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This person is mentioned in 2 biographies.

They arrived at Tsurpu via the route along Nyenchen Tanglha (gnyan chen thang lha), a major mountain to the north of Lhasa that was long considered a regional deity, and was welcomed in late summer by the dominant incarnations of the Karma Kagyu tradition, including Kongtrul, the Tenth Pawo, Tsuklak Mawai Wangchuk (dpa' bo 10 gtsug lag smra ba'i dbang phyug, 1912–1991), and the Eleventh Goshir Gyeltsab, Drakpa Gyatso (go shri rgyal tshab 11 grags pa rgya mtsho, 1894–1952). ...

Read more from the biography of Rangjung Rigpai Dorje

[2] Chodrak mentions "mthur bu rgyal tshab sku gong ma'i gsang yum," where "gong ma" translates as "immediately preceding," possibly implying the Eleventh Gyeltsab Drakpa Gyatso (mtshur phu rgyal tshab 11 grags pa rgya mtsho, 1894/1902–1952/1963) ...

Read more from the biography of Tenzin Chodrak