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This person is mentioned in 13 biographies.

... While there, Chime Dorje, through his brother Samten Gyatso, who was then at Tsurpu Monastery (mtshur phu dgon), requested the Fifteenth Karmapa, Kakhyab Dorje (karma pa 15 bka' khyab rdo rje, 1870–1922) to name his son ...

Read more from the biography of Chime Dorje

... He reports giving the transmission to the young Fifteenth Karmapa, Khakyab Dorje (karma pa 15 mkha' khyab rdo rje, 1870-1921) in 1888. ...

Read more from the biography of Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye

... 1813-1899), and the Fifteeenth Karmapa Khakyab Dorje (kar+ma pa 15 mkha' khyab rdo rje, 1870/1871-1921/1922) ...

Read more from the biography of Jampa Jungne

... The Fifteenth Karmapa, Kakyab Dorje (karma pa 15 mkha' khyab rdo rje, 1870/1–1921/2) recognized him as the reincarnation of the Fifth Drubgyud Tulku (sgrub rgyud sprul sku 05, 1839–1892/3). ...

Read more from the biography of Karma Jangchub Gyelpo

When he was three years old, the Fifteenth Karmapa, Khakhyab Dorje (karma pa 15 mkha' khyab rdo rje, 1870-1921) sent a letter from Lhasa recognizing him as the reincarnation of the Eighth Gangkar Lama, Karma Tsering Wangpo (gangs dkar bla ma 08 karma tshe ring dbang po, d.u.)

... There he received tantric transmissions and teachings from the Fifteenth Karmapa, Khakhyab Dorje. ...

Read more from the biography of Karma Shedrub Chokyi Sengge

He received Nyingma and Kagyu teachings from numerous masters during their visits to Bumthang, including the Fifteenth Karmapa, Kakyab Dorje (kar ma pa15 mkha' khyab rdo rje, 1870/1871-1921/1922), Tokden Shākya Shrī (rtogs ldan shAkyashri, 1853-1919), Terchen Zilnon Namkhai Dorje (gter chen zil gnon nam mkha'i rdo rje), Serkhang Dorje Chang Ngawang Tsultrim Donden (gser khang rdo rje chang ngag dbang tshul khrims don ldan, 1856-1918), the Seventh Dzigar Choktrul Ngawang Tendzin Pelzang ('dzi sgar mchog sprul 07 ngag dbang bstan 'dzin dpal bzang, d ...

Read more from the biography of Kunzang Trinle Namgyel

The Fifteenth Karmapa, Kakhyab Dorje (karma pa 15 bka' khyab rdo rje, 1870–1922), identified him as a reincarnation from Sertsa (ser tsha dgon), a monastery in the district of Gygyel Riwo (dge rgyal ri bo) ...

Read more from the biography of Lama Sangngak

... As a young woman she became one of several consorts of the Fifteenth Karmapa, Kakhyab Dorje (karma pa 15 mkha' khyab rdo rje, 1870–1922). ...

Read more from the biography of Orgyen Tsomo

... In this case, the Fifteenth Karmapa, Kakhyab Dorje's (karma pa 15 bka' khyab rdo rje, 1870–1922) attendant Lama Jampel Tsultrim (P1377 bla ma 'jam dpal tshul 'khrims), came forth with a letter he had discovered in an amulet the Karmapa had given him ...

Read more from the biography of Rangjung Rigpai Dorje

... His search for scripture was not restricted to the revelations of Chokgyur Lingpa; he would apparently unwrap any text in a home or temple that he came across to examine it.[10] Samten Gyatso also requested the Fifteenth Karmapa, Khakyab Dorje (karma pa 15 bka' khyab rdo rje, 1870–1922) to compose needed liturgies for the collection[11]—the Fourteenth Karmapa, Tekchok Dorje (karma pa 14 theg mchog rdo rje, 1798–1868) had been a close collaborator with Chokgyur Lingpa in many of the revelations ...

Read more from the biography of Samten Gyatso

... Sonam Sengge Wangchuk had received this Nyingma revelation, as well as the teachings of Jigme Lingpa ('jigs me gling pa, 1730–1798), from a Kagyu master named Khyungtrul Rinpoche (khyung sprul) who was a disciple of the Fifteenth Karmapa, Khakhyab Dorje (karma pa 15 mkha' khyab rdo rje, 1870–1921).[2] He later became a disciple of Deshek Gyelpo (bde gzhegs rgyal po), known as Degyel Rinpoche (bde rgyal rin po che) a Golok-born disciple of Dudjom Lingpa (bdud 'jom gling pa, 1835–1904). ...

Read more from the biography of Sonam Sengge Wangchuk

... Samten Gyatso was then at Tsurpu Monastery (mtshur phu dgon) transmitting the revelations, known as the New Treasures of Chokgyur Lingpa (mchog gling gter gsar) to the Fifteenth Karmapa, Kakhyab Dorje (karma pa 15 bka' khyab rdo rje, 1870–1922) ...

Read more from the biography of Tulku Urgyen

... Tai Situ gave him Marpa Kagyu teachings of Hevajra and White Tara, and the son of Fifteenth Karmapa Kakyab Dorje (kar+ma pa 15 mkha' khyab rdo rje, 1870/1871-1921/1922), the reincarnation of Jamgon Kongrul, Karse Kongtrul Khyentse Ozer (kar sras kong sprul mkhyen brtse 'od zer, 1904-1953/1954), gave him Ratna Lingpa's (rat+na gling pa, 1403-1479) Vajrakila treasure cycle as well as Jamgon Kongtrul's own revelations ...

Read more from the biography of Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro