Gyuto, the Upper Tantric College, is one of the two main Geluk tantric colleges of central Tibet. It was established in 1474 or 1475 by Kunga Dondrub, the disciple of Gyume's founder Sherab Sengge. In 1485 Kunga Dondrub was credited with saving Lhasa from a flood and granted perpetual ownership of Ramoche Tsuklakhang in Lhasa, said to have been built to house the Buddha statue brought to Tibet by King Songtsen Gampo's Chinese queen Wencheng, after which Kunga Dondrub moved Gyuto into the Ramoche complex. The main study at Gyuto is of the tantric systems of the Akṣobhya form of Guhyasamāja, the Luipa tradition of Cakrasaṃvara, and Thirteen-couple Vajrabhairava.