At the age of five he was recognized as the reincarnation of the Third Petsaling Tulku Jigme Drodon Dorje, (pad tshal gling 03 'jigs med 'gro don rdo rje, 1853-1883), and was taken to monastic seat of Jangchub Pelri Monastery (byang chub dpal ri dgon pa) at Petsaling (pad tshal ling), Bumthang. Rigdzin Khamsum Yongdrol (rig 'dzin khams gsum yongs grol, d.u.), said to be the reincarnation of Dorje Lingpa (rdo rje gling pa, 1346-1405), supervised the enthronement and gave him new names: Kunzang Ngedon Tendzin Chogyel (kun bzang nge don bstan 'dzin chos rgyal), and Kunchab Gyurme (kun chab 'gyur med), and he and offered him an eight-stanza long-life prayer.
He received Nyingma and Kagyu teachings from numerous masters during their visits to Bumthang, including the Fifteenth Karmapa, Kakyab Dorje (kar ma pa15 mkha' khyab rdo rje, 1870/1871-1921/1922), Tokden Shākya Shrī (rtogs ldan shAkyashri, 1853-1919), Terchen Zilnon Namkhai Dorje (gter chen zil gnon nam mkha'i rdo rje), Serkhang Dorje Chang Ngawang Tsultrim Donden (gser khang rdo rje chang ngag dbang tshul khrims don ldan, 1856-1918), the Seventh Dzigar Choktrul Ngawang Tendzin Pelzang ('dzi sgar mchog sprul 07 ngag dbang bstan 'dzin dpal bzang, d. c.1937), Doring Tulku (rdo ring sprul sku, 1902-1952) and Dzogchen Khenpo Tubten Nyendrak (rdzogs chen mkhan po thub bstan snyan grags, 1883-1959). He also studied Governance (gzhung rig) with Geshe Mindu (dge bshes smin drug) and Tsultrim Pelzang (tshul khrims dpal bzang).
The Fourth Petseling received a number of Nyingma transmissions and teachings from Bayul Rinpoche Kuzhog Trinle (sbas yul rin po che sku gzhogs phrin las) and Chung Tulku (gcung sprul sku), including the Longchen Nyingtik (klong chen snying thig) the treasure teachings of Drime Lingpa (dri med gling pa, 1700-75/6), also known as Tekchen Lingpa (theg chen gling pa), and the Vajrakīlaya treasure tradition of Ratna Lingpa (ratna gling pa, 1403-1478). From the Ninth Peling Sungtrul, Tendzin Chogyel (pad gling gsung sprul 09 bstan 'dzin chos kyi rgyal mtshan, 1894-1925), he received instruction on Peling Chokor (pad gling chos skor).
Kunzang Trinle Namgyel took lay and ordination vows with Chung Tulku (chung sprul sku).
He served as the head lama (dbo bla) of the first two successive kings of Bhutan: Orgyen Wangchuk (o rgyan dbang phyug, 1862-1926) and Jigme Dorje Wangchuk ('jigs med rdo rje dbang phyug, 1905-1952), and root lama (spyi bla) to both the ladies – azhi (a zhi), and gentlemen – dasho (drags shos), of Lam Pelri (blam dpal ri) and Wangdicholing (dbang 'dus chos gling) royal collateral houses, as well as to Royal Chamberlain Honchung (gzhung mgronhon chung), Dasho Zhongarpa (drags shos gzhong dkar pa), and others.
Kunzang Trinle Namgyel passed away in 1957 at the age of sixty-six.
Padtshal Dratshang Committee (pad tshal gling grwa tshang las byed tshogs chung). 2010. Bum thang pad tshal gling dgon pa'i chags rabs dang sprul sku rim byon gyi rtogs brdzod. Thimphu: Byang chub dpal ri grwa tshang, pp. 54-58