In 1786, at the age of fifteen, Sherab Gyeltsen was enrolled as the member of the monastic community, receiving his vows and teachings from the Sixteenth Je Khenpo Sherab Senggye (rje mkhan po 16 shes rab seng+ge, 1724-1793) and the Eighteenth Je Khenpo Jamyang Gyeltsen (rje mkhan po 18 'jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan, 1743-1803).
He established the Gorina Kunang Osel Ling (sku snang 'od gsal gling) at Gorina (sgo ri nang), in Paro district. In 1836 he was enthroned as the Twenty-fifth Je Khenpo, serving for three years before returning to Gorina.
He also significantly enlarged the Kyichu Lhakhang (skyid chu lha khang) which was a small structure, as it had been since the time of its establishment. Over the years, the temple had visited and blessed by many famous Buddhist figures including Padmasambhava, Lama Kha Nga (bla ma khag nga) and Phajo Drugom Zhigpo (pha jo 'brug sgom zhig po). Sherab Gyeltsen expanded the temple in size, enlarging the Jowo Lhakhang and adding many new statues.
Sherab Gyeltsen passed away in 1848 at the age of seventy-seven, the earth-monkey year.
Dge 'dun rin chen. 1976.Lho 'brug chos 'byung. Thimphu: Gges don zung 'jug grub pa'i dga' tshal.