The Treasury of Lives

Ngawang Pelden Chokyi Gyeltsen (ngag dbang dpal ldan chos kyi rgyal mtshan) was born in 1850, the iron-dog year of fourteenth sexagenary cycle, in Yarlung (yar klung), central Tibet. His father was named Tsering Dargye (tshe ring dar rgyas), and his mother was named Alak (a lags). He was given the name Norbu Dondrub (nor bu don grub). As an infant he was recognized as the rebirth of Ninth Tatsak Jedrung, Ngawang Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen (rta tshag rje drung 09 ngag dbang blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1811-1848) and brought to Kundeling temple (kun bde gling), the seat of the incarnation line.

The Third Reting, Ngawang Yeshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen (rwa sgreng 03 ngag dbang ye shes tshul khrims rgyal mtshan, 1816-1863) gave him monastic tonsure and the name Ngawang Pelden Chokyi Yeshe (ngag dbang dpal ldan chos kyi ye shes). An abbot of Gyuto Monastery (rgyud stod), Ngawang Norbu (ngag dbang nor bu, 19th century), directed him in basic monastic education, including reading, writing and daily prayers. The Third Reting also gave him his novice monastic vows.

At the age of six he enrolled in Gomang College (sgo mang grwa tshang), at Drepung ('bras spungs) monastic university. There he trained in the standard Geluk monastic education under a number of prominent teachers, including the Third Purchok, Lobzang Tsultrim Jampa Gyatso (phur lcogs 03 blo bzang tshul khrims byams pa rgya mtsho, 1825-1901) and the Sixth On Gyelse, Ngawang Tokme Tendzin Gyatso ('on rgyal sras 06 ngag dbang thogs med bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho, b. 1812). Other teachers whose names are recorded include Sharpa Choje Ngawang Tsultrim (shar pa chos rje ngag dbang tshul khrims), Drakri Lobzang Chojor (brag ri blo bzang chos 'byor, 19th century), Gendun Gyatso (dge 'dun rgya mtsho), Hor Tulku Kangyurpa Lobzang Chopel Tendzin (hor sprul sku bka' 'gyur pa blo bzang chos 'phel bstan 'dzin), and Lobzang Tsultrim Gyatso (blo bzang tshul khrims rgya mtsho).

At Gomang he received full monastic ordination from the Sixth On Gyelse at the age twenty, and earned the highest monastic academic degree of Lharampa (lha rams pa) at the age twenty-two.

In 1875, after the death of the Twelfth Dalai Lama, Trinle Gyatso (tA la'i bla ma 12 'phrin las rgya mtsho, 1856-1875), he was enthroned to the office of regent at the request of Tibetan Government. After being enthroned at the Ganden Podrang (dga' ldan pho brang), he organized the funeral and construction of the memorial statue of the Twelfth Dalai Lama.

He appointed a former abbot of Gyuto monastery named Khenzur Lobzang Dargye (mkhan zur blo bzang dar rgyas, d.u.) to head a search party to locate the new Dalai Lama. When the single candidate was found, Ngawang Pelden Chokyi Yeshe submitted his name to the Chinese court of the Manchu Guangxu Emperor (光緒, r.1875-1908) for approval and went to meet him at Tsel Gungtang (tshal gung thang), a monastery fifteen miles from Lhasa, while the city prepared for the entrance and enthronement of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama, Tubten Gyatso (tA la'i bla ma 13 thub bstan rgya mtsho, 1876-1933), which took place in 1879. The Tatsak Jedrung gave him lay vows and later, in 1882, novice monastic ordination at the Jokhang (jo khang) Temple. He served as his senior tutor even as he continued to oversee the affairs of state until his death.

During his tenure as regent the price of grain was exceedingly high, which resulted in rising prices of other staples. The regent is said to have responded by opening up the Kundeling storage houses and distributing grain to the people, thereby decreasing prices. The people of Lhasa rewarded him with the epithet "King of the Five Dram" (zho lnga'i rgyal po), a reference to the weight measures used in purchasing grain.

The 1880s was also a time of considerable border tension between Tibet and the British, who were aggressively expanding in the Himalaya. The Tibetan government stationed an army on the border with Sikkim, which clashed several times with the British forces. Both in Lhasa and at Samye the regent is said to have engaged in multiple ritual performances designed to repel armies.

Ngawang Pelden Chokyi Gyeltsen passed away in 1886, the fire-dog year of fifteenth sexagenary cycle, at the age thirty-two.

Sonam Dorje is an independent scholar based in Amdo, he completed his Ph.D. in Dunhuang Tibetan Literature Study at Northwest Minzu University in Lanzhou, China

Published April 2014


Bstan pa bstan 'dzin. 2003. Rtag tshag rje drung (dbus gtsang kun bde gling) sku phreng rim byon. In Chos sde chen po dpal ldan 'bras spungs bkra shis sgo mang grwa tshang gi chos 'byung dung g.yas su 'khyil ba'i sgra dbyangs, vol 1, pp. 481-518. Mundgod: Dpal ldan 'bras spungs bkra shis sgo mang dpe mdzod khang, pp. 500-505. TBRC W28810.

Grags pa 'byung gnas and Rgyal ba blo bzang mkhas grub. 1992. Gangs can mkhas grub rim byon ming mdzod. Lanzhou: Kan su'u mi rigs dpe skrun khang, pp. 729-730. TBRC W19801.

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