The Treasury of Lives

Evan Yerburgh is an independent translator and writer who studied Tibetan at Esukhia among other places.

Published May 2014


A mgon rin po che. 2004. Rdo rje rgyal po'i rnam thar rim gnyis dkar ba'i ba dan. In 'Bri gung bka' brgyud chos mdzod chen mo, vol. 53, pp. 124-132. Lhasa. TBRC W00JW501203.

Bstan 'dzin pad+ma'i rgyal mtshan. 1989. 'Bri gung gdan rabs gser phreng. Lhasa: Bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang, pp. 128-131. TBRC W1KG6255.

Kun dga' rin chen. 2003. Rdo rje rgyal po'i rnam thar rim gnyis dkar ba'i ba dan. In Gsung 'bum / kun dga' rin chen, vol. 1, pp. 224-237. Delhi: Drigung Kargyu Publications. TBRC W23892.

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