The Twelfth Karmapa, Jangchub Dorje (kar+ma pa 12 byang chub rdo rje, 1703-1732). identified the boy as the reincarnation of the Second Gangteng Tulku, Tendzin Lekpai Dondrub (sgang steng 02 bstan 'dzin legs pa'i don grub, 1645-1727) and recommended that he be taken to Gangteng Monastery (sgang steng dgon pa) for training.
The Fifth Peling Sungtrul Tendzin Drubchok Dorje (pad gling gsung sprul 05 pad+ma bstan 'dzin grub mchog rdo rje, 1725-1762) also recognized the child, as did the Fifth Peling Tukse Kunzang Gyurme Chokdrub (pad gling thugs sras 05 kun bzang 'gyur med mchog grub, 1708-1750). The young boy was presented to the Desi (sde srid) at Punakha Dzong.
He was brought to the Lhalung (lha lung) region in Lhodrak (lho brag), Tibet, for training in the various sciences such as astrology, mask dances, drawing, painting and ritual chanting. Finally, after selecting a properly auspicious day, Kunzang Trinle Namgyel was brought to Gangteng and enthroned as the Third Gangteng Tulku.
From the Fifth Peling Tukse he received the entire transmission of the treasures of Terdak Lingpa (gter bdag gling pa, 1646-1714). The Fifth Peling Tukse and the Fifth Peling Sungtrul conferred monastic vows and gave him the name Pema Kunzang Trinle Nampar Gyelwai De (pad+ma kun bzang phrin las rnam par rgyal ba'i sde).
Kunzang Trinle Namgyel quickly developed a reputation for his learning and abilities. The Tenth Je Khenpo, Tendzin Chogyel (rje mkhan po 10 bstan 'dzin chos rgyal, 1701-1766/1767), learning of his qualities, gave him transmission of the Kangyur (bka' 'gyur), the Nyingma Gyubum (rnying ma rgyud 'bum), the Vajramala, and Lama Norbu Gyatso (bla ma nor bu rgya mtsho), from the treasures of Pema Lingpa (pad+ma gling pa, 1450-1521). These transmissions occurred at Chitokha Puntsok Rabten Ling (spyi to kha phun tshogs rab brtan gling), the winter residence of his predecessor and at Gangteng.
Kunzang Trinle Namgyel passed away at the young age of thirty-two, in 1758, the earth-tiger year.
Dge 'dun rin chen. 1976. Lho 'brug chos 'byung. Thimphu: Gges don zung 'jug grub pa'i dga' tshal.
Sgang steng sprul sku. 2009. Sgang steng gsang sngags chos gling dgon pa’i bla bgyud rim byon.