The Treasury of Lives

Thinlay Gyatso is an academic researcher at Lingnan University in Hong Kong. Born in Amdo and educated at Labrang and in India, he has published several translations, including An Undercover Journey Through Tibet, by Ajam (from Tibetan to English) and Bertrand Russel's On Education: Especially in Early Childhood (from English to Tibetan).

Published May 2014


Blo bzang tshul khrims. 2006. Rgyud pa grwa tshang 'dzugs pa po mkhas grb shes rab seng ge'i rnam thar. In Rje tsong kha pa'i rnam thar chen mo, pp. 477-483. Beijing: Krung go'i bod rig pa dpe skrun khang.TBRC W2DB4600.

Ye shes rgyal mtshan. 1990.Shes rab seng ge'i rnam thar.InLam rim bla ma brgyud pa'i rnam thar, pp. 731-740. Lhasa: Bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang.TBRC W1CZ2730.

Don rdor and Bstan 'dzin chos grags. 1993.Rje shes rab seng ge.InGangs ljongs lo rgyus thog gi grags can mi sna,pp. 471-476. Lhasa: Bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang.TBRC W19803.

Anon. 1992.Rje btsun shes rab seng ge'i rnam thar mdor bsdus. InDpal gyi chos sde chen po bkra shis lhun po, pp. 9-13. Lhasa: Bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang.TBRC W21634.
