The Treasury of Lives

Ron Garry has a Ph.D. in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism and an M.A. in integral psychotherapy.

Jakob Leschly is a translator and practitioner, studying primarily under Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Pema Wanggyal Rinpoche, and Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. He completed a three year retreat in 1984.

Published August 2007


Tulku Thondup. Masters of Meditation and Miracles: The Longchen Nyingthig Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Boston: Shambhala, 1996.

Nyoshul Khenpo. A Marvelous Garland of Rare Gems. Translated by Richard Barron. Junction City, California: Padma Publication, 2005.

Collected Miscellaneous Writings of the Successive Embodiments of the Rdo Grub chen. 1977. Gangtok: Lama Dodrup Sangyay. (pp. 403-419)

Rdo grub chen thub bstan phrin las bzang po. 1985. Rdo grub chen ’jigs med phrin las ’od zer gyi ’khrungs rabs rnam thar. Gangtok, Sikkim: Pema Thinley (21-36).