The Treasury of Lives

Pelden Dorje was born near Sakya in 1411, the iron-rabbit year of the seventh sexagenary cycle. His father was named Peljor Zangpo (dpal 'byor bzang po) and his mother was called Kyepa Pel (skyed pa dpal). Soon after his birth he received a long-life empowerment from Sabzang Pakpa Lodro (sa bzang 'phags pa blo gros, 1358-1412/1424), who gave him the name Dorje Saten (rdor rje sa brtan).

At the age of eight he was granted extensive instructions, transmissions and novice monastic vows by Kunga Tashi Gyeltsen (kun dga' bkra shis rgyal mtshan) who also gave him the name Pelden Dorje.

Soon after, he matriculated in Sakya Monastery where he began to study both the sutra and tantra traditions of Sakya with a teacher named Gunāmati (gu nA ma ti, d.u). Under Jamyang Sanggye Drub ('jam dbyangs sangs rgyas grub, d.u.) he studied Prajñāpāramitā, logic, Prātimokṣa, Abhidharma, and the five treatises of Maitreya. He also received teachings from Kunting Gushri Namkha Zangpo (kun ting gu shri nam mkha bzang po).

At the age of nineteen he joined Ngor Monastery where he studied under Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo (ngor mkhan chen kun dga' bzang po, 1382-1456), who founded the monastery in 1430. Kunga Zangpo gave him full monasteric ordination. He also received Guhyasamāja and Cakrasaṃvara from Choje Zhonnu Sengge (chos rje gzhon nu seng ge, d.u); Mahāyāna doctrine under Nyide Gushri (nyi ldeb gu shri, d.u.); and Lamdre under Lama Namkha Sengge (bla ma nam mkha' seng ge, d.u.). He also studied with the Second Ngor Khenchen, Muchen Konchok Gyeltsen (mus chen dkon mchog rgyal mtshan, 1388-1469); Kacharpa Sonam Gyeltsen (kha char pa bsod nams rgyal mtshan, d.u); and the Third Ngor Khenchen, Jamyang Sherab Gyatso ('jam dbyangs shes rab rgya mtsho, 1396-1474). 

In 1467 Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo enthroned Pelden Dorje as the fifth abbot of Ngor, a position he held until 1482, when he passed the throne to Gorampa Sonam Sengge (go rams pa bsod nams seng ge, 1429-1489). He passed away that year at the age of seventy-two.

Among his disciples were Nartang Kachupa Lhundrub (snar thang bka' pa lhun drub, d.u.), Chumikpa Lodro Wangchuk Gyeltsen (chu mig pa dbang phyug rgyal mtshan, d.u.), Tsetang Rabjampa Sengge Lhundrub (rtse thang ram 'byams pa seng ge lhun drub, d.u), and the Seventh Ngor Khenchen, Konchok Pelwa (ngor mkhan chen 07 dkon mchog 'phel ba, 1445-1514).

He is said to have authored several works but none are extant.

Tsering Namgyal is a scholar in Xining.

Published July 2012


Mu po. 2002. Mkhas grub dpal ldan rdo rje. In Gsung ngag rin po che lam 'bras bla ma brgyud pa'i rnam thar kun 'dus me long, vol. 1, pp. 70-74. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang. TBRC W23724.
