The Treasury of Lives

Joona Repo is a researcher at the Department of World Cultures, University of Helsinki.

Published June 2011


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Blo bzang ye shes bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho, 1975.Dga' ldan khri chen byang chub chos 'phel gyi skye gral du rlom pa'i gyi na pa zhig gis rang gi ngang tshul ma bcos lhug par bkod pa 'khrul snang sgyu ma'i zlos gar.India: [s.n.].

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Pabongka Rinpocheand Trijang Rinpoche, 1997.Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand. Boston: Wisdom Publications.

Pabongka Rinpoche, Trijang Rinpoche and Geshe Lobzang Tharchin, 1990.Liberation in Our Hands: The Preliminaries. Howell: Mahāyāna Sutra & Tantra Press.

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