The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 2 biographies.

She was a formidable intellectual who is said to have taught the Zhentong (gzhan stong) philosophy of emptiness "as it dawned spontaneously within her heart." In the Jonang Zhentong lineage, she is one of the primary figures in the transmission of Zhentong after Tāranātha.7 This makes her an important human link in the transmission line of Zhentong and other teachings from Tāranātha to Zur Kunzang Wangpo (zur kun bzang dbang po) who passed on the Jonang teachings to Rigzin Tsewang Norbu (rig 'dzin tshe dbang nor bu, 1698-1755), the torch-bearer who ignited the scholastic renaissance of Jonang teachings in eastern Tibet. ...

Read more from the biography of Jetsunma Kunga Trinle Wangmo

Tsewang Norbu later received the entire Jonangpa tradition's teachings from Drubchen Kunzang Wangpo (grub chen kun bzang dbang po, seventeenth century), and he is credited with bringing about a renaissance of the teachings, particularly of the Jonang zhentong, or  “other emptiness” view (gzhan stong) ...

Read more from the biography of Rigdzin Tsewang Norbu