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... 18th century), Gyelse Kelzang Tubten Jigme Tenpai Gyeltsen (rgyal sras skal bzang thub bstan 'jigs med bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1743-1811), Demo Lobzang Tubten Jigme Gyatso (de mo blo bzang 'jigs med rgya mtsho, 1778-1819), Ngari Lobzang Gelek Yeshe Drakpa (mnga' ris blo bzang dge legs ye shes grags pa, 1745-1807), Purchok Lobzang Jampa (phur lcog blo bzang byams pa, 1763-1823), Serngak Khenzur Sonam Drakpa (ser sngags mkhan zur bsod nams grags pa, 18th century), Changkya Yeshe Tenpai Gyeltsen (lcang skya ye shes bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1787-1846), Tatsak Kyedrung Tenpai Gonpo (rta tshag skye drung bstan pa'i mgon po, 1760-1810), the Fiftieth Ganden Tripa, Gendun Puntsok (dga' ldan khri pa 50 dge 'dun phun tshogs, 1648-1724), Gyu Khenpo Āryadeva Ngawang Chopel (rgyud mkhan po A rya de wa ngag dbang chos 'phel), and the Sixty-fourth Ganden Tripa Lobzang Tashi (blo bzang bkra shis, 1739-1801) as well as the Ninth Dalai Lama Lungtok Gyatso (tA la'i bla ma 09 lung rtogs rgya mtsho, 1805-1815) ...
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