The Treasury of Lives

Cyrus Stearns is a scholar based in Washington State, USA. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in 1996.

Published August 2008


Blo gros don yod. 2005. Kun mkhyen chos kyi rje dol po shes rab rgyal mtshan gyi rnam thar. In Dus 'khor chos 'byung in+dra nI la'i phra tshom, vol. 1, pp. 450-456. Mirik: 'Bo dkar nges don chos 'khor gling gi bla spyi spar bskrun zhus. TBRC W00EGS1016994.

Stearns, Cyrus . 1999. The Buddha from Dolpo: A Study of the Life and Thought of the Tibetan Master Dolpopa Sherab Gyeltsen. Albany: State University of New York.

G+ha rung ba lha’i rgyal mtshan. N.d. Chos rje jo nang pa kun mkhyen chen po’i rnam thar. Beijing: Cultural Palace of Nationalities. Unpublished dbu med text, 57 fols.

Kun spangs chos grags dpal bzang. 1992. Chos rje kun mkhyen chen po’i rnam thar gsal sgron gyi rnam grangs dge legs chen po nor bu’i ’phreng ba. In The ’Dzam-thang Edition of the Collected Works (Gsung-’bum) of Kun-mkhyen Dol-po-pa Shes-rab rgyal-mtshan, vol. 1. Delhi: Shedrup Books.