The Treasury of Lives

Droton Dutsi Drakpa (gro ston bdud rtsi grags) was born into a family of the Dro (gro) clan at a place called Chugolam (chu dgo lam) in Tsang, in 1153, the water-bird year of the thirteenth sexagenary cycle.

He was granted novice vows by Zhonnu Sengge (gzhon nu seng ge, d.u), presumably at Nartang Monastery (snar thang dgon). He received the complete teachings of the Kadam tradition from Doton Sherab Drakpa (rdo ston shes rab grags pa, 1127-1185), the second abbot of Nartang, and his disciple, Zhangtsun Dorje Ozer (zhang btsun rdo rje ‘od zer, 1122-1194), the monastery's third abbot.

He also received the instructions of Lamrim (lam rim) from Chumikpa Sherab Drak (chu mig pa shes rab grags pa, d.u.) apparently using a text composed by the First Karmapa, Dusum Khyenpa (karma pa 01 dus gsum mkhyen pa, 1110-1193). Thereafter the Nartang Lamrim instructions consisted of two transmission lineages, one stemming from Sharawa Yonden Drak (sha ra ba yon tan grags, 1070-1141), the teacher of the founder of Nartang, Tumton Lodro Drakpa (gtum ston blo gros grags pa, 1106-1166), and the other stemming from the Karmapa.

He received extensive teachings from Sanggye Wondon (sangs rgyas dbon ston, d.u) as well.

Three times he went to Reting Monastery (rwa sgreng) to distribute alms.

In 1185 he succeeded Zhangtsun Dorje Ozer as abbot of Nartang, serving as the fourth throne holder for about thirty-nine years, until his death in 1232. During his tenure he sponsored the creation of images of Pelgon (dpal mgon) and Tubwang Sumbakma (thub dbang gsum sbags ma). He also sponsored clay statues of Atiśa Dīpaṃkara Śrījñāna (982-1054) and Dromtonpa Gyelwa Jungne ('brom ston rgyal ba 'byung gnas, 1004/1005-1064). The Khamsum (khams gsum) Temple with six pillars was likely built during his tenure as well.

His reliquary stupa was installed at Ganden Dechen Tarpa Ling (dga’ ldan bde chen thar pa gling) Temple.

Tsering Namgyal is a scholar in Xining.

Published December 2013


Bkras lhun dgon lo rgyus rtsom 'bri tshogs chung. 1983.Dpal snar thang chos sde’i lo rgyus mdor bstus, pp. 29-30. Lhasa: Dod ljongs ni dmangs dpe skrun khang.TBRC W1CZ2413.

Bstan 'dzin lung rtogs nyi ma. 2004.Gro ston bdud rtsi grags. InSnga 'gyur rdzogs chen chos 'byung chen mo, p. 109. Beijing: Krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang.TBRC W27401.

Nam mkha' grags pa, Smon lam tshul khrims, and Snar thang pa nyi ma rgyal mtshan. N.d.Dpal ldan pa'i rnam thar. InNar thang gser phreng, ff. 239r-248r.TBRC W2CZ7888.

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