The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 26 biographies.

... If she was indeed an historical person, the sole hint in the hagiography regarding the dates of her life comes during the narrative of her travels in the lower realms during which she encounters a man who had been a "student of the [lama] of Orgyen Mindroling" (o rgyan smin grol gling)—likely a reference to Mindroling's founder, Terdak Lingpa (gter bdag gling pa, 1646–1714).[1] This would suggest the year of her birth to be 1753/54.[2] ...

Read more from the biography of Delok Tenzin Chodron

The Buddhist Digital Resource Center conflates Gyelse Lekpa with another student of Pema Ledreltsel (padma las 'brel rtsal, 1291–1319), Loton Dorjebum (lo ston rdo rje 'bum), but this is almost certainly an error.

... If so, we can suppose that his basic training was completed in 1313, the year he met the important treasure revealer Pema Ledreltsel (padma las 'brel rtsal, 1291–1319).

... He was also a master of Namkha Dorje according to the Fifth Dalai Lama's Record of Teachings Received and of Delek Gyatso, one of Longchenpa's disciples according to Terdak Lingpa (gter bdag gling pa, 1646–1714)'s (confirmed, of course, by The Biography of Gyelse Lekpa and many passages in the manuscript volume to which it belongs), which also presents him as having taught his own son Lekpatsel (legs pa rtsal), Menlungpa Sanggye Zangpo (sman lung pa sangs rgyas bzang po), Tarpa Gyeltsen (thar pa rgyal mtshan), Loton (probably Loton Dorjebum), said in Karma Kagyu sources to be Pema Ledreltsel's companion during the discovery of the Khandro Nyingtik), Rangdrol Rinchen (rang grol rin chen), Lhadingpa Tsonshe (lha sdings pa brtson she). ...

Read more from the biography of Gyelse Lekpa

... There, he had a son name Kengen Tulku (mkhan rgan sprul sku), who was the father of Dudjom Rinpoche, Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje (bdud 'joms rin po che 'jigs bral ye shes rdo rje, 1904–1987). ...

Read more from the biography of Gyelse Sonam Deutsen

At some point he was identified as a reincarnation of Terdak Lingpa Gyurme Dorje (gter bdag gling pa 'gyur med rdo rje, 1646-1717), the founder of Mindroling Monastery, and therefore a reincarnation of a teacher named Barla Tashi Gyatso ('bar bla bkra shis rgya mtsho, b ...

Read more from the biography of Gyelse Zhenpen Taye Wozer

... As part of the confirmation he was given the names Gyurme Tekchok Tendzin by Minling Trichen Pema Gyurme Gyatso (smin gling khri chen pad+ma 'gyur med rgya mtsho, 1686-1718) and Pema Tendzin Tekchok Gyatsoi De (pad+ma btsan ’dzin theg mchog rgya mtsho'i sde) by either the Second  Dorje Drak Rigdzin Pema Trinle (rdo rje brag rig 'dzin 02 pad+ma 'phrin las, 1641-1717) or Minling Terdak Lingpa Gyurme Dorje (smin gling gter bdag gling pa 'gyur med rdo rje, 1646-1714).

... He also received some teachings relating to Nordak Yishin Norbu (nor bdag yid bzhin nor bu) from Gyelse Orgyen Tendzin (chags ri nyi grags rgyal sras 01 o rgyan bstan 'dzin, d.u.) ...

Read more from the biography of Gyurme Tekchok Tendzin

On his death bed in 1952, the Third Katok Getse, Gyurme Tenpa Namgyel (P4782 kaH thog dge rtse 'gyur med bstan pa rnam rgyal, 1886–1952), had asked Adzom Gyelse Gyurme Dorje (a 'dzoms rgyal sras 'gyur med rdo rje, 1895–1969) to take responsibility for finding his rebirth

... He therefore requested the Sixteenth Karmapa (karma pa 16, 1924–1981) and Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro ('jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse chos kyi blo gros, 1893–1959) to identify the reincarnation.

... They also told him that the names of the child's parents.[9] Prophecies about the conditions of the child's birth and physical features like moles and white hairs were adduced from the writings of Getse Mahāpaṇḍita (dge rtse paN Di ta, 1761–1829), an unspecified Dodrubchen incarnation (rdo grub chen), Dudjom Lingpa (bdud 'joms gling pa, 1835–1904), Tsangpa Drubchen Jampa Chodzin (gtsang pa grub chen byams pa chos 'dzin, 1830–1945), Dzongter Kunzang Nyima (rdzong gter kun bzang nyi ma, 1904-1958), and the Third Katok Getse.[10]

... For the next several years, he would slip away for short periods to receive teachings in secret from Tulku Nyida and Khenpo Jigme Puntsok (mkhan po 'jigs med phun tshogs, 1933–2004) in the Serta and Golok regions

... He then trained him in Khenpo Ngawang Pelzang's (mkhan po ngag dbang dpal bzang, 1879–1941) rare Dzogchen instruction lineage descended from Patrul Rinpoche (dpal sprul rin po che, 1808–1887) as well as the important compendium of Dzogchen teachings called the Fourfold Heart Essence, or Nyingtik Yabzhi (snying thig ya bzhi).[19]

... From Khenpo Munsel (mkhan po mun sel, 1916–1993), he received extensive pith instructions, including those related to Khenpo Ngawang Pelzang's oral lineage.[20]

In India, he also received the collected treasures of Jatson Nyingpo ('ja' tshon snying po, 1585–1656) from the Third Penor Rinpoche (pad nor rin po che 03, 1932–2009), and from Taklung Tsetrul (stag lung rtse sprul, 1926–2015) he received Dudjom Rinpoche Jikdrel Yeshe Dorje's (bdud 'joms rin po che 'jigs bral ye shes rdo rje, 1904–1987) collected writings and Vajrakīlaya treasure The Meteoric Iron Razor, the peaceful and wrathful deities of the Guhyagarbha Tantra, the Gathered Great Assembly (tshogs chen 'dus pa), the Translucid Enlightened Perspective (dgongs pa zang thal) of Rigdzin Godem (rig 'dzin rgod ldem, 1337–1409) and other transmissions.

From Trulzhik Ngawang Chokyi Lodro ('khrul zhig ngag dbang chos kyi blo gros, 1924–2011) he received the Wish-Fulfilling Vase ('dod 'jo'i bum bzang) of Terdak Lingpa (gter bdag gling pa, 1646–1714) and many other empowerments and transmissions, particularly those of Vajrakīlaya and Hayagrīva

... He also received empowerments and transmissions from Chatral Sangye Dorje (bya bral sangs rgyas rdo rje, 1913–2015), the Fourth Dodrubchen Rinpoche (rdo grub chen 04, 1927–2022), Zhichen Bairo Rinpoche (gzhi chen bai ro rin po che, 1933–2017), and Katok Moktsa Tulku, who bestowed on him the treasures of Dudul Dorje (bdud 'dul rdo rje, 1615–1672) and Longsel Nyingpo, which are central to the Katok tradition. ...

Read more from the biography of Gyurme Tenpa Gyeltsen

He received Nyingma teachings from Chozang Rinpoche (cho bzang rin po che) of Dorje Drak Monastery (rdo rje brag dgon).[4] The Nyingma teachings included the Wishing Vase (dod 'jo'i bum bzang), a compilation of treasure practices compiled by Terdak Lingpa (gter bdag gling pa, 1646–1714) and Lochen Darmaśrī (blo chen d+harma shrI, 1654–1718) of Mindroling Monastery (smin grol gling dgon).[5] He mastered the tantric teachings of the Sakya tradition such as Hevajra and Vajrayogīnī, and spent most of his time in meditation retreat.[6]

According to Dezhung Rinpoche (sde gzhung 03, 1906–1987), the Fifth Zimwok gave countless transmissions and empowerments, including the Lamdre Lobshe transmission in the Tsarpa tradition eighteen times and the Thirteen Golden Teachings of Sakya (sa skya gser chos bcu gsum), a set of tantric practices that are traced back to Sachen Kunga Nyingpo (sa chen kun dga' snying po, 1092–1158).[9] ...

Read more from the biography of Jampa Kunga Tenzin

At some point in his early childhood, the Fifth Shechen Rabjam (rab 'byams 05 pad+ma theg mchog bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1864–1909) passed through his region and recognized him as a reincarnation of a lama from Shechen Monastery (zhe chen dgon)

... Soon after, Dzogchen Rinpoche Drubwang Tubten Chokyi (rdzogs chen grub dbang 05 thub bstan chos kyi rdo rje, 1872–1935) also passed through and gave the boy refuge vows and the name Zhonnu Pema Lekdrub (gzhon nu pad+ma legs grub)

After training him for many months in the theory and practice of the creation and completion stages, Ngawang Pelzang entered a strict months-long retreat on the inner guru yoga sādhana of the Longchen Nyingtik called the Gathering of the Vidyadharas (rig 'dzin 'dus pa) and the sādhana of Yeshe Tsogyel (ye shes mtsho rgyal) called the Sole Mother, Great Bliss Queen (yum ka bde chen rgyal mo).

... Mipam gave him a few other reading transmissions and, like Lungtok, encouraged him to teach at Katok Monastery, where Situ Chokyi Gyatso (kaH thog si tu 03 chos kyi rgya mtsho, 1880–1925) was establishing a new philosophical college.[33]

... In the midst of his teaching he received a letter from Katok Situ Chokyi Gyatso (kaH thog si tu chos kyi rgya mtsho) requesting him to join the new college he was establishing at Katok Monastery

During these years, he also received extensive teachings from the Katok lamas, including Situ, Wontrul, Lingtsang Khenpo (gling tshang mkhan po, 1883–1945); Khenpo Gyeltsen Wozer, Khenpo Kunpel, a Lama Trinle (bla ma 'phrin las) from Bhutan, Golok Sonam Pelden (mgo log bsod nams dpal ldan), the Second Penor, Tubten Chokyi Langpo (pad nor 02 thub bstan chos kyi glang po, 1887–1932) of Pelyul Monastery (dpal yul dgon), and Drime Wozer Lingpa (dri med 'od zer gling pa, 1881–1924)

... At Tsopu Monastery (mtsho phu dgon) he gave empowerments and reading transmissions for Terdag Lingpa's (gter bdag gling pa, 1646–1714) treasure cycle, the Wish-Fulfilling Vase ('dod 'jo bum bzang) and the Longchen Nyingtik, for which he also gave guiding instructions.

... During this time, he accepted Khenpo Munsel (mkhan po mun sel, 1916–1993) as one of his heart-disciples ...

Read more from the biography of Khenpo Ngawang Pelzang

According to legend, in the fire pig year 1707, at a public occasion at the Potala Palace (po ta la) in Lhasa, he chanced upon the Nyingma master Terdak Lingpa Gyurme Dorje (gter bdag gling pa 'gyur med rdo rje, 1646-1714) and thereby met the man who would change his life ...

Read more from the biography of Lobzang Trinle


Read more from the biography of Mingyur Peldron

... His father was the great Sakya scholar and Twenty-seventh Sakya Tridzin, Jamgon Amnye Zhab ('jam mgon a myes zhabs, 1597-1659)

In addition to his four sons, his disciples included Jampa Ngawang Namgyel (byams pa ngag dbang rnam rgyal), the Second Dorje Drak Rigdzin, Pema Trinle (pad+ma 'phrin las, 1641-1717), and Kunga Lhundrub (kun dga' lhun grub, 1654-1726). ...

Read more from the biography of Ngawang Sonam Wangchuk

... Responding to a vision he had experienced while in Nepal, Nyima Drakpa was intent on meeting with the illustrious treasure revealer Terdak Lingpa (gter bdag gling pa, 1646-1714)

... Second, in his final testament he requested that the famed leader of Mindroling, Terdak Lingpa, be invited to assist in the preparation and performance of the funeral services, and most importantly, to help raise his son, Orgyen Tenzin Drakpa (o rgyan bstan 'dzin grags pa, 1701-1727), also known as Guru Sonam Tendzin (gu ru bsod nam bstan 'dzin). ...

Read more from the biography of Nyima Drakpa

... His teachers included Minling Chung Rinpoche Ngawang Chodrak (smin gling gcung ngag dbang chos grags, 1908–1980), Dzongsar Khyentse Jamyang Chokyi Lodro ('jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros, 1893–1959), Shechen Kongtrul Pema Drime Lekpai Lodro (zhe chen kong sprul padma dri med legs pa'i blo gros, 1901–c.1960), Katok Khenpo Lekshe Jorden (legs bshad 'byor ldan), Dzogchen Khenpo Yonten Gonpo (yon tan mgon po, 1899–1959) and Pema Tsewang (pad+ma tshe dbang)

Above all, however, Pema Kunzang Rangdrol relied upon Adzom Gyelse Gyurme Dorje (a 'dzoms rgyal sras 'gyur med rdo rje, 1895–1969) as his principal guru

... He received the transmissions for all the major collections, such as the Kangyur and Tengyur, the Nyingma Kama, the Treasury of Revelations (rin chen gter mdzod), and Treasury of Instructions (gdams ngag mdzod), as well as the collected writings of individual masters including Longchen Rabjam, Jigme Lingpa ('jigs med gling pa, 1730–1798), Rongzom Chokyi Zangpo (P3816 rong zom chos kyi bzang po, mid 11th cent.–early 12th cent.), Minling Terchen Gyurme Dorje (smin gling gter chen 'gyur med rdo rje, 1646–1714), Lochen Dharmaśrī (lo chen d+harma shrI, 1654–1718), the Fifth Dalai Lama Ngawang Lobzang Gyatso (tA la'i bla ma 05 ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho, 1617–1682 ), Tāranātha (tA ra nA tha, 1575–1634), Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo ('jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po, 1820–1892), Jamgon Kongtrul ('jam mgon kong sprul 1813–1899), Dza Patrul Rinpoche (rdza dpal sprul 1808–1887) and Ju Mipam Gyatso ('ju mi pham rgya mtsho, 1846–1912)

... For instance, he granted the empowerments, reading transmissions, and instructions for the Treasury of Instructions to Minling Khenchen Ngawang Khyentse Norbu (ngag dbang mkhyen brtse nor bu, 1905–1968), Minling Chung Rinpoche, and Dordrak Rigdzin Namgyel Gyatso (rdor brag rig 'dzin rnam grol rgya mtsho, b

... While in Lhasa, Pema Kunzang Rangdrol met Dudjom Rinpoche Yeshe Dorje (bdud 'joms rin po che ye shes rdo rje 1904–1987) and discussed plans to meet again in India and work together in the service of the Nyingma teachings, but this never came to pass. ...

Read more from the biography of Pema Kunzang Rangdrol

... After briefly serving as a civil official (khrims kyi kha lo pa) in the Dujung valley ('dus byung) near his family estate, he and his uncle Dradul (dgra 'dul) traveled to Mindroling Monastery (smin grol gling) to study under Terdak Lingpa (gter bdag gling pa, 1646–1714) and Lochen Dharmaśrī (lo chen d+harma shrI, 1654–1717) ...

Read more from the biography of Polhane Sonam Tobgye

... He studied with the sons of the murdered Terdak Lingpa (gter bdag gling pa, 1646-1714), Gyurme Rinchen Namgyel ('gyur med rin chen rnam rgyal, 1694-1758) and a lama named Gyurme Pema Zangpo / Gyatso ('gyur med pad+ma bzang po / rgya mtsho) ...

Read more from the biography of Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu

Tennyi Lingpa is presented, in his own terma, as a reincarnation of an eighth-century princess called Nujin Saley (lha cam nus 'byin sa le), said to be the daughter of Tri Songdetsen (khri srong lde'u btsan, 742–796) and Dromsa Jangchub Dron ('grom sa / 'brom za / bza' byang chub sgron)

He first moved to Tago in Gunzing (dgun zings pa rta mgo) where he received a transmission of Longchenpa's (klong chen pa, 1308–1364) works and instructions, especially those focusing on the Heart Essence of the Ḍākinī, from a master called Sanggye Gyeltsen (sangs rgyas rgyal mtshan, possibly this man).

... The name of a Dzogchen cycle called The Single Drop appears to have been considered his first treasure cycle, the name appearing multiple times in his autobiography and in Terdak Lingpa's (gter bdag gling pa, 1646–1714) Record of Teachings Received, which contains a short catalogue of that cycle, said to be "the treasure of Go Ngon in Woyuk" ('o yug gos sngon gyi gter ma rdzogs chen thig le nyag gcig).

... On his way back, probably in Bumthang, he met Katokpa Sonam Gyeltsen (kaH thog bsod nam rgyal mtshan, 1466–1540) ...

Read more from the biography of Tennyi Lingpa

... As a young boy he was brought to Mindroling Monastery (smin grol gling dgon) by its founder, Terdak Lingpa (gter bdag gling pa, 1646-1714) and educated there. ...

Read more from the biography of Chowang Dorje Dzinpa

... In addition, The Third Katok Situ, Chokyi Gyatso (ka thog si tu 03 chos kyi rgya mtsho, 1880-1925) declared that the boy was the reincarnation of the Third Karma Kuchen, Ogyen Dongak Chokyi Nyima (karma sku chen 03 o rgyan mdo sngags chos kyi nyi ma, 1854-1906) of Pelyul Monastery (dpa' yul dgon).

... The aged lama gave the brothers a series of empowerments, including Terdak Lingpa Gyurme Dorje's (gter bdag gling pa 'gyur med rdo rje, 1646-1714) Mindroling Vajrasattva (smin grol gling rdo rje sems dpa') and Guru Chowang's Purba Yangsang Putri (phur ba yang gsang spu gri)

... They also received empowerments at that time from Shechen Kongtrul Pema Drime (zhe chen kong sprul pad+ma dri med, 1901-1960), and Tashi Peljor memorized the root Guhyagarbha Tantra

He also visited Mindroling Monastery (smin 'grol gling) for a month, and, in Lhasa he met  Dudjom Jikdrel Yeshe Dorje (bdud 'joms 'jigs bral ye shes rdo rje, 1904-1988) for the first time

One evening Tashi Peljor received a dream in which Shechen Rabjam, Shechen Kongtrul, and Shechen Gyeltsab, who had all died in Chinese custody, appeared together ...

Read more from the biography of Dilgo Khyentse Tashi Peljor

He was considered to be an emanation of three of Padmasambhava’s disciples: Namkhai Nyingpo (nam mkha'i snying po, d.u.), Nyak Jñānakumara (gnyags dznya na ku ma ra, d.u.) and Nanam Dorje Dudjom (sna nam rdo rje bdud 'joms, d.u.)

The Fifth Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobzang Gyatso (ta la'i bla ma 05 ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho, 1618-1682), is said to have evaluated Garwang Dorje's treasures in consultation with the Nyingma hierarch Terdak Lingpa (gter bdag gling pa, 1646-1714) of Mindroling Monastery (smin grol gling dgon), after which he issued a declaration declaring Garwang Dorje to be an authentic revealer of treasures and permitting him to work and travel freely. ...

Read more from the biography of Garwang Dorje

... At Mindroling he received transmission of Yangdak Heruka in the So lineage (so lugs yang dag) and the Terdak Lingpa (gter bdag gling pa, 1646-1714) treasure cycle Rigdzin Tuktik (rig 'dzin thugs thig).

Khyentse Wangpo is well-known for having studied with many of the leading lamas of his day in both Tibet and Kham

... 1804), the Forty-seventh Ngor Khenchen Jampa Kunga Tendzin, and Pelyul Dongak Tendzin (dpal yul mdo sngags bstan 'dzin, 1830-1892).

At the age of twenty-four Khyentse Wangpo returned to Kham with the Fifty-first Ngor Khenchen, Jampel Zangpo (ngor mkhan chen 51 'jam dpal bzang po, 1789-1864), and took up residence at Dzongsar, in the Tashi Latse (bkra shis lha rtse) residence, which later came to be called the Khyentse Labrang (mkhyen brtse bla brang)

... This temple was transformed by the second Khyentse, Chokyi Lodro ('jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros, 1893-1959) in 1918 into the Khamshe Monastic College (kham bye bshad grwa).

Khyentse Wangpo died on March 19, 1892, the twenty-first day of the second month of the water dragon year. Jamgon Kongtrul presided over the funeral, washing his body and preparing them for cremation

... These included Dilgo Khyentse Tashi Peljor (dil mgo mkhyen brtse bkra shis dpal 1910-1991), based at Shechen, and Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Wangpo (mkhyen brtse chos kyi dbang po, 1894-1909) who was based at Dzongsar; when he died young he was replaced at Dzongsar by Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro ('jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse chos kyi blo gros, 1893-1959), who had been based at Katok, and whose reincarnation is Dzongsar Khyentse Norbu (b

... Another incarnation, Pakchok Dorje ('phags mchog rdo rje, 1893-1943) was the son of the famous Tokden Shākya Shrī (rtogs ldan shAkya shrI, 1853-1919) of Dzogchen Monastery (rdzogs chen dgon). ...

Read more from the biography of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo

From the Fifth Peling Tukse he received the entire transmission of the treasures of Terdak Lingpa (gter bdag gling pa, 1646-1714) ...

Read more from the biography of Kunzang Trinle Namgyel

... These he transmitted to the Nyingma masters Terdak Lingpa (gter bdag gling pa, 1646-1714) of Mindroling (smin 'gro gling) and Rigdzin Pema Trinle (rig 'dzin padma 'phrin las, 1641-1717) of Dorje Drak (rdo rje brag). ...

Read more from the biography of Ngawang Lobzang Gyatso

... It was during these early retreats that he is said to have first remembered his past lives, a line that, he maintained, began with the eighth-century emperor Tri Songdetsen (khri srong lde btsan, c.742-800), who had invited Padmasambhava to Tibet, and continued in an unbroken sequence of sixteen reincarnations

... Two of Nyangrel's most consequential gurus were the treasure revealers Lama Rashak (bla ma ra shag, d.u.) and Drubtob Ngodrub (grub thob dngos grub, d.u.), who not only bestowed empowerments for cycles that they had found as treasure, but furnished the young adept with certificates that led him to find his own treasures as well.

... His cycle subsequently inspired the revelation of new iterations of The Eight Instructions by later treasure revealers such as Guru Chowang (gu ru chos dbang, 1212-1270), Rigdzin Godemchen (rig 'dzin rgod ldem can, 1337-1408), and Terdak Lingpa Gyurme Dorje (gter bdag gling pa 'gyur med rdo rje, 1646-1714)

Having concluded the majority of his treasure revelations in his forties or fifties, Nyangrel settled at Mawochok with his wife, Jobuma (jo bum ma), whom he presented as an emanation of Padmasambhava's legendary consort, Yeshe Tsogyel (ye shes mtsho rgyal) and their two sons, Namkha Wozer (nam mkha' 'od zer, d.u.) and Namkha Pel (nam mkha' dpal, c ...

Read more from the biography of Nyangrel Nyima Wozer

... His father was Tseten Gonpo (tshe brtan mgon po), who was later known as Ngakpa Chobum (sngags pa chos 'bum)

... His mother was Gyasa Pakmotar (rgya bza' phag mo thar)

... Among his teachers were Geluk, Nyingma, and Kagyu masters such as Sherab Tashi (shes rab bkra shis, 1647-1716) from Rongwo monastery; Pema Gyurme Gyatso (pad ma 'gyur med rgya mtsho, 1686-1718) and Gyelse Yizhin Lekdrub (rgyal sras yid bzhin legs grub, 1679-1718), the two sons of Terdak Lingpa (gter mdag gling pa, 1646-1714); Lobzang Pema Trinle (blo bzang pad ma 'phrin las, 1641-1717) of Dorje Drak; Ponlop Choki Lodro from Drepung monastery, Pema Tekchog Tenpa Gyeltsen (pad ma theg mchog bstan pa rgyal mtshan, 1712-1771), the Geluk scholar Lobzang Nyendrak (blo bzang snyan grags, d.u.), Geshe Jampel Gyatso (dge bshes 'jam dpal rgya mtsho, 1672-1706), Khargong Sanggye Gyatso (mkhar gong sangs rgyas rgya mtsho) and Rinchen Orgyen Tendzin Drakpa (rin chen o rgyan bstan 'dzin grags pa, d.u.).

... However, his lineage continued with Lobzang Tsultrim Namgyel (blo bzang tshul khrims, d

Incarnation line of the Alak Gyelwo

Second Alak Gyelwo, Lobzang Tsultrim Namgyel (blo bzang tshul khrims, d

... 1784)
Third Alak Gyelwo, Dzogchen Choying Topden Dorje (rdzogs chen chos dbyings stobs ldan rdo rje, 1785-1848)
Fourth Alak Gyelwo, Ngakchang Dorje Namgyel (sngags chang rdo rje rnam rgyal, d ...

Read more from the biography of Pelden Tashi

They then moved on to Lodrak where they encountered Terdak Lingpa (gter bdag gling pa, 1646-1714), who gave them empowerments and related teachings

Dzogchen Drubwang 02 Gyurme Tekchok Tendzin ('gyur med theg mchog bstan 'dzin, 1699-1757)
Dzogchen Drubwang 03 Ngedon Tendzin Zangpo (nges don bstan 'dzin bzang po, 1759-1792)
Dzogchen Drubwang 04 Mingyur Namkai Dorje (mi l'gyur nam mkha'i rdo rje, 1793-1870)
Dzogchen Drubwang 05 Tubten Chokyi Dorje (thub bstan chos kyi rdo rje, 1872-1935)
Dzogchen Drubwang 06 Orgyen Jikdrel Jangchub Dorje (o rgyan 'jigs bral byang chub rdo rje, c ...

Read more from the biography of Pema Rigdzin

Pema Trinle studied with the Dalai Lama's own Nyingma teachers, including Zurchen, Menlungpa Lochok Dorje (sman lung pa blo mchog rdo rje, 1595-1671), Minling Terchen Gyurme Dorje (smin gling gter chen 'gyur med rdo rje, 1646 –1714), and Kangyurwa Gonpo Sonam Chokden (bka' 'gyur ba mgon po bsod nams mchog ldan, 1603-1659). ...

Read more from the biography of Pema Trinle