The Treasury of Lives

Ron Garry has a Ph.D. in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism and an M.A. in integral psychotherapy.

Published August 2008


Bstan ’dzin lung rtogs nyi ma. 2004. Snga ’gyur rdzogs chen chos ’byung chen mo. Beijing: Krung go’i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang, pp. 359-363.

Nyoshul Khenpo. 2005. A Marvelous Garland of Rare Gems. Richard Barron, trans. Junction City, California: Padma Publication, pp. 428-431.

Tulku Thondup. 1996. Masters of Meditation and Miracles: Lives of the Great Buddhist Masters of India and Tibet. Boston: Shambhala, pp. 256-257.