Dezhung Chopel Jamyang Kunga Namgyel (sde gzhung chos 'phel 'jam dbyangs kun dga' rnam rgyal) was born at Dezhung, in Litang, in the 1880s. He entered the religious life at Dezhung Monastery (sde gzhung dgon).
He studied there, at Tarlam Monastery (thar lam dgon), and Khamshe college (khams bye) under Jamyang Chokyi Lodro ('jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros, 1893–1959), Gaton Ngawang Lekpa (sga ston ngag dbang legs pa, 1867–1941), Khenpo Zhenga (mkhan po gzhan dga', 1871–1927), and Khenpo Chokyi Wozer (mkhan po chos kyi 'od zer, 1889–1959).
He was known as a master of both sutra and tantra, mainly focused in the Sakya tradition, and also a specialist in astrology, skilled at drawing charts. He strictly observed the Vinaya, not eating after noon.
He transmitted the Sarvavid-Vairocana and other tantric cycles to the Third Dezhung Rinpoche (sde gzhung sprul sku 03, 1906-1987) in 1922, at Tarlam Monastery.
In 1935 Chokyi Lodro appointed him abbot of Khamshe following the tenure of Drayab Lodro Gyeltsen (blo gros rgyal mtshan). He served for five years, until 1940.
Dezhung Chopel composed multiple works that were published at Dzongsar. These included commentaries on Sonam Tsemo's (bsod nams rtse mo, 1142–1182) General System of the Tantras (rgyud sde spyi'i rnam gzhag) and Drakpa Gyeltsen's (grags pa rgyal mtshan, 1147–1216) Tree of Realization (mngon rtogs ljon shing). Blocks for these were later brought to the Derge Printing House (sde dge par khang). Other works included a commentary on the Vairocana Tantra, and a commentary on the wisdom chapter of the Bodhicaryāvatāra.
Khenpo Appey (mkhan po a pad, 1927–2010) told David Jackson that Dezhung Chopel sold copies of his books in order to cover the cost of publishing further works. Money from the proceeds was stolen, and although he later learned who had taken it, because the Vinaya forbids the recovery of stolen property after the owner has accepted its loss, he did not pursue the thief. His student Dezhung Anjam (P967 sde gzhung a 'jam, 1885–1952), however, did so, and donated the money back to Dezhung Chopel.[1]
Among his students were Gonjo Tsewang Lhadar (go 'jo tshe dbang lha dar), Dzongsar Dzinpa Chime (rdzong sar 'dzin pa 'chi med), Tsultrim Drakpa (tshul khrims grags pa), and Khenpo Yeshe Zangpo (mkhan po ye shes bzang po)
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Blo gros phun tshogs. 1992. “Khams bye bshad grwaʼi lo rgyus mdo tsam brjod pa.” In Krung goʼi bod kyi shes rig, vol. 18, pp. 122–34. Beijing: Krung goʼi bod kyi shes rig dus deb khang.
Jackson, David. 2003. Saint in Seattle: The Life of the Tibetan Mystic Dezhung Rinpoche. Boston: Wisdom Publications.