The Seventh Drubgyud Tulku was born in 1946 or 1947 to a father named Sara Norbu (sa ra nor bu) and a mother named Kyungza Gade (khyung bza' dga' bde). His personal name is unrecorded.
The Sixteenth Karmapa, Rangjung Rigpe Dorje (rang byung rig pa'i rdo rje, 1924–1981) recognized him as the reincarnation of the Sixth Drubgyud Tulku, Karma Jangchub Gyelpo (sgrub rgyud sprul sku 06 karma byang chub rgyal po, 1883–1940/41). He was unable to complete his training due to the Communist takeover of Tibet, and died in 1964 or 1965, during the Cultural Revolution, at the age of nineteen.
The Eighth Drubgyud Tulku was identified in the 1980s and trained at Pelpung Monastery (dpal spungs dgong).
Unknown. Yel pa bka' brgyud pa'i dgon rnams. 1999. In Khams sgom sde nang chen pa'i dgon khag rnams kyi byung ba phyogs bsgrigs rin chen sgrom brgya 'byed pa'i deb ther gser gyi lde mig, p. 538. Nang chen rdzong srid gros rig gnas lo rgyus gzhung don khang. BDRC MW00EGS1016686_7C0D4C