The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 9 biographies.

Among his many students not yet mentioned were Dagchen Rinpoche Ngawang Kunga Sonam (bdag chen rin po che ngag dbang kun dga' bsod nams, 1929–2016) of Sakya Puntsok Podrang; Dosib Tubten (mdo srib thub bstan); Dezhung Anjam Rinpoche (sde gzhung a 'jam rin po che, 1885-1952); Dezhung Chopel Jamyang Kunga Namgyel (sde gzhung chos 'phel 'jam dbyangs kun dga' rnam rgyal); and Khangmar Rinchen Dorje (khang dmar rin chen rdo rje). ...

Read more from the biography of Chokyi Wozer

... Nevertheless he made sure that the other Sakya monks who were then studying with Khenpo Zhenga, including Dezhung Anjam Jamyang Kunga Tenpai Gyeltsen (sde gzhung a 'jam 'jam dbyangs kun dga' bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1885–1952), Ga Lama Jamyang Gyeltsen (sga bla ma 'jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan, 1870–1940), and Lama Gendun Zangpo (bla ma dge 'dun bzang po, c ...

Read more from the biography of Dampa Rinpoche Ngawang Lodro Zhenpen Nyingpo

... Among his classmates at the Śrīsiṃha College were Ngawang Lodro Zhenpen Nyingpo (ngag dbang blo gros gzhan phan snying po, 1876–1953), Dezhung Anjam (sde gzhung a 'jam, 1885–1952), and Gaton Jamyang Gyeltsen (sga ston 'jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan, 1870–1940).[2]

... A classmate of his from Dzogchen, Dezhung Tulku Anjam (sde gzhung sprul sku a 'jam, 1885–1952) had spent a year there teaching around the year 1920 ...

Read more from the biography of Drayab Tubten Zangpo

... His fellow students also included Ngawang Lodro Zhenpen Nyingpo (P973 ngag dbang blo gros gzhan phan snying po, 1876-1953), who would serve as the Sixty-Fifth Ngor Khenchen, and Dezhung Anjam Tulku Jamyang Kunga Tenpai Gyeltsen (sde gzhung sprul sku a 'jam 'jam dbyangs kun dga' bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1885-1952). ...

Read more from the biography of Ga Lama Gendun Zangpo

... It was rare, although not unheard of, to identify a child born before the death of a lama as that lama's reincarnation.[1] A second identified reincarnation of the Fourth Zimwok was Dezhung Tulku Anjam (sde gzhung a 'jam, 1885–1952). ...

Read more from the biography of Jampa Kunga Tenzin

... Other disciples included Druk Khenpo Ngawang Yonten Gyatso ('brug mkhan po ngag dbang yon tan rgya mtsho, 1902–c.1963), Dezhung Tulku Anjam (de gzhung sprul sku a 'jam 'jam, 1885-1952), and Lama Gendun Zangpo (bla ma dge 'dun bzang po). ...

Read more from the biography of Nyiga Kunga Nyima

Around 1951, Tulku Arik went to Dezhung Monastery where he received extensive Lamdre and other Sakya teachings from Dezhung Anjam Tulku, Kunga Gyeltsen (sde gzhung a 'jam sprul sku kun dga' rgyal mtshan, 1885–1952), with whom he had established a close bond.[35] According to Khenpo Akhyuk (mkhan po a khyug, 1927–2011), who was present at the time, once, during a crowded ceremony in the temple, Dezhung Tulku publicly praised Tulku Arik as a great bodhisattva in their midst ...

Read more from the biography of Tromge Tulku Arik

... His student Dezhung Anjam (P967 sde gzhung a 'jam, 1885–1952), however, did so, and donated the money back to Dezhung Chopel.[1] ...

Read more from the biography of Dezhung Chopel Jamyang Kunga Namgyel

... Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro ('jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse chos kyi blo 'gros, 1893-1959), Dezhung Ajam (sde gzhung a 'jam, 1885-1952), Dezhung Kunga Tenpai Nyima, and Pende Zhabdrung (phan sde shabs drung) all received the Lamdre transmission from Ngawang Lekpa ...

Read more from the biography of Gaton Ngawang Lekpa