The Treasury of Lives




Dechen Trinle Tsomo was the Sixth Dorje Pakmo, a female incarnation line of the Bodong tradition based at Samding Monastery. She was trained in sutra and tantra according to the Bodong tradition. She was also supported by the Nakartse Zhabdrung, a maternal uncle to the Fifth Dalai Lama, who thus viewed the incarnation line favorably.

Chodron Wangmo was the Seventh Dorje Pakmo, a line of female incarnations of the Bodong tradition based at Samding Monastery. During her lifetime, the incarnation line solidified its connection with the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government. In several legendary accounts, she is credited with facing down the Dzungar army during their invasion of Tibet by appearing as a fierce, flaming boar or, alternately, in a pack of pigs roaming the monastery.

Yeshe Tsomo was the Fifth Samding Dorje Pakmo, a Bodong female incarnation line based at Samding Monastery. Several notable events in her biographies include supervising the construction of Mañjuśrī temple at Samding, serving as the fourteenth abbot of Shelkar Chode in Tsang, and meeting a young Fifth Dalai Lama in 1620. However, uncertainty around her date of birth could mean that some activity ascribed to her is derived from the life of her predecessor.

Nyendrak Zangmo was the Third Samding Dorje Pakmo. She studied with several Bodong teachers as well as with the Fourth Zhamar, Chodrak Yeshe. She authored several works on tantric practices, although none appear to be extant today. She founded Buddhist colleges at both Samding Monastery and Nyemo Chekar.

Orgyen Tsomo was the Fourth Samding Dorje Pakmo, a female incarnation line based at Samding Monastery. She was the first in the lineage to be associated with Vajravārāhī, or Dorje Pakmo. She may have had a consort named Chime Wozer, himself identified with Vajravārāhī's consort Cakrasaṃvara. With the patronage of the Nakartse rulers, she may have founded a tantric college at Yargyeb Tem. Because sources disagree over whether she died at the age of ten or lived to be over fifty, it is possible that some of her biography has been conflated with that of the Fifth Dorje Pakmo.