The Treasury of Lives

Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen (kirti 05 blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan) was born in 1712 in Dowa (rdo ba), Amdo. His father was named Tsering (tshe ring) and his mother was named Kyimo Yak (skyid mo yag). In 1716 he was recognized as the reincarnation of the Fourth Kirti, Lobzang Jamyang (blo bzang 'jam dbang, 1656-1708) and brought to Kalari Kirti (ka la ri ki rti) Monastery, the seat of the Kirti incarnations.

He was ordained by a Khangsar Lama (khang gsar bla ma, d.u.) and began his studies in grammar, poetry, the performing arts, and so forth when he was six or seven years old. Under Buddhist masters such as Gelong Lobzang Trinle (dge slong blo bzang 'phrin las, d.u.), he studied the sutras and tantras. In 1719, he wrote a short commentary on Lamrim (or "Stages of The Path"). He meditated on Yamāntaka, Sarasvatī, and Mañjuśrī.

He was accomplished in teaching, debating, and writing at such a young age that the rulers of Zungpen (zung phan) and Meu (rmeu), together with their subjects, are said to have honored him, and the people of twelve districts of Dzoge (mdzod dge) became his followers. In 1727, he traveled to Ngawa where he gave teachings and in the following year, he went to Dzoge to also give teachings.

In 1733 he went to Taktsang Lhamo (stag tshang lha mo) where he was received by the Second Tāla Tulku Ngawang Pelzang (thA la sprul sku 02 ngag dbang dpal bzang, d.c. 1740) and the monks at the hermitage, where they gratefully received his teachings. Here he wrote a pilgrimage guide to holy sites called The Crystal Mirror or Shel dkar me long.

In 1734, he traveled to U-tsang (dbu gtsang), where he was fully ordained by the Regent Jigme Yeshe Drakpa ('jigs med ye shes grags pa, 1696-1750). He received many teachings from Drakpa Gyeltsen (grags pa rgyal mtshan, 1762-1835/1837) and others. He also met with the Fifth Paṇchen Lama Lobzang Yeshe (paN chen bla ma 05 blo bzang ye shes, 1663-1737), who gave him teachings and advice.

After completing his activities in U-Tsang, he returned home to Amdo. In 1741, as he was requested, he visited monasteries and hermitages in Dzoge. In 1743, he traveled to Derge (sde dge) where the secretary Sonam Tashi (bsod nams bkra shis) of Derge received him. The Derge King, Tenpa Tsering (bstan pa tshe ring, 1678-1738) is said to have met with him, but this could only have happened earlier, given the king's dates.

Beginning in 1748, he based himself at Taktsang Lhamo and began construction of an Avalokiteśvara Temple and a residence for himself. In 1754 he began to build the first tantric college at Taktsang Lhamo, which he completed in 1757, at which time a tantric teacher was brought from Kumbum (sku 'bum) Monastery and a prayer leader brought from Chone Monastery (co ne dgon). Since then the Kirti incarnations have been based at Taktsang Lhamo, henceforth commonly known as Kirti Monastery.

In 1764, he visited monasteries in the Rebkong (reb kong) and Kumbum areas and gave public teachings. In 1766, he traveled to the valleys of Tsakho (tsha kho). In 1768, he traveled to Amchok (a mchog). During this period of time, he often met with prominent teachers, such as the Second Jamyang Zhepa, Konchok Jigme Wangpo ('jam byangs bzhad pa 02 dkon mchog 'jigs med dbang po, 1728-1791), to seek their advice and to discuss promoting the teachings.

He passed away in 1771.

Tsering Namgyal is a scholar in Xining.

Published April 2013


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Brag dgon pa bstan pa rab rgyas. 1981.Mdo smad chos 'byung. Lanzhou: Kan su' mi rigs dpe skrun khang, pp. 717-719.

Dge bshes blo bzang nyi ma. 2003.Sku phreng lnga pa. InRnam thar gser phreng,vol. 3, pp. 330-334. Dharamsala: Kirti Monastery India.TBRC W2CZ7862.

Dkon mchog chos 'phel. 2007.Rnal 'byor gyi dbang phyug bud+d+ha rdo rje gsang ba'i rnam thar dngos grub rin chen bang mdzod. InRong chen ljags nag pa ki rti sku 'phreng rim byon gyi rnam thar phyogs bsgrigs, vol. 1, pp. 198-103. Beijing: Krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang.TBRC W2DB5974.

Dung dkar blo bzang 'phrin las. 2002.Dung dkar tshig mdzod chen mo.Beijing: Krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang, pp. 47-48.TBRC W26372

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