chodrak

At the age of twelve he received novice monastic vows from Tso Tritrul Lobzang Gyeltsen Sengge (gtsos khri sprul blo bzang rgyal mtshan seng ge, 1757-1849), the reincarnation of the Fifty-third Ganden Tripa, Gyeltsen Sengge, who gave him the name Lobzang Chodrak Gyatso ...

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The Third Kondor Tulku, Lobzang Chokle Namgyel (dkon rdor sprul sku 03 blo bzang phyogs las rnam rgyal) was born in Gomde Nangchen (sgom sde ngang chen) in 1762, the water-horse year of the thirteenth sexagenary cycle ...

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Chokyi Gyeltsen ordained that same year, 1591, with Paṇchen Damcho Yarwel (paN chen dam chos yar 'phel, d.u.), Peljor Gyatso, and Paṇchen Lhawang Lodro (paN chen lha dbang blo gros, d.u.) officiating

Soon after taking the abbacy of Tashilhunpo, Yonten Gyatso (yon tan rgya mtsho, 1589-1616), the Fourth Dalai Lama, visited there, arriving in Tibet from Mongolia for the first time

Following the defeat of the Tsang King and the ascent of the Fifth Dalai Lama as King of Tibet in 1641, the fortunes of Chokyi Gyeltsen grew greater still ...

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The Sixth Gyara Tulku, Lobzang Chopel (rgya ra sprul sku 06 blo bzang chos 'phel) was born in Martang in Chamdo (chab mdo mar thang) in Kham in 1792, the water-hare year of the thirteenth sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Lobzang Chopel


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Chopel Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Dargye


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Dogyu Yeshe


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Dondrub

The First Detri, Lobzang Dondrub (sde khri 01 blo bzang don grub) was born in Trika (khri ka), Amdo, in 1673, the water-ox year of the eleventh sexagenary cycle ...

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The Fifth Zhiwa Lha, Lobzang Dondrub Gyatso (zhi ba lha 05 blo bzang don grub rgya mtsho) was born in 1800, the iron-monkey year of the thirteenth sexagenary cycle, in Wangkar, in the Drayab region (brag gyab kyi mnga' khul wang dkar) ...

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After his retirement from the Golden Throne of Ganden, Trichen Lobzang Donyo served as the abbot of Reting (rwa sgreng) and Rinchen Ling (rin chen gling) monasteries where he taught the monks until his death, at the age of seventy seven in 1678, the earth-horse year of the eleventh sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Lobzang Drime


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Gelek


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Read more from the biography of Lobzang Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Gyeltsen

... Tripa 91.jpg" src="/uploads/person/9049/80483.%20Tripa%2091.jpg" width="230" />

The Ninety-first Ganden Tripa, Lobzang Gyeltsen (dga' ldan khri pa 91 blo bzang rgyal mtshan) was born in Yara, Kham (khams ya ra) in the mid nineteenth century ...

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The Eighty-sixth Ganden Tripa, Lobzang Gyeltsen (dga' ldan khri pa 86 blo bzang rgyal mtshan) was born in Tsang in 1840, the iron-mouse year of the fourteenth sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Lobzang Gyeltsen Sengge


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Jampel Tendzin Namgyel


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Jamyang


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Jamyang Yeshe Tenpai Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Jangchub Tendzin Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Jangchub Tenpei Dronme


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Jigme Namkha


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Jigme Tendzin Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Jigme Tsultrim Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Jinpa


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Khechok


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Khechok


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Khedrub Nyima

... During the tenure he served as tutor to the Twelfth Dalai Lama, Trinle Gyatso (ta la'i bla ma 'phrin las rgya mtsho, 1857-1875), and performed the duty of abbot during his ordination. ...

Read more from the biography of Lobzang Khyenrab Wangchuk


The Seventy-fourth Ganden Tripa, Lobzang Lhundrub (dga' ldan khri pa 74 blo bzang lhun grub) was born in Gyelrong Tsako Choktse (rgyal rong tsha kho mchog rtse) in 1782, the water-tiger year of the thirteenth sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Lobzang Lungrik Nyima


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Mingyur Dorje


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Monlam


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Namgyel Tendzin Lhundrub

Lobzang Neten Tsondru (blo bzang gnas brtan brtson 'grus) was born to a Mongolian tribe called Balshul in 1696, the fire-mouse year of the twelfth sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Lobzang Nyendrak

Lobzang Nyendrak (blo bzang snyan grags) was born in Amdo in a place near Tsedo Tashi Chodzong (rtse mdo bkra shis chos rdzong) in 1718, the earth-dog year of the twelfth sexagenary cycle ...

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... Tripa 89.jpg" src="/uploads/person/9056/80481.%20Tripa%2089.jpg" width="230" />

The Eighty-ninth Ganden Tripa, Lobzang Nyendrak Gyatso (dga' ldan khri pa 89 blo bzang snyan grags rgya mtsho) was born in Drayab in Kham (khams brag g.yab) in the second quarter of the nineteen century ...

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Read more from the biography of Lobzang Nyima


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Pelden Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Pelden Gyeltsen

At the age of three Lobzang Puntsok Namgyel was brought to Drugu Tang (gru gu thang sgrub sde, a monastery founded by the First Gyara Tulku Drubchen Sherab Puntsok (rgya ra 01 grub chen shes rab phun tshogs 1566-1632) in 1622 and the main seat of his incarnation line ...

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The First Tukwan Lobzang Rabten (thu'u bkwan 01 blo bzang rab brtan) was born into the Tukwan (thu'u bkwan) clan in Tso-ngon (mtsho sngon; Kokonor) in Amdo in the beginning of seventeenth century ...

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Read more from the biography of Lobzang Samten


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Shedrub Tendzin Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tashi


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tashi Rabgye


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tashi Tenpai Gyeltsen

... Among his teachers there were Jamyang Tubten Gyatso (jam dbyangs thub bstan rgya mtsho, 1866-1928), the fifty-fifth abbot; Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen (blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1858/1859-1915), the fifty-eighth abbot of the monastery; and Yongdzin Paṇḍita, Lobzang Pelden (yongs 'dzin paNDi ta blo bzang dpal ldan, 1880/1881-1944). ...

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Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tendzin Namgyel Trinle Dorje


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tendzin Trinle


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tenpa


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tenpa Dargye


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tenpai Dronme


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tenpai Nyima


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tenzin Trinle Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Trinle Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Trinle Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Trinle Namgyel


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Trinle Tenpa Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tsondru


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tsultrim


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tsultrim


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tsultrim Gyatso

... As a child he was recognized as the reincarnation of Fourth Taktser (stag mtsher 04), about whom nothing is known, not even his name ...

Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tsultrim Jigme Gyatso


The Eighty-fifth Ganden Tripa, Lobzang Tsultrim Pelden (dga' ldan khri pa 85 blo bzang tshul khrims dpal ldan) was born in Tolung Ragkor (stod lung rag skor) in 1839, the earth-pig year of the fourteenth sexagenary cycle ...

Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tsultrim Pelden

... The Seventh Dalai Lama, Kelzang Gyatso (skal bzang rgya mtsho, 1708-1757) identified him as the reincarnation of the Third Zhabdrung Karpo, Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen (blo bzang bstan pai rgyal mtshan, 1660-1728). ...

Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tubten Gelek Gyeltsen



Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tubten Jigme Tsultrim Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Tubten Lungtok Shedrub Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Wangchuk


Read more from the biography of Lobzang Wanggyel

... 1921), a Kham-based trader who built the Pangdatsang family into one of the largest firms of early twentieth century Tibet, and his wife Nyi Karma (nyi kar ma) of the Drongmetsang (grong smad tshang) family of Markham (rmar khams) ...

Read more from the biography of Lobzang Yampel Pangdatsang


The Fifth Paṇchen Lama, Lobzang Yeshe (paN chen 02 blo bzang ye shes) was born in 1663, on the fifteenth day of seventh month of the water-rabbit year of the eleventh sexagenary cycle in Tobgyel (thob rgyal) in Tsang

Soon after the enthronement, the prominent teacher Lobzang Tendzin (blo bzang bstan 'dzin, d.u.), was invited to tutor Lobzang Yeshe in basic writing and reading

Thus in August of 1697 Paṇchen Lobzang Yeshe met the reincarnation of the Fifth Dalai Lama at Tendzin Palace in Santse (san rtse) county and made a number of offerings ...

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Tenpa Rabgye, the Second Reting Rinpoche (rwa sgreng rin po che 02 bstan pa rab rgyas), was born in Litang (li thang), in 1759, the earth-hare year of the thirteenth sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Lochen Ratnabhadra


Read more from the biography of Lodro Bum


Read more from the biography of Lodro Chokyong


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Read more from the biography of Lodro Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Lodro Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Lodro Gyatso


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Read more from the biography of Lodro Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Lodro Gyeltsen


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Read more from the biography of Lodro Sengge


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Read more from the biography of Lodro Tenpa

At the age of nineteen, Longchenpa entered Sangpu Neutok (gsang phu ne'u thog), a monastery that maintained both Kadam and Sakya traditions

One of these students, Wozer Gocha ('od zer go cha) had earlier been sent to find the texts of The Heart Essence of the Ḍākinīs, or Khandro Nyingtik (mkha' 'gro snying thig) and at Chimpu he gave it to Longchenpa for examination ...

Read more from the biography of Longchenpa Drime Wozer


Read more from the biography of Longdol Lama Ngawang Lobzang

During this period of intensive writing and teaching—the late 1650s through the 1660s—he traveled extensively, mostly through Litang and Batang, attracting disciples, renovating old temples, and constructing statues of Padmasambhava.[31] Many of his students came from the regions of Bubor (bu 'bor), Sa-ngen (sa ngan), and Chagdud (lcags mdud) in Nyarong.[32] ...

Read more from the biography of Longsel Nyingpo


Read more from the biography of Lorepa Wangchuk Tsondru


Read more from the biography of Losel Drolma



Read more from the biography of Lotsāwa Chokden Lekpai Lodro

When he was eight Drub Tashi received the lay vows of upāsaka from Yonten Chogyel (thub bstan dar rgyas gling mkhan po yon tan chos rgyal, d.u.), abbot of the royal monastery, Tubchen Dargyeling (thub chen dar rgyal gling) ...

Read more from the biography of Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrub


The Ninth Dalai Lama, Lungtok Gyatso (ta la'i bla ma 09 rgyal ba lung rtogs rgya mtsho) was born with several auspicious signs in a small village located near the Denchokor Monastery (ldan chos 'khor dgon) in Kham in 1805, on the first day of the twelfth month of the wood-ox year in the thirteenth sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Lupel

Rinchen Chok (rin chen mchog) was born in Penyul ('phan yul), in U (dbus), into the Ma (rma) clan ...

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Read more from the biography of Ma Tenzin


Read more from the biography of Machik Jobum


Read more from the biography of Machik Kunga Bum

The life story of Machik Labdron (ma gcig labs sgron) has been recounted in several different Tibetan hagiographies (rnam thar), with considerable differences among them

As shown by the painting to the right, Machik is known to have taught other women

Alternate versions of the Chod transmission history suggest that the teachings were passed from Padampa to Machik's teacher, Sonam Lama, and then to her ...

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... According to a religious history by the Fourth Drukchen, Pema Karpo (brug chen 04 padma dkar po, 1527-1592), Zhang Lotsāwa received the transmission from her only after he took complete ordination ...

Read more from the biography of Machik Ongjo


Machik Rema Darma Jangchub is an important female saint of the Tropu Kagyu (khro phu bka' brgyud) tradition, and possibly of the Chod, or Severance, tradition as well ...

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Read more from the biography of Machik Zhama


Read more from the biography of Mahāvajrāsana


Read more from the biography of Makzor Gonpo


Read more from the biography of Mandāravā


Read more from the biography of Margyel Dongkar


Marpa Chokyi Lodro (mar pa chos kyi blo gros) was born around 1012 in Chukhyer (chu khyer) in the Lhodrak (lho brag) region of southern Tibet

In the Kathmandu Valley, Marpa encountered a large gaṇacakra ritual feast officiated by the Nepalese teachers Chitherpa and Paiṇḍapa, both disciples of the great Bengali adept Nāropa

After twelve years away, Marpa returned to Tibet once again accompanied by Nyo Lotsāwa ...

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Marpa Sherab Yeshe (smar pa shes rab ye shes) was born in a place in Markham (smar khams) called Rusho Gegye Jemai Long (ru shod dge rgyas bye ma'i klong), the youngest of three children

In 1165, Sherab Yeshe returned to Kham and, in 1167, founded Sho Monastery (sho dgon) in Markham ...

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Mel Lotsāwa Lodro Drakpa (mal lo tsA ba blo gros grags pa, d.u.) was an important translator during the Second Propagation, primarily involved in the Mahākāla and Cakrasaṃvara tantric traditions. ...

Read more from the biography of Mel Lotsāwa Lodro Drakpa

... In 1358 he also traveled with Chokle Namgyel to U, and, as they were returning to Tsang, Lodro Gyeltsen was offered the Menchu Hermitage (sman chu) ...

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Read more from the biography of Menjangma

According to Tsangnyon Heruka's account, Milarepa's ancestors were nomads of the Khyungpo (khyung po) clan from the northern region of the “central horn,” (dbus ru) one of two administrative regions of Tibet's central province (dbus)

When the boy turned seven, his father was stricken with a fatal illness and prepared a final testament that entrusted his wife, children, and wealth to the care of Milarepa's paternal uncle and aunt, providing that Milarepa regain his patrimony once he reached adulthood

Milarepa eventually reached Lhodrak where he met a heavyset plowman standing in his field

Milarepa returned to his homeland for a brief period and then retired to a series of retreats nearby

Milarepa spent the rest of his adult life practicing meditation in seclusion and teaching groups of disciples mainly through spontaneous songs of realization (mgur)

... How sad.
People invested in things of life's round—
I reflect and reflect and again and again I despair.
They engage and engage and stir up from their depths so much torment.
They whirl and they whirl and are cast in the depths of life's round.

Those dragged on by karma, afflicted with anguish like this—
What to do? What to do? There's no cure but the dharma.
Lord Akṣobhya in essence, Vajradhara,
Bless this beggar to stay in mountain retreat.

In the town of impermanence and illusion
A restless visitor to these ruins is afflicted with anguish.
In the environs of Gungtang, a wondrous landscape,
Grasslands that fed yaks, sheep, cattle, and goats
Are nowadays taken over by harmful spirits.
These too are examples of impermanence and illusion,
Examples that call me, a yogin, to practice.

This home of four pillars and eight beams
Nowadays resembles a lion's upper jaw.
The manor of four corners, four walls, and a roof, making nine
These too are examples of impermanence and illusion,
Examples that call me, a yogin, to practice.

This fertile field Orma Triangle
Nowadays is a tangle of weeds.
My cousins and family relations
Nowadays rise up as an army of foes.
These too are examples of impermanence and illusion,
Examples that call me, a yogin, to practice.
My good father Mila Shergyal
Nowadays, of him no trace remains.
My mother Nyangtsa Kargyen
Nowadays is a pile of bare bones.
These too are examples of impermanence and illusion,
Examples that call me, a yogin, to practice.

My family priest Konchok Lhabüm
Nowadays works as a servant.
The sacred text Ratnakūṭa
Nowadays serves as a nest for vermin and birds.
These too are examples of impermanence and illusion,
Examples that call me, a yogin, to practice.

My neighboring uncle Yungyal
Nowadays lives among hostile enemies.
My sister Peta Gonkyi
Has vanished without leaving a trace.
These too are examples of impermanence and illusion,
Examples that call me, a yogin, to practice.

Lord Akṣobhya in essence, compassionate one,
Bless this beggar to stay in mountain retreat. ...

Read more from the biography of Milarepa

... TBRC W23846.

... TBRC W2DB4607.

... TBRC W25983.

...  TBRC W9209. ...

Read more from the biography of Mingyur Peldron



Read more from the biography of Mingyur Pende Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Minyak Kunzang Sonam


Read more from the biography of Mipam Gyatso

Jaganmitrānanda/Mitrayogin is also famous for his Letter to King Candra (candrarājalekha) which is quoted extensively in the middle section of Tsongkhapa's (tsong kha pa, 1357-1419) Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path (lam rim chen mo) ...

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Read more from the biography of Miyowa Zhonnu Lodro


Read more from the biography of Monlam Pelwa


Read more from the biography of Muchen Sanggye Rinchen

In addition to the masters mentioned above, Konchok Gyeltsen's teachers also included Peljor Sherab (dpal 'byor shes rab, d.u.), Kunga Pel (kun dga' dpal, d.u.), Yakton Sanggye Pel (g.yag ston sangs rgyas dpal, 1348-1414), Rongton Sheja Kunrig (rong ston shes bya kun rig, 1367-1449) and most importantly, Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo (ngor chen kun dga' bzang po, 1382-1456), with whom he studied the Cakrasaṃvara and Hevajra Tantras, as well as the Six Unions of the Kālacakra Tantra.

Konchok Gyeltsen also founded Linga Dewachen Monastery (gling dga' bde ba chen) in 1437 and Musu Yama Monastery (mus su ya ma dgon) in 1459. ...

Read more from the biography of Muchen Sempa Chenpo Konchok Gyeltsen



Read more from the biography of Mutruk Chokyi Gocha


Read more from the biography of Naktso Lotsāwa Tsultrim Gyelwa


Read more from the biography of Namcho Mingyur Dorje


Read more from the biography of Namdrol Zangpo


Read more from the biography of name unknown


Read more from the biography of name unknown


Read more from the biography of Name Unknown

From a young age Namgyel Draksang engaged in intensive studies under masters such as Lochen Jangchup Tsemo (lo chen byang chub rtse mo, 1303-1380), Ka Ngapa Peljor Sherab (bka' lnga pa dpal 'byor shes rab), the Indian Mahāpaṇḍita Vanaratna, and Bodong Paṇchen Chokle Namgyel (bo dong paN chen phyogs las rnam rgyal, 1376-1451) ...

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Namgyel Gonpo was born in Ngamring (ngam ring) in the province of Lato Jang (la stod byang) in the earth-rabbit year, 1399 ...

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Read more from the biography of Namkha Chokyi Gyatso

Following his education he a substitute abbot (mkhan tshab) at the then-Sakya monastery  Ngamring Chode (ngam ring chos sde) for many years

... Furthermore, he carried out many repairs and restorations of the main assembly hall at Jonang, the ecclesiatical residence, and the nearby retreat sites of Dewachen (bde ba can), Kyipuk Deden (skyid phug bde ldan), and Khacho Deden (mkha' spyod bde ldan). ...

Read more from the biography of Namkha Chokyong


The First Moktsa Tulku, Rigdzin Namkha Chowang (rmog rtsa 01 rig 'dzin nam mkha' chos dbang) was born in Moktsa (rmog rtsa), into a family named Sheputsang (she po tshang), probably around the first quarter of eighteenth century ...

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Read more from the biography of Namkha Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Namkha Lekpai Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Namkha Pel


Read more from the biography of Namkha Pelwa


Read more from the biography of Namkha Pelzang


Read more from the biography of Namkha Rinchen


Read more from the biography of Namkha Sengge


Read more from the biography of Namkha Tsewang Chokdrub


Read more from the biography of Namkha Wosel

He was one of the co-authors, together with Kawa Peltsek (ska ba dpal brtsegs), of the Denkarma (ldan dkar ma) catalog of Buddhist scriptures done in the early ninth century under imperial orders. ...

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Read more from the biography of Namtrul Jigme Puntsok


Namtrul Namkha Yeshe (rnam sprul nam mkha’ ye shes) was born in 1446 in the region of Makhuk (rma khug) and belonged to the Dru (‘dru) clan ...

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Dorje Dudjom (rdo rje bdud 'joms) was born into the Nanam clan (sna nam), in Tsangrong (gtsang rong) ...

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Yeshe De (ye shes sde) was born into the Nanam clan (sna nam) and became one of the three foremost translators of the imperial era


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Nangdzse Dorje (nyang snang mdzad rdo rje) was born in the hamlet of Nyang in Rebkong (reb kong), Amdo ...

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Read more from the biography of Nangso Damepa


Read more from the biography of Nangzher Lopo

... Judging by his epithet "Nartangpa" he was associated with the Kadam Nartang Monastery ...

Read more from the biography of Nartangpa Tsultrim Gyeltsen


Naza Drakpukpa Sonam Pel (na bza' brag phug pa bsod nams dpal) was a student of Zhangton Konchok Pel (zhang ston dkon mchog dpal, 1250-1317), from whom he received the Lamdre teachings ...

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Read more from the biography of Nene Metokma


Read more from the biography of Nesar Jamyang Khyentse Wangchuk


Read more from the biography of Neuzurpa Yeshe Bar


Read more from the biography of Ngakgi Wangpo

He took complete ordination at the age of twenty-five from another Sakya master, Sonam Lhundrub (bsod nams lhun grub, 1441/1456-1525/1532) at a monastery called Samdrub Ling (bsam 'grub gling)

Ngari Paṇchen and Lekden Dorje then proceeded to Samye Monastery where they stayed for seven days in a nomadic tent performing rituals that included an extensive land blessing ceremony ...

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Read more from the biography of Ngawang Chodrak


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Chodrak


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Chodrak


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Chodrak


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Chojor Zangpo


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Chokden


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Chokdrub Tenpai Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Chokyi Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Chokyi Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Chokyi Wangchuk


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Chopel


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Dogyu Yonten Rabgye

Jetsun Ngawang Jampa was always closely in touch with the Fifth Paṇchen Lama and the Seventh Dalai Lama whom he visited frequently and made maṇḍala offerings, and they often ate together ...

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Read more from the biography of Ngawang Jampel Mingyur Lhundrub Dorje


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Jampel Rinchen

Although the emperor had forbidden the search for his reincarnation, Ngawang Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen (ngag dbang blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1844-1919/1920), who was born in Chone and who served as the Eighty-seventh Ganden Tripa, was identified as his reincarnation. ...

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Read more from the biography of Ngawang Jamyang Tashi


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Jamyang Tenzin Gyatso

The Ninth Pakpa Lha, Ngawang Lobzang Jigme Tenpai Gyeltsen ('phags pa lha 09 ngag dbang blo bzang 'jigs med bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1849-1900), who was serving as the twenty-seventh abbot of Chamdo Jampa Ling, passed away suddenly at the age of fifty-two, while on pilgrimage at Samye Monastery ...

Read more from the biography of Ngawang Jigme Khenrab Tendzin Trinle

... His hagiography recounts how the Fourth Jebtsundamba blessed and entrusted Ngawang Khedrub as his representative when he was about to travel to Wutai Shan ...

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Read more from the biography of Ngawang Khyenrab Jampel Nyingpo


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Konchok Nyima


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Kunga Lodro


Ngakchang Ngawang Kunga Rinchen (sngags 'chang ngag dbang kun dga' rin chen) was born at Tsedong in 1517, into the branch of the Khon family line based at the Ducho Labrang (dus mchod bla brang)

In 1534, at the age of sixteen, Kunga Rinchen ascended to the seat of Sakya as the twenty-third throne-holder, holding that office for fifty years, until his death in 1584. ...

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Read more from the biography of Ngawang Kunga Wanggyel


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Lobzang Choden

The Fifth Dalai Lama studied with many of the leading lamas of his day; his record of received teachings (gsan yig) fills four volumes

In his autobiography, a work that is highly revisionist, the Dalai Lama wrote that Sonam Chopel secretly requested Gushri to follow his invasion of Kham with an attack on Tsang, thereby wiping out completely all rivals to Geluk dominance of Tibet

In 1651 the Dalai Lama received an invitation from the Qing Emperor Shunzhi (順治 r

The effect of the Beijing meeting was almost immediate

The Fifth Dalai Lama did not submit entirely to pressure from within the Geluk establishment to utterly eliminate all other religious traditions

He founded many monasteries, including Tarpa Ling Monastery in Chushur near Lhasa ...

Read more from the biography of Ngawang Lobzang Gyatso

Unlike his predecessors the Ninth Pakpa Lha trained at Chamdo rather than in Lhasa, learning reading and writing and undergoing his advanced studies in the traditional sutra and tantra ...

Read more from the biography of Ngawang Lobzang Jigme Tenpai Gyeltsen


The Eighty-seventh Ganden Tripa, Ngawang Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen (dga' ldan khri pa 87 ngag dbang blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan) was born in Chone in Amdo (mdo smad co ne) in 1864, the wood-dragon year of the fourteenth sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Ngawang Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Lodro Nyingpo


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Lodro Rinchen


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Lungtok Yonten Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Namkha Zangpo


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Norbu


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Norbu


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Nyendrak


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Nyima


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Pelden Chokyi Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Pelden Gyeltsen Chokyi Wangchuk

Following the victory of Gushri Khan (1582-1655) and the Qoshud Mongol army over the forces of the King of Tsang in 1642, a central Tibetan government was established with power initially shared between the Fifth Dalai Lama and the Qoshud Mongols

... In 1703, Lhazang Khan (lha bzang khang, d.1717) murdered his brother Vangjal and became ruler of the Qoshud Mongols

The political situation in Tibet was further complicated by the Sixth Dalai Lama, Tsangyang Gyatso's (tA la'i bla ma 06 tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho, 1683-1706) refusal to take control of the government

In 1717 Ngawang Rinchen and his brother were able to go to Amdo, where they were received by the Seventh Dalai Lama, Kelzang Gyatso (tA la'i bla ma 07 bskal bzang rgya mtsho, 1708-1757) at Kumbum Monastery (sku 'bum) ...

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Read more from the biography of Ngawang Sanggye Pelzang


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Sonam Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Sonam Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Sonam Wangchuk

Ngawang Tashi (ngag dbang bkra shis) was born in Nyalung Village in Rebkong (reb kong), in 1678, the earth-horse year of the eleventh sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Ngawang Tashi Dechen Dorje


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Tendzin


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Tendzin Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Tendzin Lhundrub

The Second Gungtang, Ngawang Tenpai Gyeltsen (gung thang 02 ngag dbang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan) was born at a small town called Cha near Ganden Monastery (dga' ldan gyi nye 'dabs cha) in U in 1727, the year of fire-sheep of the twelfth sexagenary cycle. ...

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The Eighth Chakra Tulku, Ngawang Tenpai Jungne Trinle Chokyi Gyeltsen (lcags ra sprul sku 08 ngag dbang bstan pa'i 'byung gnas 'phrin las  chos kyi rgyal mtshan) was born in Robzho Pel in Chamdo region (chab mdo khul rob zho), in 1861, the iron-bird year of the fourteenth sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Ngawang Tenzin Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Trinle


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Trinle


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Trinle Gyatso

Among his students were Tsewang Tendzin (tshe dbang bstan 'dzin), and Lhakyab Mergen Deiching (lha skyabs me rgan dai ching). ...

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Read more from the biography of Ngawang Trinle Pelzang


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Trinle Pelzang


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Trinle Tenzin Khyenrab


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Trinle Zangpo


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Tsepel


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Tsultrim


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Tubten Kelzang Tenpai Dronme


Read more from the biography of Ngawang Yeshe Tubten


Read more from the biography of Ngedon Tendzin Zangpo


Read more from the biography of Ngoje Repa


Read more from the biography of Ngok Jo Tsultrim Sherab


Read more from the biography of Ngok Kunga Dorje

... Another was Nyen Lotsāwa Darma Drak (gnyan lo tsA ba dar ma grags, d.u.) ...

Read more from the biography of Ngok Lotsāwa Loden Sherab


Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo (ngor chen kun dga' bzang po) was born in 1382 at Sakya Monastery in Tibet

At age twenty-five, after Yeshe Gyeltsen passed away, Kunga Zangpo traveled to Shang Chokor Gang (shangs chos 'khor sgang) to study with Kyabchok Pelzang (skyabs mchog dpal bzang, d.u.)

When Kunga Zangpo was twenty-nine, he went to Sabzang Monastery (sa bzang dgon) and took up a position of authority, offering his students a broad range of religious instruction including commentaries on texts, empowerments and reading transmissions, and ordination ceremonies

Kunga Zangpo's many students included the next seven abbots of Ngor, or Ngor Khenchen: Muchen Sempa Chenpo Konchok Gyeltsen (mus chen sems dpa' chen po dkon mchog rgyal mtshan, 1388-1469), Jamyang Sherab Gyatso ('jam dbyangs shes rab rgya mtsho, c.1396-1474), Kunga Wangchuk (kun dga' dbang phyug, 1424-1478), Pelden Dorje (dpal ldan rdo rje, 1411-1482), Gorampa Sonam Sengge (go rams pa bsod nams seng ge, 1429-1489), and Konchok Pelwa (dkon mchog 'phel ba, 1445-1514) ...

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Ngulchu Dharmabhadra (dngul chu d+harma b+ha dra) was born at Rongto Chukmo in Tsang Yeru (gtsang gyas ru'i cha rong stod phyug mo) in 1772, the water-dragon year of the thirteenth sexagenary cycle

Responding with deep sorrow to the death, within a year, of his brother, mother, and maternal aunt, at the age of nineteen Lobzang Tsering sought out the life on a true renunciate, and moved to Ngulchu Hermitage (dngul chu ri khrod) where, at the age of twenty, he received the vows of fully ordained monk from Lobpon Yeshe Peldrup (slob dpon ye shes dpal grub, d.u.)

... He then decided to pursue further studies and, between the age of twenty-two and thirty-two he frequently resided at Tashilhunpo (bkra bshis lhun po), the seat monastery of the Paṇchen Lamas ...

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[1] TOH: 1436 - BCRD, BDRC; TOH: 2033 - BCRD, BDRC; TOH: 2034 - BCRD, BDRC.

[3] TOH: 2463 - BCRD, BDRC

[10] TOH: 1436 - BCRD, BDRC; TOH: 2033 - BCRD, BDRC; TOH: 2034 - BCRD, BDRC.

[13] TOH: 3970 - BCRD, BDRC.

[16] TOH: 3409 - BCRD, BDRC.

[17] BDRC, ACIP.

[18] Buddhist Canon Research Database (BCRD) and Dan Martin's Tibskrit  both name Drakpa Gyeltsen as the Tibetan translator of this text.

[22] See TOH: 3140 - BCRD, BDRC

[24] For example, TOH: 3142 - BCRD, BDRC. ...

Read more from the biography of Niṣkalaṅka



Read more from the biography of Nub Lotsāwa Yonten Drak

Despite the alleged demise of Buddhism in Tibet following Langdarma's reign and assassination, Nubchen continued his work, composing several treatises, including the Munpai Gocha (mun pa'i go cha), an important early commentary on the Gonpa Dupai Do that had a significant impact on the formation of the Nyingma school. ...

Read more from the biography of Nubchen Sanggye Yeshe

Nyak is known to have combined in one person the “four great rivers of transmitted precepts” (bka'i chu babs chen po bzhi) derived from the great masters Padmasambhava, Vimalamitra, Vairocana, and Yudra Nyingpo (g.yu sgra snying po)

His reincarnations included Charrong Eyi Menpa (byar rong e yi sman pa) in the twelfth century and Ramo Shelman (ra mo shel sman) in the thirteenth century. ...

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Read more from the biography of Nyakla Pema Dudul


Read more from the biography of Nyakpuwa Sonam Zangpo


Read more from the biography of Nyamme Shākya Yeshe


Read more from the biography of Nyamme Sherab Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Nyang Tingdzin Zangpo

Nyangrel constructed a small hermitage at a relatively desolate place known as Mawochok (smra bo lcogs) in Lhodrak

Nyangrel remains best known for revealing The Copper Palace (bka' thang zangs gling ma), the first complete hagiography of Padmasambhava ...

Read more from the biography of Nyangrel Nyima Wozer


Nyawon Kunga Pel (nya dbon kun dga' dpal) was born in 1285 into the royal family of Gyantse in the Nyang region of Tsang ...

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Read more from the biography of Nyendrak Tarpa


Read more from the biography of Nyene Rinchen Drak


Read more from the biography of Nyida Sanggye


Read more from the biography of Nyiga Kunga Nyima


Read more from the biography of Nyigyel Pangdatsang

... TBRC W00KG09970) ...

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... 1921), a Khampa trader who built the Pangdatsang family into one of the great trading firms of early twentieth century Tibet ...

Read more from the biography of Nyima Pangdatsang


Nyo Gyelwa Lhanangpa Sanggye Rinchen (gnyos rgyal ba lha nang pa sangs rgyas rin chen) was the only child of both of his two parents, he had two half brothers and two half sisters ...

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Read more from the biography of Oluk Darhan Nangso

... His most important disciple was Lochen Ratnabhadra (lo chen rat+na bha dra, 1489-1563). ...

Read more from the biography of Orgyen Dzongpa Chokyong Gyeltsen


The Second Chonyi Gyatso, Orgyen Jamyang (chos nyid rgya mtsho 02 o rgyan 'jam dbyangs), the reincarnation of Chopa Lugu (gcod pa lu gu, d.u.) was born in the eighteenth century as a nephew to Sonam Namgyel of Dzaka Monastery (dzaHka bsod nams rnam rgyal, d.u.), located relatively close to Katok itself. ...

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Read more from the biography of Orgyen Tendzin Norbu


Read more from the biography of Orgyenpa Rinchen Pel


Read more from the biography of Pa Rinpoche

Dampa is said to have travelled to Tibet on either three, five or seven occasions, spending varying amounts of time during each visit

Dampa is associated with the area of Dingri in south Tsang where he spent much of his time

According to some Tibetan histories, Dampa taught Chod to Machik Labdron (ma gcig lab sgron, 1055-1149), who is generally said to have originated the teaching

His teachings came to be characterized in three lineages: Early, Intermediate and Late ...

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Padmākaravarma was an eleventh century Kashmiri paṇḍita ...

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In addition to the above-mentioned biographical snippets, the Dunhuang archive also contains a lengthy commentary titled the Lotus Garland Synopsis (padma 'phreng gi don bsdus pa), a commentary on the Mahāyoga tantra known as the Noose of Methods (thabs kyi zhags pa)

Again, many of these themes are picked up and developed in subsequent biographies ...

Read more from the biography of Padmasambhava


Pajo Drukgom Zhikpo (pha jo 'brug sgom zhig po) was born the youngest of five children, in Kham, with the childhood name Dondrub Gyeltsen (don grub rgyal mtshan) ...

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... Other sources have them named Tsangpa Peldrak (gtsang pa dpal grags) and Tsangmo Rinchen Gyen (gtsang mo rin chen rgyan)

... His one younger brother, (or, according to some sources, his cousin) later known by the name Dampa Deshek (dam pa bde gshegs, 1122-1192), would found a very important early Nyingma monastery in Kham called Katok (kaH thog)

When Pakmodrupa was about twenty years old, taking with him a few turquoises for financing, he made the very long journey to the central parts of Tibet

A hermit in an area to the east of city of Tsetang (rtses thang), a place called Pakmodru (phag mo gru) which means ‘Sow Crossing,' handed over to him his meditation hut

The persons who rely [on these philosophies]
may have achieved certainty through their own intellects
in their various diverse views,
but since they have neither understood nor realized these
through meditation practice,
theirs are views devoid of realization.

Not just for three limitless eons,
but even for a million they may follow their procedures.
Still, there is no squeezing oil from husks.
They may plow and hoe the winter ground,
but come spring there will be no result.
Those who want to go east
waste their steps going west.
People suffering from the sweltering heat
desire shade, but surely, if they go again and again
to bask by the bonfire,
they will just go on suffering from the heat.

When Pakmodrupa died in 1170, the event is said to have been accompanied by a number of wondrous signs of his sainthood

... The most important and the best known of these lineages or schools were the Drukpa Kagyu, which came from his disciple Lingrepa Pema Dorje (gling ras pa pad+ma rdo rje, 1128-1188); the Drigung Kagyu, which came from Jikten Gonpo Rinchen Pel ('jig rten mgon po rin chen dpal, 1143-1217); and the Taklung Kagyu from Taklungtangpa Tashi Pel (stag lung thang pa bkra shis dpal, 1142-1209/1210)

... The other five disciples who are credited with establishing separate traditions of Kagyu traditions (or for being the teachers to the founders) are: Marpa Sherab Yeshe (smar pa shes rab ye shes, 1135-1203), founder of the Martsang Kagyu; Gyergom Tsultrim Sengge (gyer sgom tshul khrims seng+ge, 1144-1204), founder of the Shukseb Kagyu; Gyeltsa Rinchen Gon (rgyal tsha rin chen mgon, 1118-1195), founder of Tropu Monastery, the seat of the Tropu Kagyu initiated by his disciple, Tropu Lotsāwa Jampa Pel (khro phu lo tsA ba byams pa dpal, c.1172-1225/1236); Yabzang Choje Chokyi Monlam (g.ya' bzang chos rje chos kyi smon lam, 1169-1223), founder of the Yabzang Kagyu; and Yelpa Yeshe Tsek (yel pa ye shes brtsegs, 1134-1194), founder of the Yelpa Kagyu. ...

Read more from the biography of Pakmodrupa Dorje Gyelpo


The Fourth Zhiwa Lha, Pakpa Gelek Gyeltsen (zhi ba lha 04 'phags pa dge legs rgyal mtshan), was born in 1720, the iron-mouse year of the twelfth sexagenary cycle, in Drayab Gau Shodo (brag gyab ga'u shod mdo), in Kham ...

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Once Pakpa was settled at Khubilai's court, he gained a significant degree of influence and authority

In 1264 Khubilai Khan sent Pakpa and his brother back to Tibet to convince Tibetans to accept Mongol rule

Pakpa was able to use the power and other resources of his position to further his uncle's scholarly and cultural projects ...

Read more from the biography of Pakpa Lodro Gyeltsen


Paṇchen Bumdrak Sumpa (paN chen 'bum phrag gsum pa) was born in Yeru Khangmar Drakung (g.yas ru khang dmar brag khung) ...

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Read more from the biography of Paṇchen Namkha Pelzang


Read more from the biography of Paṇchen Sonam Drakpa


Read more from the biography of Pang Lotsāwa Lodro Tenpa


Read more from the biography of Parpuwa Lodro Sengge

While Gyelwai Nyugu first introduced Patrul to the nature of mind, Patrul's full-blown awakening to unobstructed awareness (zang thal gyi rig pa) came at the hands of Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje (mdo mkhyen brtse 'jigs med ye shes rdo rjes, 1800-1866) ...

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Read more from the biography of Pawo Wangchuk Tengpa Lobzang Nyima



Read more from the biography of Pelchen Chokyi Yeshe


Read more from the biography of Pelchen Ngepuwa


Read more from the biography of Pelchok Dangpo Dorje


Read more from the biography of Pelchok Gyeltsen

A remarkable painting of the opening of Rongme contains a scene with the royal revelers ...

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Pelden Chokdrub (dpal ldan mchog grub) was born in 1454, the wood-dog year of the eighth sexagenary cycle, in Kongpo, a place called Drakchi Lateng Khai Nyang-chip, (kong po brag ci la stang kha'i nyang cib) ...

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Read more from the biography of Pelden Dondrub


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Read more from the biography of Pelden Dorje

... Gyume Lobpon Ngawang Chokden (rgyud med slob dpon ngag dbang mchog ldan; the Fifty-fourth Ganden Tripa?) collected a bright red piece of iron in the shape of a norbu gakyil (nor bu dga' 'khyil), a highly prized jewel ...

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The Fortieth Ganden Tripa, Pelden Gyeltsen (dga' ldan khri pa 40 dpal ldan rgyal mtshan) was born in Spiti Dangkhar (spi ti grang mkhar), in what is now the state of Himachal Pradesh in India, in 1601, the iron-ox year of the tenth sexagenary cycle. ...

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Read more from the biography of Pelden Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Pelden Tashi

At first, Pelden Tsultrim stayed at Sakya and engaged himself in studying the Tantra Trilogy of Hevajra (kye rdor rgyud gsum)

At age twenty-three, in 1355, Pelden Tsultrim went to Jangchub Dzong (byang chub rdzong) in Tsamorong (tsha mo rong), where he engaged himself for a period of three years in religious practice ...

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Pelgyi Sengge (dpal gyi seng ge) was born in Lodrak (lho brag) into the Shupu clan (shud phu), the same clan as King Tri Songdetsen (khri srong lde'u btsan) ...

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Read more from the biography of Peljor Dondrub


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Read more from the biography of Peljor Lhundrub

... For example, in the final lines of his History of the Yamāntaka Lineage, Khontonpa refers to himself as “Peljor Lhundrub, a Khon monk, who, though born into the Mañjuśrī Khon lineage of the glorious Sakyapas, came to understand and to have faith in the texts of the omniscient Lobzang Drakpa [i.e., Tsongkhapa].” The Dalai Lama also asserted that Khontonpa was a reincarnation of Geluk patriarchs Jamchen Choje Shakya Yeshe (byams chen chos rje shAkya ye shes, 1354-1435) and of Chokyi Gyeltsen (chos kyi rgyal mtshan, 1469-1544), the writer of the Sera Je textbooks. ...

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Read more from the biography of Pema Chodzom


Read more from the biography of Pema Chozin


Read more from the biography of Pema Dechen Lingpa


Read more from the biography of Pema Kundrol Namgyel

According to the legend of the Khandro Nyingtik, King Tri Songdetsen's daughter, Princess Pemasel (pad+ma gsal), died when she was eight years old ...

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Pema Lingpa's legend has it that his previous incarnations were Lhachik Pemasel (lha gcig pad+ma gsal, d.u.), daughter of the Tibetan king Tri Songdetsen (khri srong lde brtsan, 742-796) ...

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... Around 1820, at Tsurpu Monastery (mtshur phu) he gave teachings and ordination to the Fourteenth Karmapa, Tekchok Dorje (karma pa 14 theg mchog rdo rje 1798/9-1868/9), who later came to Kham to continue to study with him. ...

Read more from the biography of Pema Nyinje Wangpo


Pema Rangdol (pad ma rang grol) was born in Sabzang (sa bzang) in the Mongolian enclave of Sokpo (sog po), Amdo, in 1786. ...

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Read more from the biography of Pema Sangngak Tendzin


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Read more from the biography of Pema Tekchok Tenpai Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Pema Tekchok Tenpai Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Pema Trinle

... In the Himalayan Art Resources (image #90187), there is a painting of a worldly protector, Shangmo Bamo ...

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Rigdzin Pema Trinle (rigs 'dzin padma 'phrin las) was born into the noble Janak (bya nag) family at the private palace of Monkhar Namseling (mon mkhar rnam sras gling) on the south bank of the Tsangpo opposite Samye Monastery (bsam yas), which is still standing

... Because of the Fifth Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobzang Gyatso's (ta la'i bla ma 05 ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho, 1617-1682) patronage of the Jangter (byang gter) tradition and of Dorje Drak (in contrast to other Nyingma lineages and institutions that had close ties to the defeated Tsang King), the Fifth Dalai Lama took a strong interest in the young Dorje Drak incarnation, protecting Dorje Drak and giving Pema Trinle refuge vows and, later, full ordination as well, bestowing on him the name Lobzang Pema Trinle (blo bzang pad+ma 'phrin las).

... In this capacity he served for decades as the chief ritual officiator of the new Tibetan state, presiding over elaborate ceremonies such as the final consecration of the Potala Palace (po ta la) and longevity rites for the young Sixth Dalai Lama, Tsangyang Gyatso (tA la'i bla ma 06 tshangs dbyangs rgya mtsho, 1683-1706). ...

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Read more from the biography of Pema Vajra

Sources form the early nineteenth century give the incarnation line as follows: Gushri Pelden Dondrub (stag phu gu shrI dpal ldan don grub, 1382-1466) Zhangpo Chogyel Tendzin (zhang po chos rgyal bstan 'dzin, d.u.), Ngawang Chodrak Zangpo (ngag dbang chos grags bzang po, 1493-c.1559), Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen (blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1714-1762), Lobzang Chokyi Wangchuk (blo bzang chos kyi dbang phyug, 1765-c.1792) and Ngawang Lobzang Tendzin (ngag dbang blo bzang bstan 'dzin, b.1808) and Lobzang Dondrub (blo bzang don grub, d.u.) ...

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Read more from the biography of Polhane Sonam Tobgye


Read more from the biography of Polu Khenpo Dorje


Pomdrakpa Sonam Dorje (spom brag pa bsod nams rdo rje) was born in 1170 in Drigyel Dampa Chopuk ('bri rgyal dam pa chos phyug)

Sonam Dorje once asked Sanggye Rechen who would carry on his teaching ...

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Read more from the biography of Ponchen A-nga


Read more from the biography of Ponchen Lhuntub

Potowa taught what were known as the Six Basic Texts of the Kadampa: the Mahāyānasutra-alamkara, the Bodhisattvabhumi, the Shikshasamuccaya, the Bodhisattva-avatara, the Jataka, and the Udanavarga, as well as Atiśa's Bodhipatapradipa. ...

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Read more from the biography of Prajñāvarman


... He took ordination at Gyel Lhakhang

... At Nyetang, he is said to have studied with Atīśa Dīpaṃkara (c.982-1054), and was one of Dromton Gyelwa Jungne's ('brom ston rgyal ba 'byung gnas, 1004/1005-1064) three main disciples, who together were known as the “three brothers” (sku mched rnam gsum)

... The other two were Potowa Rinchen Sel Chokle Namgyel (po to ba rin chen gsal phyogs las rnam rgyal, 1027/1031-1105) and Chennga Tsultrim Bar (spyan snga tshul khrims 'bar, 1038-1103)

... Puchungwa studied with Dromton for seven years at Reting.  The three brothers journeyed around Central Tibet widely spreading the Kadam teachings. ...

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Sumpa Zhabdrung Puntsok Namgyel (sum pa zhabs drung phun tshogs rman rgyal) was born in a small town called Sumpa near Gonlung Jampa Ling Monastery (dgon lung gi nye 'dabs sum pa grong tsho) in Tso-ngon in north-east Amdo, presumably in the second half of the seventeenth century ...

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Read more from the biography of Purtsa Khenpo Akon

Ra Lotsāwa attended the Fire Dragon Religious Conference (me 'brug chos 'khor) that convened in 1076 under the sponsorship of King Tsede (mnga ' bdad rtse lde, d.u.), the nephew of the famous King Jangchub O (byang chub 'od, d.u.) of the Guge (gu ge) kingdom in western Tibet ...

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Read more from the biography of Ra Sonam Wanggyel


Read more from the biography of Rabten Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Rangjung Dorje


Read more from the biography of Rangjung Rigpai Dorje

... 1921), a Khampa trader who built the Pangdatsang family into one of the great trading firms of early twentieth century Tibet, and his wife Nyi Karma (nyi kar ma), a member of the Drongmetsang (grong smad tshang) family of Markham (rmar khams) ...

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Ratna Lingpa (rat+na gling pa) was born in 1403 into a wealthy family in Drushul, Lhodrak (lho brak gru shul) ...

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Read more from the biography of Rendawa Zhonnu Lodro


Read more from the biography of Rigdzin Chodron

This essay was adapted from Gathering The Elements: The Cult of the Wrathful Deity Vajrakīla according to the Texts of the Northern Treasures Tradition of Tibet ...

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Read more from the biography of Rigdzin Pelchen Dupa

Katok Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu (kaH thog rigs 'dzin tshe dbang nor bu) was born in Sangen Sowa (sa ngan bso ba), in Kham, into the Go (sgo) clan

The previous year Tsewang Norbu had traveled to Markham Wendzong (smar khams dben rdzong) to meet Zurmang Chetsang Sungrab Gyatso (zur mang che tshang gsung rab rgya mtsho, 17/18th century), whom Tsewang Norbu came to consider his second root lama

In 1733 both the Twelfth Karmapa and the Eighth Zharmapa died en route to China, and Tsewang Norbu became involved in the search for their replacements, attaining a heightened level of influence among the Kagyu community.  He continued his involvement in Tibetan politics and Karma Kagyu religious affairs for the next several decades, serving as representative in Ladakh for the King of Tibet, Polhane Sonam Tobgye (pho lha nas bsod nams stobs rgyas, 1689-1747), and successfully mediating the end of a conflict there.

Tsewang Norbu also avoided criticizing Sonam Deutsen, even as he singled out that lama's reincarnation, Drime Zhingkyong Gonpo (dri med zhing skyong mgon po), who had assumed abbacy of Katok in the mid eighteenth century and whom Tsewang Norbu blamed for the deteriorated state of the monastery's buildings ...

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Read more from the biography of Rinchen Dorje


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Read more from the biography of Rinchen Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Rinchen Gyeltsen


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Read more from the biography of Rinchen Peldzom

... The Sadutshang family (sa 'du tshang) had substantial land-holdings in Kandze (dkar mdzes) and developed into a large trading firm with a Lhasa base in a manor house, Sadutshang, in the Banak Zhol (sbra nag zhol) neighborhood.

... Along with the Pangdatsang (spang mda' mtshang) family firm and the estate of the Fifth Reting Rinpoche, Tubten Jampel Yeshe Gyeltsen (rwa sgreng 05 thub bstan 'jam dpal ye shes bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan), they were referred to as the Reting-Pangda-Sadu triumvirate (re spom sa gsum). ...

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Read more from the biography of Rinchen Wozer

In Kashmir he met his first teacher, Śrāddhakaravarman, and began studying Sanskrit texts on philosophy and tantric practice ...

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Rokam Nyima Sherab (ro skam nyi ma shes rab) was born in 1139 in Lakyi Pulung Nyangkhang (glags kyi phu lung myang khang) of U

... He served in one of the battles fought by the followers of Zhang Yudrakpa Tsondru Drakpa (zhang g.yu brag pa brtson 'grus grags pa, 1123-1193) and then became the lama's attendant at Ngarpuk (ngar phug) ...

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This essay was adapted from The Buddha's Doctrine and the Nine Vehicles: Rog Bande Sherab's Lamp of the Teachings, pp ...

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The Third Changkya, Rolpai Dorje (lcang skya 03 rol pa'i rdo rje) was born in 1717 in the Drakkar territory of Nub Padmo De Monastery (nub padmo'i sde dgon) outside Liangzhou (lang gru), modern-day Wuwei

Rolpai Dorje was recognized as a reincarnation of the Second Changkya, Ngawang Lobzang Choden (lcang skya 02 ngag dbang blo bzang chos ldan, 1642-1714) in 1720 and brought to his monastic seat, Gonlung Jampa Ling (dgon lung byams pa gling), one of the four most important Geluk monasteries in Amdo. ...

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Rongton Sheja Kunrik (rong ston shes bya kun rig) was born into a Bonpo family from Gyelrong (rgyal mo rong), a region of Kham.  ...

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Born into a family of religious teachers, Rongzom Chokyi Zangpo (rong zom chos kyi bzang po) is presumed to have flourished in the second half of the eleventh century and to have lived a long life ...

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Sabzang Mati Paṇchen Lodro Gyeltsen (sa bzang ma ti paN chen blo gros rgyal mtshan) was born in 1294 in the Ngari (mnga' ris) region of western Tibet ...

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... (See TBRC W1CZ1188.) ...

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Sachen Kunga Nyingpo (sa chen kun dga' snying po) was the son of Khon Konchok Gyelpo ('khon dkon mchog rgyal po, 1034-1102), the first Sakya throne holder and the founder of Sakya monastery

At the age of twelve, under Bari Lotsāwa's guidance, Sachen did a six-month retreat on Mañjuśrī and reported a remarkable vision that inspired the now longstanding and widely practiced teaching known as Parting from the Four Attachments (zhen pa bzhi bral)

When Sachen was ready to receive the Lamdre (lam 'bras) teachings, which would become the core of the Sakya tradition, he sought out Zhangton Chobar (zhang ston chos 'bar, 1053-1135), a former student of Se Karchungba (se 'khar chung ba), also known as Seton Kunrik (se ston kun rig, 1029-1116)

Sachen followed this advice and over the course of the next eighteen years he meditated intensively on the sequential transmission he received from Zhangton Chobar

Sachen was purportedly the first to write down the previously oral Dorje Tsig Kang (rdo rje tshig rkang) or Vajra Verses, a foundational teaching of the Lamdre tradition that is attributed to Virupa and was transmitted to Tibet by Shakya Yeshe ...

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Sakya Lotsāwa Jampai Dorje (sa skya lo tsA ba 'jam pa'i rdo rje) was born in 1485, the wood-snake year of the eighth sexagenary cycle, in Tsedong (rtse gdong) ...

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Read more from the biography of Sakya Paṇḍita Kunga Gyeltsen


Śākyaśrībhadra was born in Daśobharā, in Kashmir, in 1127 (some sources have or 1145)

When Śākyaśrī was seventy-seven he was invited to Tibet by Tropu Lotsāwa Rinchen Sengge (khro phu lo tsA ba, 1173-1236?) who went to the Chumbi Valley in search of him; they met in a town called Vaneśvara

Śākyaśrī is said to have brought with him relics of the Buddha that his brother, Buddhacandra, is said to have received from a Sinhalese arhat

Early in his time in Tibet, possibly while still on his route to Tropu from Chumik (chu mig) in 1204, he met Sakya Paṇḍita Kunga Gyeltsen (sa skya paN Di ta kun dga' rgyal mtshan, 1182-1251), who was on his way to Kyangdur (rkyang 'dur) with funeral offerings following the death of his father, Pelchen Opo (dpal chen 'od po, 1150-1203)


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Samlo Lama Sanggye Tashi (bsam blo bla ma sangs rgyas bkra shis) was born in Drowo Lung (gro bo lung) in Lodrak (lho brag), in the thirteenth century ...

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Read more from the biography of Samten Gyatso


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Read more from the biography of Sanggye Dorje


Read more from the biography of Sanggye Gompa Sengge


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Read more from the biography of Sanggye Gyeltsen

During an absence from his monasteries, Sanggye Pel appointed the still-young Sanggye Jungne as abbot in his stead, despite the presence of his disciple Sanggye Peljor, the First Chakra Tulku, (lcags rwa 01 sangs rgyas dpal 'byor, 1629-1703) and other prominent disciples and senior lamas ...

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Read more from the biography of Sanggye Pel


The First Chakra Tulku, Drubtob Sanggye Peljor (lcags ra sprul sku 01 grub thob sangs rgyas dpal 'byor), was born in 1449, the earth-snake year of the eighth sexagenary cycle ...

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Sanggye Puntsok (sangs rgyas phun tshogs) was born in 1649 into the Namru (gnam ru) clan, also known as the Khyungpo (khyung po), among which many Bon masters and some important Buddhist figures such as Milarepa (mi la ras pa, 1040-1123), Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrub (glo bo mkhan chen bsod nams lhun grub, 1456-1532), and Jamyang Kunga Pelzang ('jam dbyangs kun dga' dpal bzang) had emerged ...

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The Twenty-seventh Ganden Tripa, Sanggye Rinchen (dga' ldan khri pa 27 sangs rgyas rin chen) was born in a nomad family in the grasslands of Lalo Dokde in Meldro (mal gror kla klo'i 'brog sde) in 1540, the iron-mouse year of the ninth sexagenary cycle.  At a young age he was admitted in the Nyakre House (nyag re khang tshan) of Shartse College (shar rtse grwa tshang) at Ganden Monastery (dga' ldan dgon). ...

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Sanggye Sengge began teaching at the age of twenty-five and quickly attracted many disciples

When the tenth Ngor abbot Konchok Lhundrub passed away in 1557, Sanggye Sengge was enthroned at Ngor ...

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Sanggye Wonpo Drakpa Pel (sangs rgyas dbon po grags pa dpal) was born in Yangsho Bongra (g.yang dhod bong ra steng) in Kham in 1251 into the Taklung Gazi (stag lung ga zi) clan

He thus left for Kham, taking with him a number of relics despite continued entreaties from the Taklung monks ...

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Sanggye Yarjon Sherab Lama (sangs rgyas yar byon shes rab bla ma) was born in Dongna in Bongra Teng (bong ra stengs kyi gdong sna), or, alternately, Chupak (chu phag), in 1203

Sanggye Yarjon was known to have emphasized practice over study ...

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Sanggye Yeshe (sangs rgyas ye shes) was born in the Tsang Valley (gtsang rong) in Tibet in 1525, in a town called Drukgya (drug brgya), the youngest of four sons

... During this time Sanggye Yeshe developed true renunciation, and took the vows of a fully ordained monk at Riwo Gempel Monastery (ri bo dge 'phel), with Chokle Nampar Gyelwa (phyogs las rnam par rgyal ba) serving as abbot ...

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Although Sengge Sherab never held the throne of Ralung, he is considered part of the lineage because he trained with Nyima Sengge (nyi ma sengge, 1251-1287), the fourth abbot of the monastery and the third of the “Nine Incomparable Lions,” and among his disciples were Sengge Rinchen (seng+ge rin chen, 1242-1297), the fifth abbot of Ralung, and Pang Lotsāwa Lodro Tsenpa (dpang lo tsA ba blo gros brtan pa, 1276-1342), whom he ordained. ...

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Read more from the biography of Sera Khandro Kunzang Dekyong Wangmo

Shabkar Tsokdruk Rangdrol (zhabs dkar tshogs drug rang grol) was born in 1781 among the yogins of the Rebkong (reb kong) region in Amdo province, who were renowned for their mastery of the Vajrayāna practices

Jampa Chodar found Ngakgi Wangpo at the latter's seat, the formerly Geluk monastery of Urgeh Dratsang (u rge grwa tsgang), and stayed with him there until Ngakgi Wangpo's death in 1807 and received from him a full range of teachings, from Lojong to the teaching that became his central practice, the treasure revelation of Kunzang Dechen Gyelpo (kun bzang bde chen rgyal po, b ...

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According to the First Kondor Tulku, Shākya Lhawwang's (dkon rdor sprul sku 01 mkhas grub shAkya lha dbang ...

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Read more from the biography of Shar Kelden Gyatso

He also received teachings from Lama Zhang Namkha Rinchen (bla ma zhang nam mkha' rin chen) such as the empowerment of Hevajra, the reading transmission for the Hevajratantra and the ritual permission (rje gnang) for the "major and minor dharmapālas," that is, the two Mahākāla forms of Vajrapañjara and Four-faced Śrīmahākāla

In the eleventh month of that same year, Sharchen departed from Jonang and travelled to U (dbus) ...

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Read more from the biography of Shedrub Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Sheja Zangpo


Read more from the biography of Shen Gonkarwa Dorje Wangchuk


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Read more from the biography of Sherab Dar Lekpai Lodro

Sherab Gyatso (shes rab rgya mtsho) was born in 1803, the water-pig year of the thirteen sexagenary cycle, in Tsezhung (rtse gzhung) in eastern Amdo ...

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Read more from the biography of Shingza Paṇḍita Lobzang Dargye Gyatso


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... If the former dates are accurate, then he predates the great translator Rinchen Zangpo (rin chen bzang po, 958-1055) by almost a century

... Later, Chel Jungne Gyeltsen (dpyal 'byung gnas rgyal mtshan, twelfth century) learned of Smṛti's predicament, bought his freedom, and asked him to teach

Smṛti chose as his home the village of Serwok (gser 'og), on the banks of the Serden river (gser ldan 'bri klung). Jamgon Kongtul (jam mgon kong sprul, 1813-1899/1900), who visited the area many centuries later, praised it for its beauty and added that he came to believe that the place was blessed

Smṛti then traveled to Langtang (glang thang) in Denma ('dan ma), north of Derge (sde dge), and he moved into an old Tārā temple that was built in the imperial period, the Langtang Dolma Lhakhang (glang thang sgrol ma lha khang)

... Some sources state that he taught Ye Chenpo Sherab Drak (gyas chen po shes rab grags, 1127-1185) and Tingdzin Zangpo (ting 'dzin bzang po, twelfth to thirteenth century), but this would put Smṛti in the mid to late twelfth century, which seems too late

... Dromton Gyalwai Jungne ('brom ston rgyal ba'i 'byung gnas, 1004-1064), the founder of the Kadam tradition, is said to have studied Sanskrit grammar under Smṛti before going to central Tibet around 1030, and this seems plausible.

... Smṛti's small hut at Drentang appears to have become a hermitage (ri khrod) for monks, now known as Drentang Monastery (dran thang dgon) and  the Third Karmapa Rangjung Dorje (karma pa rang byung rdo rje, 1284-1339) recognized the monastery's first lama

Much later, the hermitage was converted into a Karma Kagyu monastery by the Derge king Tenpa Tsering (btsan pa tshe ring, 1676-1738)

... Almost a century later, the Eighth Situ, Choki Jungne (si tu 08 chos kyi 'byung gnas, 1700-1774) endowed the monastery with some land

... The contents of the monastery – which is also known as the Drentang Kumbum (dran thang sku 'bum) – were catalogued by Jamgon Kongtrul in 1838 at the request of the Ninth Situ, Pema Nyinje (si tu 09 padma nyin byed, 1774-1853)

... thirteenth century) was close to death, he became depressed, bemoaning the fact that he had to die in the "dirty land of Tibet." His disciples told him that Tibet couldn't be that bad since other great pandits, like Atiśa, had also died there

... Dānaśīla replied, "Atiśa could handle it, but I don't have even one percent of the good qualities of that venerable ācārya." Then the students pointed to Padampa Sanggye (pha dam pa sangs rgyas), another Indian master who had died in Tibet, and Dānaśīla replied that he didn't have even a tenth of that yogi's good qualities

Different Tibetan lamas throughout history – Rongzom Choki Zangpo (rong zom chos kyi bzang po, 1042-1136), Ga Rabjampa Kunga Yeshe (sga rab 'byams pa kun dga' ye shes, 1397-1470), Dudjom Rinpoche (bdud 'joms rin po che, 1904-1987), among them – are said to be reincarnations of Smṛtijñānakīrti. ...

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Lhapel transmitted the tantric teachings to Nubchen Sanggye Yeshe (gnubs chen sangs rgyas ye shes).

... Pema Lhundrub Gyatso (padma lhun grub rgya mtsho, 1660-1727), the second throne holder of Pelyul Monastery (dpal yul), was considered to be his reincarnation. ...

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Sonam Bumpa (bsod nams 'bum pa) was born at a place called Mangpu (mang phu) in 1222, the water-horse year of the fourth sexagenary cycle ...

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Sonam Gyatso founded a number of monasteries ...

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... He did not ordain, as he fathered at least one son, Nyemdo Kunga Zangpo (snye mdo kun dga' bzang po, 1258-1316), who is counted as a disciple. ...

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Sonam Tsemo (bsod nams rtse mo) was born in 1142

Sonam Tsemo's work Chola jugpai go (chos la ‘jug pa'i sgo), which he composed at the age of twenty-six at Nalatse, was extremely influential on the work of his nephew Sakya Paṇḍita Kunga Gyeltsen (sa skya paN+Di ta kun dga' rgyal mtshan, 1192-1251), the fourth Sakya patriarch and a widely renowned scholar ...

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Read more from the biography of Sonyompa Sherab Pel


Read more from the biography of Sumpa Damcho Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Sumpa Khenpo Yeshe Peljor

Darma Yonten was a teacher to Sakya Jetsun Drakpa Gyeltsen (sa skya rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan, 1147-1216) ...

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Sumpa Yeshe Lodro (sum pa ye shes blo gros) was born in U region of Tibet in late tenth century ...

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Read more from the biography of Surkhang Wangchen Gelek


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Tashi Pel was twenty-three, the year 1165, when he first visited Pakmodru

Just like his teacher Pakmodrupa, health permitting, Taklungtangpa would teach during the first half of the month, and during the waning phase of the moon he would generally keep a very strict retreat

Taklungtangpa's last years might seem uneventful, but they were entirely occupied by his meditation and teaching activities ...

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Taktsang Lobzang Rabten (stag tshang blo bzang rab brtan) was born in 1676, the fire-dragon year of the eleventh sexagenary cycle, in eastern Amdo ...

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Read more from the biography of Taktsang Lotsāwa Sherab Rinchen


Read more from the biography of Tamdrin Lhamo


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Read more from the biography of Tamdrin Wangmo


Read more from the biography of Tangpo Chungwa Lodro Pel


Read more from the biography of Tangpoche Kunga Bum

When Tāranātha was fourteen years old, the Indian adept Buddhaguptanātha (d.u.) arrived in Tibet ...

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Read more from the biography of Tartse Zhabdrung Namkha Zangpo


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On the sudden death of the Second Gyeltsab, Sanggye Nyenpa took the position of main teacher to the Karmapa ...

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The Ninth Taklung Tripa, Tashi Peltsek (stag lung khri pa 09 bkra shis dpal brtsegs) was born in 1359 ...

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... Tripa 95.jpg" width="230" />

The Ninety-fifth Ganden Tripa, Tashi Tongtun (dga' ldan khri pa 95 bkra shis stong thun) was born into the Lhunpotsang family (lhun po tshang) in the Minyak region of Kham (khams mi nyag) in 1881, the iron-snake year of the fifteenth sexagenary cycle, although this date is not definitive ...

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... He was the younger brother of the influential treasure revealer Rigdzin Longsel Nyingpo (gter ston rig 'dzin klong gsal snying po, 1625-1692), associated with the Katok tradition (kaH thog rdo rje ldan)

... He studied treasure revelation (gter ma) and other topics of the Vajrayāna under Rigdzin Dudul Dorje (rig 'dzin bdud 'dul rdo rje, 1615-1672), another prominent treasure revealer (gter ston) and the teacher Tashi Wozer's brother, Longsel Nyingpo. ...

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[12] See URL:

... See URL: ...

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Read more from the biography of Tenpa Gyeltsen


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... Real power had been held by Wangchen Gonpo's elder brother Sonam Puntsok (bsod nams phun tshogs, d

... 1714), the fourth abbot of Lhundrubteng (lhun grub steng), the royal monastery of Derge ...

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Read more from the biography of Tenpa Tsering



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In the Iron Monkey year of 1680, Tenzin Rabgye was enthroned as the Fourth Druk Desi of Bhutan, a position he held until 1695 ...

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... 1921), a Khampa trader who built the Pangdatsang family into one of the great trading firms of early twentieth century Tibet, and his wife Nyi Karma (nyi kar ma), a member of the Drongmetsang (grong smad tshang) family of Markham (rmar khams) ...

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According to his hagiography, he made little progress in his practice until, at the age of thirty, he heard about the fame of a master called Geshe Yungdrung Yeshe (dge bshes g.yung drung ye shes) and instantaneously felt a deep faith in him

...  Also it seems he was  recognized by Terton Mishik Dorje (gter ston mi shigs rdo rje) as a reincarnation of the twelfth century Bon master Gomchen Barwa (sgom chen 'bar ba). ...

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Read more from the biography of Tongyung Tuchen

Tonmi Sambhota is also said to have accompanied the Minister Gar Tongtsen (mgar stong btsan) to Nepal to escort the Nepalese princess Belsa Tritsun (bal sa khri btsun) to Lhasa, and to China to escort the Chinese princess Wencheng Gongjo, known in Tibetan as Gyasa Kongjo (rgya bza' kong jo, d ...

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Trimalo Triteng was born into the Dro ('bro) clan, an influential family during the imperial period, probably in the mid-seventh century ...

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Read more from the biography of Tromge Tulku Arik

When Gyeltsa was on his deathbed, he predicted his nephew's future, "Like a brass horn, your good fortune will widen at the end." After attending to the funeral arrangements he went to Nepal where he studied both sutras and tantras under a great paṇḍita named Buddhaśrī, who was born in Bhaktapur of Indian parentage. ...

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Trulzhik Dombu ('khrul zhig ldom bu) was born in 1150 on the slope of a mountain range near the banks of the Machu (rma chu) ...

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Read more from the biography of Tsade Zhanakpa Namkha Dorje


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Tsangnyon Heruka (gtsang smyon heruka) was born in 1452 in a village called Kharkha (mkhar kha) in Upper Nyang (myang stod), northeast of Gyantse (rgyal rtse) in Tsang (gtsang)

During a trip to the holy mountain of Tsari, he met the famous physician Awo Choje Nyamnyi Dorje (a bo chos rje mnyam nyid rdo rje, 1439–1475) who introduced him to the master who was to become his primary teacher, Shara Rabjampa Sanggye Sengge (sha ra rab 'byams pa sangs rgyas seng ge, 1427–1470), popularly known as Sharawa

Tsangnyon replied that he would go and practice at those places right away and his lama replied, “Go on pilgrimage now, but then return to your home-land and study such things as Hevajra Tantra ...

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Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje (gtsang pa rgya ras ye shes rdo rje) was the youngest of seven children, born on the slopes of Habo Gangzang (ha bo gangs bzang) in Upper Nyang (nyang stod) in 1161

Tonpa Dorgyal (ston pa rdor rgyal) said to Lingrepa, "Gyaton's black pustules are in danger of spreading to others, so he ought to be taken to Zangdo Cave (zangs rdo phug)." ...

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Tsangpopa Konchok Sengge (gtsang po pa dkon mchog seng ge), also known as Tsangpa Tashi (gtsang pa bkra shis) was a Tibetan from Tsang ...

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The political situation in Tibet at the turn of the seventeenth century was extremely delicate, with the Mongol Qoshud, led by Lhazang Khan (1677-1717), and the Manchu Qing under Emperor Kangxi (r ...

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...; Ofner, Isabella Heidi, "Complex conformities: Tibetan women's life writing and the en-gendering of national history in Exile." PhD diss., 2016; Mckay, Alex, "Peaks and Valleys in Himalayan Studies." New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 8, no ...

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Tsembupa Darma Wozer (tshem bu ba/pa dar ma 'od zer) was born into the Nyen (gnyan) clan in Shabto (shab bstod), western Tibet ...

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... The blocks for both canons were housed in the Derge Printing House. ...

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Tsokye Dorje (rgyal dbang mtsho skyes rdo rje) was born in 1530, and became a monk at Riwoche Monastery in Kham ...

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... Dondrub Rinchen, a great practitioner of Vajrabhairava, had been in contact with Tsongkhapa and his family since the boy's birth, and is said to have received prophecies of the child's importance from his own teacher and deity.

Tsongkhapa spent much of his youth studying with Dondrub Rinchen; he is said to have been so sharp that he easily understood and memorized even the most complicated texts

... Following figures such as Sakya Paṇḍita Kunga Gyeltsen (sa skya paN Di ta kun dga' rgyal mtshan, 1182-1251) and Buton Rinchen Drub (bu ston rin chen grub, 1290-1364), it was Tsongkhapa's emphasis on philosophical study and logic that would eventually become some of the defining characteristics of the Geluk tradition.

Tsongkhapa's studies were mainly focused on the existing scholarly currents at that time, of which the most important were the Sakya tradition and the tradition of Sangpu (gsang phu), an important Kadam monastery

Perhaps most importantly, he received the Guhyasamāja cycle from Khyungpo Lepa Zhonnu Sonam (khyung po lhas pa gzhon nu bsod nams, d.u.) a student of Buton Rinchen Drub, and the cycle of the body maṇḍala (lus dkyil) of Heruka Cakrasaṃvara from the Sakya master Lama Dampa Sonam Gyeltsen Pelzangpo (bla ma dam pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po, 1312-1375) ...

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... This remained the seat of the Pawo line of incarnations until 1673 or 1674, when the Fifth Pawo, Trinle Gyatso (dpa' bo 05 'phrin las rgya mtsho, 1649/1650-1699) moved to Nenang Monastery (gnas nang dgon), also in Lhodrak, which had been founded by the First Zhamar, Drakpa Sengge (grags pa seng+ge, 1283-1349) in 1333 ...

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The Thirty-second Ganden Tripa, Tsultrim Chopel (dga' ldan khri pa 32 tshul khrims chos 'phel) was born in Nyang Drongtse in Tsang (gtsang gi nyang 'brong rtse) in 1561, the iron-bird year of the ninth sexagenary cycle. At a young age, Tsultrim Chopel was admitted in Drongtse Chode ('brong rtse chos sde) where he became a monk and received the basic monastic training and education ...

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Read more from the biography of Tsultrim Dargye

A number of prominent lamas were appointed as his tutors, including the Seventieth Ganden Tripa, Ngawang Chopel, (dga' ldan khri pa 70 ngag dbang chos 'phel, 1760-1839); Ngawang Nyendrak, who had served as the Sixty-sixth Ganden Tripa (dga' ldan khri pa 66 khri chen ngag dbang snyan grags 1746-1824); Lobzang Trinle Namgyel (blo bzang 'phrin las rnam rgyal, d.u.); and the Seventy-third Ganden Tripa, Trichen Ngawang Jampel Tsultrim Gyatso (dga' ldan khri pa 73 khri chen ngag dbang 'jam dpal tshul khrims rgya mtsho 1792-1855). ...

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Read more from the biography of Tsunma Yulha

... BDRC W23703.

... BDRC W1PD95844.

... BDRC W23703

... BDRC W23703.

... 214a6-215b5 (BDRC W23703) and *Vajrayoginīpūjādisaṃkṣepa, Derge Kangyur vol

... 182a7-184a1 (BDRC W23703)

... 111a3-111a7 (BDRC W23703); Mathes p

... BDRC W23703. ...

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Tsurton Wanggi Dorje was born into the Tsur clan (spelled both mtshur and 'tshur) in the Dolda (dol mda') region of central Tibet ...

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Read more from the biography of Tubten Chowang Nyamnyi Dorje

When the child was two years old, the search party lead by Khenzur Lobzang Dargye arrived in Langdun

This essay was adapted from "The Thirteenth Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyatso" in Martin Brauen, ed ...

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Dosib Tubten Gyeltsen (mdo srib pa thub bstan rgyal mtshan) was born in the Rimda (ri mda') region of the Derge kingdom, in 1902, the water-tiger year ...

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Read more from the biography of Tubten Jigme Gyatso


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Read more from the biography of Tubten Kelzang Gyatso


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... Tripa 92.jpg" src="/uploads/person/9050/80484.%20Tripa%2092.jpg" width="230" />

The Ninety-second Ganden Tripa, Tubten Nyinje (dga ldan khri pa 92 thub bstan nyin byed) was born in Tsang region, some time in the mid-eighteenth century ...

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Read more from the biography of Umapa Tsondru Sengge


Vairocanavajra was born in the city Somnathpuri in South Koshala (today Orissa) in the family of a king named Sachana (or Rajasena) ...

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Read more from the biography of Wara Zhabdrung Jamyang Namkha Gyeltsen


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Read more from the biography of Wencheng Kongjo


Wensapa Lobzang Dondrub (dben sa pa blo bzang don grub) was born in Lhaku (lha khud) in Tsang, in a place called Wensa (dben sa) in 1505

Chokyi Dorje invited him to join him at his hermitage, Garmo Cho Dzong (mgar mo chos rdzong) in Tashi Dzong (bkra shis rdzong), to the West of Shigatse ...

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Wodren Pelgyi Wangchuk ('o bran dpal gyi dbang phyug) was born in Woyukdar ('o yug mdar), a son of the Wodren clan ...

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Wolkhawa Drolgom Choyung received his name from his place of birth, Wolkha ('ol kha) ...

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Read more from the biography of Won Sherab Jungne


Read more from the biography of Won Sonam Drakpa


Read more from the biography of Wonpo Lhakyab


Read more from the biography of Wonre Darma Sengge


Read more from the biography of Wosel Dorje Nyingpo


Read more from the biography of Wozer Taye


Read more from the biography of Yabzang Choje Chokyi Monlam


Read more from the biography of Yagyel Pel


Read more from the biography of Yakde Paṇchen Tsondru Dargye


Read more from the biography of Yakton Sanggye Pel


Read more from the biography of Yalung Jomo Auma


Read more from the biography of Yangchen Drolma


Read more from the biography of Yangchen Drupai Dorje


Read more from the biography of Yanggonpa Gyeltsen Pel


Read more from the biography of Yelpa Yeshe Tsek


Read more from the biography of Yeshe Bumpa


Read more from the biography of Yeshe Chopel


Read more from the biography of Yeshe Gyeltsen


Read more from the biography of Yeshe Kelzang


Read more from the biography of Yeshe Lobzang Tenpai Gonpo


Read more from the biography of Yeshe Ngodrub


Read more from the biography of Yeshe Rinchen


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Read more from the biography of Yeshe Tendzin

According to the Copper Palace, Yeshe Tsogyel was daughter of Kharchen Pelgyi Wangchuk, and was sixteen years old when Padmasambhava took her as a sexual consort to practice in the caves of Chimpu (mchims phu) above Samye Monastery (bsam yas) ...

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The Ninety-third Ganden Tripa, Yeshe Wangden (dga' ldan khri pa 93 ye shes dbang ldan) was born into the family of Denbag Amitsang in Minyak (mi nyag dan 'bag a mi tshang) some time in the second half of the nineteenth century ...

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Yeshe Yang (ye shes dbyangs) was a disciple of Padmasambhava, counted among the twenty-five disciples (rje 'bangs nyer lnga)

Accordring to legend he lived for a number of years at forested mountainsides with Sokpo Lhapel (sog po lha dpal), when, it is said, one day he flew into the sky and disappeared. ...

Read more from the biography of Yeshe Yang


The Tenth Ganden Tripa, Yeshe Zangpo (dga' ldan khri pa 10 ye shes bzang po) was born in Denma (ldan ma) in Kham in 1415, the wood-sheep year of the seventh sexagenary cycle ...

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Read more from the biography of Yilhung Sonam Namgyel


Read more from the biography of Yonten Gonpo


Read more from the biography of Yonten Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Yonten Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Yonten Gyatso


Read more from the biography of Yonten Gyatso

... He was a teacher of Sakya Lotsāwa Jamyang Kunga Sonam Drakpa Gyeltsen (sa skya lo tsA ba 'jam dbyangs kun dga' bsod nams grags pa rgyal mtshan, 1485-1533) ...

Read more from the biography of Yonten Jungne


Yonten Taye (yon tan mtha' yas) was born to Tsamdrak Choje Ngawang Drukpa (mtshams brag chos rje ngag dbang 'brug pa) in the family lineage of Churu (cu ru) in 1724, the wood-dragon year. ...

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Read more from the biography of Yonten Yeshe


Read more from the biography of Yorpo Mepel


Read more from the biography of Yumo Mikyo Dorje


Read more from the biography of Yungdrung Puntsok


Read more from the biography of Yungdrung Tendzin


Read more from the biography of Yungdrung Yeshe

Dorje Pel studied with a number of important teachers, including Buton Rinchen Drub (bu ston rin chen grub, 1290-1364), from whom he received the Kālacakra, and Rangjung Dorje, the Third Karmapa (karma pa 03 rang byung rdo rje, 1284-1339), from whom he received Mahāmudrā teachings ...

Read more from the biography of Yungton Dorje Pel


Thirteenth Dalai Lama, Tubten Gyatso (tA la'i bla ma 13 thub bstan rgya mtsho ...

Read more from the biography of Yuthok Dorje Yudon


In a colorful narrative reminiscent of the life of a Buddha, the tradition holds that at the time of Yutok's birth there was a lengthy rain of flowers accompanied by rainbow light and heavenly music

Yutok's competence in the various medical traditions of his time is attested by the eclectic nature of the single most important Tibetan medical text, the Fourfold Treatise (bdud rtsi snying po yan lag brgyad pa gsang ba man ngag gi rgyud, abbr ...

Read more from the biography of Yutok Yonten Gonpo


The boy who would later be known as Zang Samlingpa (zang bsam gling pa) was born in 1189 to a man named Pukpa Gon (phug pa mgon) who had worked as a servant in Tanak (rta nag) and who later moved to he decided to go to Dingri (ding ri) to take up the life of a yogi ...

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Read more from the biography of Zangpo Drakpa


Read more from the biography of Zangpo Pel


Read more from the biography of Zarawa Kelden Yeshe Sengge


Read more from the biography of Zhang Yudrakpa Tsondru Drakpa

Another of Seton's disciples, Sachen Kunga Nyingpo (sa chen kun dga' snying po, 1092-1158) the son of Seton's own master, Khon Konchok Gyelpo ('khon dkon mchog rgyal po, 1034-1102), sought Chobar out for the Lamdre transmission, not having been successful in receiving the full transmission from Seton

... However, learning that Sachen was a member of the Khon family, and the son of his own lama's master, he admitted to Sachen that he did indeed possess the teachings

When Sachen returned he gave him empowerments and transmissions, but as Chobar was about to start the actual teachings his tongue swelled, a result, he said, of Sachen's doubt at their initial meeting ...

Read more from the biography of Zhangton Chobar


Zhangton Gyawo (zhang ston rgya bo) was born in 1292 in Kyisho (skyi shod) in U ...

Read more from the biography of Zhangton Gyawo Sonam Drakpa


Read more from the biography of Zhangton Konchok Pel


Read more from the biography of Zhangton Tashi Dorje


Read more from the biography of Zhangtsun Dorje Wozer


Read more from the biography of Zhenpen Dorje


Read more from the biography of Zhikpo Kunga


Read more from the biography of Zhiwa Zangpo


Read more from the biography of Zhonnu Lodro


Read more from the biography of Zhonnu Rinchen


Read more from the biography of Zhonnu Sengge

Image source: ...

Read more from the biography of Zhuchen Tsultrim Rinchen


... He became proficient in Sanskrit and devoted himself to medical studies under the guidance of Drangsong Tsandra (drang song tsan+dra, d.u.) at Nālandā Monastery (nA lan+dA). ...

Read more from the biography of Ziji Bar


Read more from the biography of Zong Lobzang Tsondru Tubten Gyeltsen


Zurchen Shakya Jungne (zur po che shAkya 'byung gnas) was born in 1002 in a region of Kham called either Yardzong (yar rdzong) or Sarmo (gsar mo) ...

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Read more from the biography of Zurchung Sherab Drakpa