The Treasury of Lives

Himalayan Art Resource

Jonang Monastery is known as the birthplace of the Jonang tradition. The original foundation was laid by Kunpang Tukje Tsondru, traditionally said to have occurred in 1294. However, few people stayed at the monastery following Kunpang's time; the Jonang tradition as it is known today began in earnest nearby, at the Richo Chenmo, the Great Mountain Hermitage, where Dolpopa Sherab Gyeltsen, one of the most important Buddhist masters in Tibetan history and the most important figures connected with the Jonang, built a magnificent stūpa in 1333. This was the seat of Jonang activity until Tāranātha, who held the abbot chair from 1588 until at least the 1620s, built a new seat at Takden Puntsok Ling. Associated hermitages are Kyipuk Deden and Khacho Deden.


Akester, Matthew. 2016. Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo's Guide to Central Tibet. Chicago, IL: Serindia Publications, pp. 613-622.

Gyurme Dorje. 2004. Tibet Handbook. Bath: Footprint, p. 304-305.

Abbots & Officers

Throne Holder

1. First Throne Holder Tukje Tsondru 1294 - 1313
2. Second Throne Holder Jangsem Gyelwa Yeshe 1313 - 1319
3. Third Throne Holder Yonten Gyatso 1319 - 1326
4. Fourth Throne Holder Dolpopa Sherab Gyeltsen 1326 - 1339
5. Fifth Throne Holder Jonang Lotsāwa Lodro Pel 1339 - 1354
6. Sixth Throne Holder Chokle Namgyel 1361 - 1386
7. Seventh Throne Holder dkon mchog rgyal mtshan -
8. Eighth Throne Holder Chokle Namgyel 1361 - 1386
9. Ninth Throne Holder byang chub seng+ge -
10. Tenth Throne Holder Nyawon Kunga Pel -
11. Eleventh Throne Holder rgyal ba jo bzang -
12. Twelfth Throne Holder chos dpal mgon po -
13. Thirteenth Throne Holder shes rab bzang po -
14. Fourteenth Throne Holder Jamyang Konchok Zangpo -
15. Fifteenth Throne Holder chos dpal bzang po -
16. Sixteenth Throne Holder dkon mchog rgyal mtshan -
17. Seventeenth Throne Holder bsod nams rgyal mtshan -
18. Eighteenth Throne Holder Namkha Chokyong -
19. Ninteenth Throne Holder dpal ldan rin chen -
20. Twentieth Throne Holder chos skyong rgyal mtshan -
21. Twenty-first Throne Holder Gorumpa Kunga Lekpa 1516 -
22. Twenty-second Throne Holder Orgyen Dzongpa Chokyong Gyeltsen 1517? - 1520?
23. Twenty-third Throne Holder rin chen bkra shis -
24. Twenty-fourth Throne Holder Kunga Drolchok 1546 - 1565
25. Twenty-fifth Throne Holder Kunga Pelzang 1567 - ?
26. Twenty-sixth Throne Holder Tāranātha 1588 -


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