The Treasury of Lives

Alexander Gardner is Director and Chief Editor of the Treasury of Lives. He completed his PhD in Buddhist Studies at the University of Michigan in 2007. He is the author of The Life of Jamgon Kongtrul The Great.

Published February 2021


Bausch, Gerd. 2018. Radiant Compassion, The Life of the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa, Volume 1, pp. 166-167.

Blo gros don yod. 2005. Karma rang byung kun khyab kyi rnam thar. In Dus 'khor chos 'byung in+dra nI la'i phra tshom, vol. 1, pp. 560-586. Mirik: 'Bo dkar nges don chos 'khor gling gi bla spyi spar bskrun zhus

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Butler, Katy. 2018 (1990). "Encountering the Shadow in Buddhist America." Tricycle.

Campbell. June. 1996. Traveller in Space: In Search of Female Identity in Tibetan Buddhism. London: Athlone.

Fields, Rick. 2014. How the Swans Came to the Lake, 3rd edition. Boston: Shambhala.

Gyatso, Janet. 1992. "Autobiography in Tibetan Religious Literature: Reflections on its Modes of Self-Presentation. Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the 5th Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, vol. 2, pp. 465-478. Narita: Naritasan Shinshoji.

Gyatso, Janet. 1999. Apparitions of the Self: The Secret Autobiography of A Tibetan Visionary. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Jackson, David. 2003. A Saint in Seattle. Boston: Wisdom Publications.

Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé. 2007. The Treasury of Knowledge Book Eight Part Four: Esoteric Instructions. Sarah Harding, translator. Ithaca: Snow Lion.

Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé. 2010. The Treasury of Knowledge Books Two, Three, and Four: Buddhism's Journey to Tibet. Ngawang Zangpo, translator. Ithaca: Snow Lion.

Jorgensen, Dan, and Deborah Price-Janke. 1992. Homage to Khyab Je Kalu Rinpoche. Christian Buchet, trans. San Francisco: KDK Publications.

Kalu Rinpoche. 1986. The Dharma: That Illuminates All Beings Like the Light of the Sun and the Moon. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Kalu Rinpoche. 1986. The Kalachakra Empowerment Taught by the Venerable Kalu Rinpoche. Burnbaby: Kagyu Kunkhyab Chuling,

Kalu Rinpoche. 1987. The Gem Ornament of Manifold Oral Instructions Which Benefits Each and Everyone Appropriately. Ithaca: Snow Lion.

Kalu Rinpoche. 1990. Dharma Teachings. San Francisco: Elizabeth Zerzan.

Kalu Rinpoche. 1991. Illuminating the Path of Freedom. Manila: Philippine Karma Kagyu Buddhist Society.

Kalu Rinpoche. 1995a. Excellent Buddhism: An Exemplary Life. San Francisco: Clearpoint Press.

Kalu Rinpoche. 1995b. Gently Whispered: Oral Teachings by the Very Venerable Kalu Rinpoche. San Francisco: Station Hill Press.

Kalu Rinpoche. 1995c. Profound Buddhism: From Hinayana to Vajrayana. San Francisco: Clearpoint Press.

Kalu Rinpoche. 1997. Luminous Mind: Fundamentals of Spiritual Practice. Boston: Wisdom Publications.

Kalu Rinpoche. 2002. Secret Buddhism: Vajrayana Practices. San Francisco: Clearpoint Press.

Kalu Rinpoche. 2004. Foundations of Tibetan Buddhism. Ithaca: Snow Lion Publications, 2004.

Karma Chokyi Gyamtso. 2018. Lord of the Siddhas: The Life, Teachings, Parinirvana, and Legacy of Kyabje Dorje Chang Kalu Rinpoche Karma Rangjung Kunkhyab. Bangkok: Khyung Chen Great Garuda Imprints.

McLeod, Ken. 1985. The Chariot for Travelling the Path to Freedom: The Life Story of Kalu Rinpoche, San Francisco. The autobiography was republished in Karma Chokyi Gyamtso, pp. 81-117.

Schere, Burkhard. 2014. "Conversion, Devotion, and (Trans-)Mission: Understanding Ole Nydahl." In Buddhists: Understanding Buddhism Through the Lives of Practitioners. Todd Lewis, ed. London: John Wiley & Sons.

Simmer-Brown, Judith. 2007. "The Liberty That Nobody Can Touch: Thomas Merton Meets Tibetan Buddhism." In Bonnie Thurston, ed., Merton and Buddhism: Wisdom, Emptiness, and Everyday Mind. Louisville: Fons Vitae Press, pp. 51-84.

Tricycle. 1996. "The Emperor's Tantric Robes: An Interview with June Campbell." Tricycle, Winter 1996.

Vallely, Paul. 1999. "I Was a Tantric Sex Slave," Independent, Wednesday 10 February 1999,