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... While at Sakya, Kunga Yeshe also received teachings from Choje Zhonnu Gyeltsen Chokpa (chos rje gzhon nu rgyal mtshan mchog pa, d.u.), including the master's own commentary on mind training and instructions on Parting from the Four Attachments (zhen pa bzhi bral) ...
Read more from the biography of Ga Rabjampa Kunga Yeshe
Rinchen Pel was a mentor and guru to numerous students, among the names listed are: Pelku Chedzung (dpal sku mched zung, d.u.), Konchok Gyeltsen (dkon mchog rgyal mtshan, d.u.), Tsechu Ratnakīrti (tshe bcu rat+na kIrti, d.u.), Arge Nyima Ozer (a rge nyi ma 'od zer, d.u.), Yowa Namkha Pel (yo ba nam mkha' dpal), Raktrom Kunga Pel (rag khrom kun dga' dpal, d.u.), Choje Gyelwa Zangpo ( chos rje rgyal ba bzang po, 1419-1482), Kasar Nyima Gyeltsen (kha sar nyi ma rgyal mtshan, d.u.), Sempel Namkha Gyeltsen (sems dpal nam mkha' rgyal mtshan, d.u.), Gazha Gyabo (ga gzha' rgya bo, d.u.), Abol Gyawo (a 'bol rgya bo, d.u.), Jamyang Rinchen Dorje ('jam dbyangs rin chen rdo rje, d.u.), Trimon Tashi Pel (khri smon bkra shis dpal), Choje Zhonnu Gyeltsen (chos rje gzhon nu rgyal mtshan), Kunpang Yeshe Gyeltsen (kun spangs ye shes rgyal mtshan, d.u.), Sengge Gyeltsen (seng+ge rgyal mtshan, d.u.), Tashi Rinchen (bkra shis rin chen, d.u.). ...
Read more from the biography of Rinchen Pel