The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 2 biographies.

Sherab Wozer transmitted his treasure, the Sphere of Liberation, to Karpo Tendzin Norbu (dkar po bstan 'dzin nor bu); Gyelse Tenpa Jungne (rgyal sras bstan pa 'byung gnas), who was the son of Chokden Gonpo (mchog ldan mgon po, 1497–1557); Do-ngak Lingpa (mdo sngags gling pa), the descendent of Melong Dorje (me long rdo rje, 1243–1303); and a lama named Tontsakpa (ston tshag pa) from Sangpu Monastery (gsang phu). ...

Read more from the biography of Sherab Wozer

It is in that context of receiving teachings and empowerments from Pema Lingpa that he met someone who was to play an important role in his life: Tulku Chokden Gonpo (P1705 sprul sku mchog ldan mgon po, 1497–1557), who was a disciple of both Pema Lingpa and the First Yolmo Tulku, Shākya Zangpo (yol mo sprul sku shA kya bzang po), and also as a master of the tradition of Dorje Lingpa (rdo rje gling pa, 1346–1405).

In 1529, after the deciphering of the main bulk was done, he transmitted the Compendium of the Buddhas' Contemplation to Tulku Chokden Gonpo (sprul sku mchog ldan mgon po, 1497–1557) in Bhutan ...

Read more from the biography of Tennyi Lingpa