The Treasury of Lives

Konchok Yeshe Wozer (dkon mchog ye shes 'od zer) was born near Dzogchen Monastery, Rudam Orgyen Samten Choling (rdzogs chen ru dam o rgyan bsam gtan chos gling) in the Rudam (ru dam) valley in Kham in 1892, the water-dragon year of the fifteenth sexagenary cycle. His father, Konchok Gyeltsen (dkon mchog rgyal mtshan), was a successful merchant. His mother was named Khangsar Delek Tso (khang gsar bde legs mtsho). He received both his novice monk vows (śrāmaṇera) and full ordination (bhikṣu) from the Fifth Dzogchen Drubwang, Tubten Chokyi Dorje (rdzogs chen grub dbang 05 thub bstan chos kyi rdo rje, 1872-1935).

He enrolled in Dzogchen Monastery at a young age where he studied reading, writing, astrology, and astronomy, and trained in the performance of rituals, chanting, liturgical music, and dance. He subsequently studied a great range of traditional topics under a number of distinguished teachers including the Fifth Dzogchen Drubwang and the nineteenth abbot of Śrī Siṃha College (shrI sing+ha bshad drwa), Zhenpen Chokyi Nangwa (gzhan phan chos kyi snang ba, 1871-1927). He received comprehensive teachings on the oral transmission (bka' ma) and treasure (gter ma) traditions of the Nyingma school, along with their related empowerments and instructions, as well as teachings on the thirteen Indian texts and their commentaries.

He was enthroned as the thirtieth abbot of Śrī Siṃha College around the age of thirty. He served in this position for four years, upholding the institution's traditions.

After retiring from the abbacy he settled at a secluded retreat center named Yangwen Nakchung (yang dben nags chung) and engaged in intense practice. He is said to have tamed many of the local spirits of his retreat area and gained vision of the tantric deity, Dorje Zhonnu (rdo rje gzhon nu).

In his later life he taught the disciples who gathered around him, focusing on the Dzogchen Sangwa Nyingtik (rdzogs chen gsang ba snying thig) and the seven treatises of Longchen Rabjampa (klong chen rab 'byams pa, 1308-1364). He passed away in 1958 at the age of sixty-seven.

Samten Chhosphel earned his PhD from CIHTS in India where he served as the head of Publication Dept. for 26 years. He has a Master’s degree in Writing and Publishing from Emerson College, Boston. Currently he is an adjunct Assistant Professor at the City University of New York, and Language Associate in Columbia University, NY.

Published June 2013


Bstan 'dzin lung rtogs nyi ma. 2004. "Dkon mchog ye shes 'od zer ram nor g.yang rin po che (mkhan rabs 30)." In Snga 'gyur rdzogs chen chos 'byung chen mo, pp. 473-474. Beijing: Krong go'i bod rigs dpe skrung khang. TBRC W27401

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