The Treasury of Lives

The ninth abbot of Katok Monastery, Wangchuk Pel (kaH thog khri rabs 09 dbang phyug dpal) was born in 1332, the water-monkey year of the sixth sexagenary cycle. Details about his parents and childhood are not available, other than that he was said to have displayed a sharp intellect and a stong interest in the dharma and in tantra in particular.

He studied the traditional subjects of Katok monastic curriculum and received empowerment, commentarial teachings, and esoteric instructions on complete tantric systems as per the tradition of Katok from its teachers including Katokpa Sonam Zangpo (kaH thog khri rabs 07 bsod nams bzang po, 1295-1357), the seventh abbot.

On occasion Wangchuk Pel observed silence and acted as if he were a simpleton, which earned him the nickname “Drung Kuk (drung lkugs)” meaning something like “Mister Dumb.” Later in the life he hardly taught except giving some commentarial teachings and esoteric instructions to a few selected ones among the disciples; but he did intense practice with regularly single-pointed meditation. Nevertheless he was recognized as an extraordinary esoteric practitioner of tantra and an embodiment of his practice.

At the age of thirty-eight, in the year 1369, the earth-bird year of the sixth sexagenary cycle, Wangchuk Pel was enthroned to the seat of the abbot of Katok. He served the abbacy for about fifteen years, until 1384, by maintaining tradition of Katok intact and giving occasional teachings and guiding the monks in their practice.

According to his biography, during his tenure as abbot, the kingdom on Jang Satam ('jang sa tham) advanced towards Katok, preparing for an invasion. Wangchuk Pel's assistants informed him the approaching army, and he immediately rose from his meditation. Breaking his silence he said, “Pour tsampa over me”. His assistants poured tsampa on him, and when it reached about his waist level a heavy snowstorm suddenly began, blocking the way of the Jang soldiers and forcing them to retreat. Later the Jang leaders recognized his abilities and became patrons. They made him abundant offerings that included a gold statue of the Buddha encased in a crystal stupa and a decorative temple effigy made of ivory. Later they sponsored a large golden dome over the temple of Katok Monastery.

After serving the Katok abbacy for about fifteen years, in 1384, on the first day of the eleventh month of wood-mouse year of the sixth sexagenary cycle, Katokpa Wangchuk Pel passed into nirvana at the age of fifty-three. He was succeeded by Lodro Bum (blo gros 'bum, 1342-1406), the tenth abbot of Katok.


Samten Chhosphel earned his PhD from CIHTS in India where he served as the head of Publication Dept. for 26 years. He has a Master’s degree in Writing and Publishing from Emerson College, Boston. Currently he is an adjunct Assistant Professor at the City University of New York, and Language Associate in Columbia University, NY.

Published April 2011


'Jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan. 1996.Rgyal ba kaH thog pa’i lo rgyus mdor bsdus.Chengdu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, pp. 47-48.

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