The Treasury of Lives

Joseph McClellan received a PhD from Columbia University's Department of Religion in 2013. He has taught humanities at colleges in several countries and is now an independent translator and writer based in Asia.

Published May 2024


Fall 1992. "The Enthronement of Aka Nyima (Tulku Wyatt)." The Wind Horse: Newsletter of Chagdud Gonpa.

Chagdud Tulku. 1992. Lord of the Dance: The Autobiography of a Tibetan Lama. Junction City, Calif: Padma Pub.

Chagdud Tulku. 1993. Gates to Buddhist Practice. Junction City: Padma Publishing.

Chatzisavva, Varvara. Janvier 2024. "'Khor gdong Monastery 'ja' lus pa, Lama sGrib bral (1946-2018)." Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, no. 68, pp. 279-293.

Jackson, David P. 2003. A Saint in Seattle: The Life of the Tibetan Mystic Dezhung Rinpoche. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications.

Lama Shenphen Drolma, ed. 2003. A Change of Heart: The Bodhisattva Peace Training of Chagdud Tulku. Junction City: Padma Publishing.

Lama Tsering Everest. 2023. "The Meaning of Life • Part 1: With Tulku Arik Rinpoche." Youtube,

Nyoshul Khenpo. 2005. A Marvelous Garland of Rare Gems: Biographies of Masters of Awareness in the Dzogchen Lineage, pp. 519—521. Junction City, CA: Padma Publications.

Phur pa bkra shis and 'Brug rgyal (eds). n.d. Rje bka’ drin mtshungs med grub dbang lung rtogs rgyal mtshan mdzad bsdus lha rnga’i sgra dbyangs, Dpal yul, Sichuan (PRC): Ya chen Monastery, 2–3.

Rgyal rtse arya de ba. Ya chen o rgyan bsam gtan gling gi chos ʼbyung. Par gzhi dang po. [S.l.]: [S.n.]. BDRC W3CN5423.

Rigpa Shedra, "Tromgé Tulku Dechen Dorje." RigpaWiki,

Terrone, Antonio. 2009. "Householders and Monks: A Study of Treasure Revealers and their Role in Religious Revival in Contemporary Eastern Tibet." In Buddhism Beyond the Monastery: Tantric Practices and Their Performers in Tibet and the Himalayas, edited by Sarah Jacoby and Antonio Terrone, pp.73–109. Leiden: Brill.

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