The Treasury of Lives

Thinlay Gyatso is an academic researcher at Lingnan University in Hong Kong. Born in Amdo and educated at Labrang and in India, he has published several translations, including An Undercover Journey Through Tibet, by Ajam (from Tibetan to English) and Bertrand Russel's On Education: Especially in Early Childhood (from English to Tibetan).

Published May 2016


Grags pa 'byung gnas and Rgyal ba blo bzang mkhas grub. 1992. Gangs can mkhas grub rim byon ming mdzod. Lanzhou: Kan su'u mi rigs dpe skrun khang, pp. 1755-1756. TBRC W19801.

Grags pa yongs 'dus. 1993. Si tu pad+ma nyin byed dbang po'i rnam thar. In Kam tshang gser phreng gi rnam thar kha skong, pp. 105-115. New Delhi: Topga Yulgyal. TBRC W19988.

Karma rgyal mtshan. 1997. Si tu pad+ma kun bzang. In KaM tshang yab sras dang dpal spungs dgon pa, pp. 88-89. Chendgu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang. TBRC W27303.