The Treasury of Lives

Sonam Dorje is an independent scholar based in Amdo, he completed his Ph.D. in Dunhuang Tibetan Literature Study at Northwest Minzu University in Lanzhou, China

Published May 2016


Byams pa phrin las. 2000. gangs ljongs gso rig bstan pa'i nyin byed rim byon gyi rnam thar phyogs bsgrigs. Pe cin: mi rigs dpe skrun khang. pp. 314-319. TBRC W17722.

Bla ma skyabs. bod kyi gso ba rig pa'i dkar chag mu tig phreng ba. Lan kru'u: kan su'u mi rigs dpe skrun khang. pp. 679-680. TBRC W19835.

Czaja, Olaf. 2003. “The Making of the Blue Beryl—Some Remarks on the Textual Sources of the Famous Commentary of Sangye Gyatsho (1653–1705).” In Soundings in Tibetan Medicine: Anthropological and Historical Perspectives: PIATS 2003: Tibetan Studies: Proceedings of the Tenth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Oxford. Leiden: Brill, ed. Mona Schrempf, 345–72.

Gyatso, Janet. 2015. Being Human in a Buddhist World: An Intellectual History of Medicine in Early Modern Tibet. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.

Gyatso, Janet. 2013. "Experience, Empiricism and the Fortunes of Authority: Tibetan Medicine and Buddhism on the Eve of Modernity."In Sources of Tibetan Tradition. New York: Columbia University Press, eds. Kurtis R. Schaeffer, Matthew Kapstein, and Gray Tuttle, pp. 363-385.
