The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 5 biographies.

... This is the main system for the completion phase in the Northern Treasures, a cycle combining earlier revelations by Rigdzin Godemchen with a later one by Tennyi Lingpa (bstan gnyis gling pa, 1480–1535), which he practiced without rest for eighty consecutive days ...

Read more from the biography of Gonpo Wanggyel

... The first was The Profound Seal of the Sow (phag mo zab rgya), a treasure cycle revealed by Rigdzin Godemchen (rig 'dzin rgod ldem can, 1337–1408) and Tennyi Lingpa (bstan gnyis gling pa, 1480–1535) ...

Read more from the biography of Khordong Choktrul Gyurme Dorje

... There, from Drepa Jamyang Chogyel Dorje (bres pa 'jam dbyangs chos rgyal rdo rje, 1602-1677) of Sikkim and his son Nyida Longsel (nyi zla klong gsal, b.17th century), he received Dzogchen instruction and the treasures of Tennyi Lingpa (bstan gnyis gling pa, 1480-1535) ...

Read more from the biography of Nyima Drakpa

At Pelri Jigme Lingpa also met the great master Tukchok Dorje (thugs mchog rdo rje, d.u.) and received several important transmissions from him, including Mahāmudrā and the Yeshe Tongdrol (ye shes mthong grol) of Tennyi Lingpa (bstan gnyis gling pa, 1480-1535) ...

Read more from the biography of Jigme Lingpa

... Jamyang Gyatso gave him a number of transmissions of Nyingma treasure cycles, including those of Tennyi Lingpa (bstan gnyis gling pa, 1480-1535), Karma Lingpa (kar ma gling pa, b ...

Read more from the biography of Zhabkar Tsokdruk Rangdrol