The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 6 biographies.

It is in that context of receiving teachings and empowerments from Pema Lingpa that he met someone who was to play an important role in his life: Tulku Chokden Gonpo (P1705 sprul sku mchog ldan mgon po, 1497–1557), who was a disciple of both Pema Lingpa and the First Yolmo Tulku, Shākya Zangpo (yol mo sprul sku shA kya bzang po), and also as a master of the tradition of Dorje Lingpa (rdo rje gling pa, 1346–1405). ...

Read more from the biography of Tennyi Lingpa

... In a treasure text revealed by the First Yolmo Tulku, Shākya Zangpo (yol mo sprul sku 01 shAkya bzang po, b.15th century), the origin story of the Yolmo Tulku lineage is connected with an aspiration vow made by a laborer who worked carrying bricks for the construction of the stupa in the ancient past ...

Read more from the biography of Tenzin Norbu

... At Yanglasho (yang la shod), a cave outside of Kathmandu he met Shakya Zangpo (shA kya bzang po, d.u.), posthumously known as the First Yolmo Tulku (yol mo sprul sku). ...

Read more from the biography of Lekden Dorje

While he was staying in Won Mentang ('on sman thang), the Third Yolmo Tulku, Tendzin Norbu (yol mo sprul sku 03 bstan 'dzin nor bu, 1589-1644), who was an incarnation of Shakya Zangpo (shA kya bzang po, d.u.), one of the first lineage holders of the Jangter tradition, arrived to study with him ...

Read more from the biography of Ngakgi Wangpo

... They received numerous transmissions from the Jangter tradition from Shakya Zangpo (shAkya bzang po, d.u.), posthumously known as the First Yolmo Tulku (yol mo sprul sku 01), then continued on to the Kathmandu valley where they studied under many Tibetan and Newari teachers living there ...

Read more from the biography of Ngari Paṇchen Pema Wanggyel

Among his peers and disciples were Drukpa Kunle ('brug pa kun legs, 1455-1529), the Seventh Karmapa, Chodrak Gyatso (karma pa 07 chos grags rgya mtsho, 1454-1506), the First Yolmo Tulku Shakya Zangpo (yol mo sprul sku 01 shAkya bzang po, d.u.), and his own two sons, and Drakpa Gyeltsen (grags pa rgyal mtshan, d.u.), and Dawa Gyeltsen (zla ba rgyal mtshan, 1499-1587). ...

Read more from the biography of Pema Lingpa