The Treasury of Lives

Dominique Townsend is an assistant professor of religion at Bard College.

Published February 2010


Gdong thog bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan. 1977.Dpal ldan sa skya pa'i bstan pa rin po che ji ltar byung ba'i lo rgyus. Delhi: Lakshmi Printing Works, pp. 224 ff.

Grags pa 'byung gnas. 1992.Gangs can mkhas grub rim byon mingmdzod. Lanzhou: Kan su'u mi rigs dpe skrun khang.

Dreyfus, Georges. 1997.Recognizing Reality: Dharmakirti's Philosophy and Its Tibetan Interpretations.New York: SUNY.

Roerich, George, trans. 1976.The Blue Annals.Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas, pp. 339 ff.
