Lodro Sengge (blo gros seng ge) was born in 1371, the iron-pig year of the sixth sexagenary cycle. Little is known of his life.
From a young age Lodro Sengge studied both sutra and tantra, particularly the three higher yogas, Mahāyoga, Anuyoga, and Atiyoga, according to the Nyingma tradition. He studied sādhanā, empowerment, and esoteric instructions of the higher yogas and put them into practice and meditation in which he gained realization. Later he became a highly noted scholar and teacher of tantra specialized in the higher yogas, including the Dzogchen.
At the age of thirty-six, in 1406, the fire-dog year of the seventh sexagenary cycle Lodro Sengge ascended to the throne of abbot of Katok Monastery as its eleventh lineage holder. He served the post for about twenty-five years, until 1430. During his tenure he gave traditional teachings on tantra, empowerments and esoteric instructions on the tantric systems being practiced in Katok, and maintained its hereditary tradition intact.
In addition to maintaining the tradition of studies on the spoken word (bka' ma) teachings, including the Guhyagarbha-tantra, the main tantra of the Mahāyoga class, Lodro Sengge introduced and promoted the tradition of studies and practice of the teachings drawn from treasure (gter ma).
During his tenure Lodro Sengge gave extensive teachings to his followers, who included a large number of devotees outside of the monastery. Buborwa Jangchub Sengge (bu 'bor ba byang chub seng+ge, 1377-1439) was among his disciples.
Katokpa Lodro Sengge passed into nirvana at the age of sixty, in 1430, the iron-dog year of the seventh sexagenary cycle. Katokpa Jangchub Lodro (kaH thog pa byang chub blo gros d.u.) succeeded him as the next abbot of Katok Monastery.
'Jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan. 1996.Rgyal ba kaH thog pa’i lo rgyus mdor bsdus.Chendu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, p. 49.