The Treasury of Lives

Thinlay Gyatso is an academic researcher at Lingnan University in Hong Kong. Born in Amdo and educated at Labrang and in India, he has published several translations, including An Undercover Journey Through Tibet, by Ajam (from Tibetan to English) and Bertrand Russel's On Education: Especially in Early Childhood (from English to Tibetan).

Published April 2013


Brag dgon pa bstan pa rab rgyas. 1981.Mdo smad chos 'byung. Lanzhou: Kan su' mi rigs dpe skrun khang, pp. 716.

Dge bshes blo bzang nyi ma. 2003.Sku phreng gnyis pa. InRnam thar gser phreng,vol. 3, pp. 322-325. Dharamsala: Kirti Monastery India.TBRC W2CZ7862.

Dung dkar blo bzang 'phrin las. 2002.Dung dkar tshig mdzod chen mo.Beijing: Krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang, pp. 46.TBRC W26372

Re mdo pa dkon mchog sengge. 2003.Sku phreng gnyis pa. InRnam thar gser phreng,vol. 3, pp. 389-392. Dharamsala: Kirti Monastery India.TBRC W2CZ7862.
