The Treasury of Lives

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The style of this painting is known as tshal thang, a red background with fine gold lines forming the shapes of the subject deities. Only the eyes are filled with white and black pigments.

An early image of Padmasambhava with Nyangrel Nyima Ozer and masters of various traditions, including Padampa Sanggye.

This eighteenth century painting features Padmasambhava surrounded by his consorts Yeshe Tsogyel and Mandarava. Below are Śāntarakṣita  and Trisong Detsen. 

This late eighteenth or early twentieth century Drigung Kagyu painting of Padmasambhava and the Drigung Kagyu refuge field is associated with a terma tradition of Rinchen Puntsok. Drigung Monastery is pictured along the bottom of the painting along with Terdrom on the left edge. A nearby treasure site is shown adjacent to Terdrom.

This 18th century painting depicts Padmasambhava as a monk surrounded by several disciples and Jigme Lingpa above his head.

A nineteenth century painting of Padmasambhava as Pema Jungne depicts his disciple Sokpo Pelgyi Yeshe in the lower left corner. 

This Nyingma painting of Padmasambhava as Sengge Dradok shows Yeshe Tsogyel in the lower right corner.

This 20th century painting depicts Padmasambhava in wrathful form as Guru Dragpo, in the treasure tradition of Padmasambhava biographer Nyangrel Nyima Ozer.