Dawen Kunga Rinchen (tA dben kun dga' rin chen) was born at Sakya Monastery (sa skya) in 1339, the earth-rabbit year of the sixth sexagenary cycle. His father, the Twelfth Sakya Trichen Namkha Lepai Gyelsen (sa skya khri chen 12 nam kha' legs pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1305-1343), was considered the first throne holder of the Zhitok Labrang (gzhi thog bla brang), one of four hereditary palaces in which Sakya was divided in the early fourteenth century. His mother was named Gendun Bum (dge 'dun 'bum).
He was given novice vows by his uncle Jamyang Donyo Gyeltsen, the Thirteenth Sakya Tridzin ('jam dbyangs don yod rgyal mtshan, 1310-1344), of the Rinchen Gang Labrang (rin chen sgang bla brang) and Nyamme Chenpo Drakpa Gyeltsen (mnyam med chen po grags pa rgyal mtshan, d.u.), from whom he also received tantric empowerments.
He received teachings from Wangchuk Gyeltsen (dbang phyug rgyal mtshan, d.u.) and Gonpo Gyeltsen (mgon po rgyal mtshan). He studied epistemology and logic under Khenchen Tokden (mkhan chen rtogs ldan), including the Pramāṇavārttika and Sakya Paṇḍita's Tsema Rikter (tshad ma rig gter), a teaching for which he later became known.
In 1354 Jangchub Gyeltsen (byang chub rgyal mtshan, 1302-1364), the head of the Pakmodru myriarchy, conquered most of central Tibet, effectively and Sakya control of Tibet. The Mongolian Yuan dynasty in Beijing was at that point in rapid decline, and was helpless to intervene; not long afterwards they awarded Jangchub Gyeltsen a seal and titles. Sakya Monastery was effectively returned to a regional fiefdom at the head of an influential religious tradition.
Soon afterwards two of the branches of the Khon family left Sakya and took up residence elsewhere, under the protection of Jangchub Gyeltsen. The Ducho Labrang (dus mchod bla brang) settled in fortress of Taktsang Dzongkha (stag tshang rdzong kha). Kunga Rinchen and his brother, heads of the Zhitok Labrang, settled in Chumik (chu mig). Members of the Zhitok Labrang were henceforth often known as Chumikpa. The heads of the Lhakhang Labrang (lha khang bla brang), under the Fifteenth Sakya Tridzin Lodro Gyeltsen (sa skya khri 'dzin 15 tA dben blo gros rgyal mtshan, 1332-1364) continued to resist the Pakmodru ruler until 1356.
In 1358 Kunga Rinchen was awarded seal and the title of Guanding Guoshi 灌頂國師(Tibetan: kun ting gu shri) by Toghon Temür, the Huizong Emperor (惠宗, r. 1333-1370). Shortly afterward the emperor awarded him a title recorded in Tibetan as Tiling Kyahosi Tawen Gushri (thi ling skya ho si tA dben gu shri).
In 1364 the Fifteenth Sakya Tridzin, Tawen Lodro Gyeltsen passed away, and Kunga Rinchen was chosen to succeed him. He is counted as the Sixteenth Sakya Tridzin, and the second throne holder of the Zhitok Labrang.
Among his disciples were the Seventeenth Sakya Trichen, Lodro Gyeltsen (sa skya khri chen 17 blo gros rgyal mtshan, 1366-1415/1420), Tekchen Choje Kunga Tashi (thegs chen chos rje kun 'dga bkra shis, 1349-1425), and Sharchen Lodro Gyeltsen (shar chen blo gros rgyal mtshan, 1359-1406).
He passed away at the age of sixty-one in 1399, the earth-rabbit year of the seventh sexagenary cycle at Zhitok Labrang.
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Khams sprul bsod nams don grub. 2006. Gangs can mi sna grags can gyi 'khrungs 'das lo tshigs re'u mig. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, p. 57. TBRC W30439.
Mi nyag mgon po, et al. 1996-2000. Sa skya kun dga' rin chen gyi rnam thar mdor bsdus (1339-1399). In Gangs can mkhas dbang rim byon gyi rnam thar mdor bsdus, vol. 1, pp. 103-106. Beijing: Krung go'i bod kyi shes rig dpe skrun khang. TBRC W25268.