Doton Sherab Drakpa (rdo ston shes rab grags pa) was born in Tulung (thu lung) in Tsang, in 1127, the fire-female sheep year of the twelfth sexagenary cycle.
Under the guidance of Sharawa Yonten Drak (sha ra ba yon tan grags, 1070-1141) and his disciple, Tumton Lodro Drakpa (gtum ston blo gros grags pa, 1106-1166), he studied the Kadam (bka' gdams) traditions. In 1153 assisted his master Lodro Drakpa in establishing Nartang Monastery (snar thang dgon) in Tsang.
In 1166, at the age of forty, he succeeded Lodro Drakpa as abbot of the monastery. He served the office for about twenty years, until his death in 1185.
Among his disciples were the third abbot of Nartang, Zhangtsun Dorje Ozer (zhang btsun rdo rje 'od zer, 1122-1194) and the fourth abbot, Droton Dutsi Drakpa (gro ston bdud rtsi grags pa, 1153-1232).
His reliquary was installed in the Maitreya temple at Nartang Monastery.
Bkras lhun dgon lo rgyus rtsom 'bri tshogs chung. 1983.Dpal snar thang chos sde’i lo rgyus mdor bstus, p. 28. Lhasa: Dod ljongs ni dmangs dpe skrun khang.TBRC W1CZ2413.
Grags pa 'byung gnas and Rgyal ba blo bzang mkhas grub. 1992.Gangs can mkhas grub rim byon mingmdzod. Lanzhou: Kan su'u mi rigs dpe skrun khang, p. 899.TBRC W19801.