Kunga Puntsok (kun dga' phun tshogs) was the son of Ponchen Lupel (dpon chen klu 'phel), the nominal king of Derge (sde dge) and leader of the family in its thirty-seventh generation. His paternal uncle was Jampa Puntsok (byamgs pa phun tshogs), a monk who expanded Lhundrubteng (lhun grub steng), the royal monastery, and increased the territory of Derge. His brothers were Wonpo Gyawo (dbon po rgya bo) and Orgyen Tashi (o rgyan bkra shis), who was the nominal leader of the family in its thirty-eighth generation, as well as Sanggye Tenpa (sangs rgyas bstan pa), later the third abbot of Lhundrubteng, who was Lupel's son by a second wife.
He ordained in his youth and trained in various religious practices, painting, and Tibetan medical courses, eventually obtained a considerable scholarly reputation in the local area. Following the death of Jampa Puntsok he served as the abbot of Lhundrubteng, also known as Derge Gonchen (sde dge dgon chen), and is counted as its first abbot.
During his abbacy a member of the royal family, Chogyel Mipam (chos rgyal mo pham, c.1633-1682) was identified as the Sixth Tai Situ (ta'i si tu) and taken to Karma Gon Monastery (karma dgon) in Zurmang. During the chaos of Gushri Khan's invasion of Tibet he was forced to flee, joining the Tenth Karmapa, Choying Dorje (karma pa 10 chos dbyings rdo rje, 1604-1674), in Jang Satam (jang sa tham). As he passed through Derge he visited his uncle in a hermitage called Peljor Gang (dpal 'byor sgang) and gave him some objects for safe keeping.
Kunga Puntsok passed away soon after his investiture. His cousin Lachen Chemchok (bla chen che mchog), succeeded him as abbot.
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