The Treasury of Lives

Jamyang Choje Tashi Pelden ('jam dbyangs chos rje bkra shis ldan) was born in 1379, the earth-sheep year in the sixth sexagenary cycle, at Samye (bsam yas). His father is known simply as Genyen (dge bsnyen) and his mother's name is unknown. He was ordained as a monk at Tsetang Monastery (rtse thang), which at that time was still a Kagyu monastery, but appears to have already been in the process of converting to the Geluk tradition, since while he was there, Tashi Pelden is said to have memorized Tsongkhapa Lobzang Drakpa's (tsong kha pa blo bzang grags pa, 1357-1419) the Golden Garland of Eloquence (legs bshad gser phreng).

At Sangpu Monastery (gsang phu) he received teachings on Prajñāpāramitā and logical reasoning from Nyelgo Rinchen Samdrub (gnyal rgod rin chen bsam 'grub, 14th century) and Denma Konchok Sengge (ldan ma dkon mchog seng ge, 14th century). At Kyormolung (skyor mo lung) he received teachings on Vinaya and Abhidharma. At Ganden Monastery (dga' ldan dgon) Tsongkhapa taught him his Great Exposition of the Stages of the Path (lam rim chen mo) and Great Exposition of the Stages of Secret Mantra (sngags rim chen mo), as well as other compositions. He also received full ordination from Tsongkhapa.

Tsongkhapa gave Jamyang Choje a conch shell he had revealed as treasure from near Ganden, and asked him to establish a monastery. In 1416, with the patronage of the Pakmodru (phag mo gru) ruler of Tibet, the Lord of Neu (sne'u dpon), Namkha Zangpo, he founded Drepung Monastery ('bras spungs dgon). Tsongkhapa consecrated the main prayer hall and tantric temple. The monastery quickly expanded into seven colleges: Gomang (sgo mang); Losel Ling (blo gsal gling); Deyang (bde dbyangs); Shakkor Gyelwa (shag skor rgyal ba), also known as Tosam Ling (thos bsam gling); Dulwa ('dul ba); and Ngakpa (sngags pa). Jamyang Choje, who is counted as the first abbot of the monastery, appointed the teachers to each college.

He is said to have mastered eight volumes of works that he taught regularly, and to have given oral commentary on one hundred and thirty volumes of texts. He is also said to have recited the mantras of Avalokiteśvara and Mañjuśrī thousands of times each day, and to have given away his possessions to monks. His only extant works are The Secret Biography of Tsongkhapa (tsong kha pa'i gsang ba'i rnam thar) and notes from a teaching Tsongkhapa gave at Reting Monastery (rwa sgreng) on Śāntideva's Compendium of Teachings (śikṣāsamuccaya).

Among his closest disciples were Nyenpo Shākya Gyeltsen (nyan po shAkya rgyal mtshan, 14th century), Lobpon Galeb (slob dpon sga leb, 14th century), and Nyakre Dorje Gyeltsen (nyag re rdo rje rgyal mtshan), and he served as teacher to numerous early abbots of Geluk monasteries in Lhasa.

He remained at Drepung Monastery until 1449, when he passed away in meditation at the age of seventy-one.

Thinlay Gyatso is an academic researcher at Lingnan University in Hong Kong. Born in Amdo and educated at Labrang and in India, he has published several translations, including An Undercover Journey Through Tibet, by Ajam (from Tibetan to English) and Bertrand Russel's On Education: Especially in Early Childhood (from English to Tibetan).

Published May 2014


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Bsod nams grags pa. 1982-1990.'Jam dbyangs chos rje bkra shis dpal ldan gyi rnam thar dang gang gi gdan sa dpal ldan 'bras spungs phyag 'debs tshul sogs 'chad pa. InGsung 'bum bsod nams grags pa, vol. 11, pp. 181-202. Mondgod: Drepung Loseling Library Society.TBRC W23828.

Bsod nams grags pa. 2001.'Jam dbyangs chos rje'i skor.InBka' gdams gsar rnying gi chos 'byung,pp. 109-114. Lhasa: Bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang.TBRC W933.

Bsod nams grags pa. 2007.'Jam byangs chos rje.InBka' gdams gsar rnying gi chos 'byung yid kyi mdzes rgyan,pp. 118-126. Ngawa: Rnga yul kirti dgon dge dlan legs bshad gling.TBRC W1KG4257.

Dge 'dun blo gros. 1974.'Bras spungs phyag 'debs pa po 'jam dbyangs chos rje'i rnam thar. In'Bras spungs chos 'byung, pp. 136-142 Wiesbaden: Steiner.TBRC W2CZ8087.

Mi nyag mgon po. 2000.'Jam dbyangs chos rje bkra shis dpal ldan gyi rnam thar mdor bsdus. InGangs can mkhas dbang rim byon gyi rnam thar mdor bsdus, pp. 142-145. Beijing: Krung go'i bod kyi shes rig dpe skrun khang.TBRC W25268.

Mkhyen brtse'i dbang po. 1977-1980.'Jam dbyangs chos rje bkra shis dpal ldan pas po sti brgya'i tshig dang don bcas thugs la bzung nas 'chad pa'i rkang grangs la. InGsung 'bum mkhyen brtse'i dbang po. Gangtok, Gonpo Tseten, vol. 19, pp. 82-84.TBRC W21807.

Ye shes rgyal mtshan. 1990.Bkra shis dpal ldan gyi rnam thar. InLam rim bla ma brgyud pa'i rnam thar,pp. 394-397. Lhasa: Bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang.TBRC W1CZ2730.

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