The Treasury of Lives

Pelchen Chokyi Yeshe was born some time in the twelfth century. His place of birth is not known, but may have been in or near Drigung.

He was initially a disciple of a student of Ngok Sengge Khapa (rngog seng ge kha pa), after which he became a disciple of Jikten Gonpo Rinchen Pel ('jig rten mgon po rin chen dpal, 1143-1217), the founder of Drigung Til Monastery ('bri gung mthil).

Jikten Gonpo sent him to Tsari (tsa ri) with two other disciples, Nyo Gyelwa Lhanangpa Sanggye Rinchen (gnyos rgyal ba lha nang pa sangs rgyas rin chen, 1164-1224) and Gar Dampa Chodingpa Śākya Pel (mgar dam pa gzhon nu rdo rje shAkya dpal, b. 1180) to develop the adjacent mountain, Dakpa Shelri, for religious practice.

At Tsari, Lhanangpa and Gar Dampa engaged in tantric practice, but Pelchen Chokyi Yeshe, who was known as a Vinaya specialist, declined to participate, and he returned to Drigung to consult with Jikten Gonpo. His teacher sent him back to Tsari to practice with the others, and it seems he attained positive results. When he returned again to Drigung Jikten Gonpo was said to be pleased with his accomplishments. Penchen Chokyi Yeshe later sent many students of his own to Tsari to practice.

Jikten Gonpo is said to have once requested Chokyi Yeshe to display a miracle while the entire Drigung community was enjoying a festival at Tachak (rta chag). According to tradition Chokyi Yeshe manifested a display of dissolving into Jikten Gonpo's heart center.

Pelchen Chokyi Yeshe was also known as Naktsanga (nag tshang ba), suggesting he was involved in building the monastery in Naktsang (nag tshang) in the region of To (stod).

He wrote several treatises of Drigung teachings, including one with the title of Rinpoche Zhidro (rin po che bzhi 'gros). He is likely the author of an influential biography of Pakmodrupa Dorje Gyelpo (phag mo gru pa rdo rje rgyal po, 1110-1170) titled yon tan rin po che'i phreng ba gzi brjid 'bar ba'i sgron me.

Evan Yerburgh is an independent translator and writer who studied Tibetan at Esukhia among other places.

Published November 2014


Dkon mchog rgya mtsho. 2004.Chos rje 'jig rten mgon po'i slob ma. In'Bri gung chos 'byung, pp. 311-343. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, pp. 326-327.TBRC W27020.

Grags pa 'byung gnas and Rgyal ba blo bzang mkhas grub. 1992.Gangs can mkhas grub rim byon mingmdzod. Lanzhou: Kan su'u mi rigs dpe skrun khang, p. 1002.TBRC W19801.

Khams sprul bsod nams don grub kyis brtsams. 2006.Gangs ljongs grags can mi sna'i 'khrungs 'das lo tshigs re'u mig gsal bar ston pa. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang. p. 80.TBRC W30439.

Roerich, George, trans. 1996.The Blue Annals. 2nd ed. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas, pp. 565; 601; 603.

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