The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 2 biographies.

... He even cultivated an epistolary relationship with Pemako's king, Kanam Depa's (kaH gnam sde pa) daughter, Ani Nangsel (a ni snang gsal), whom he intended to take as a consort upon moving there.[46] Still, a visionary ḍākinī told him, ...

Read more from the biography of Dudjom Lingpa

... His father was Khengen Tulku (mkhan rgan sprul sku),[1] a son of a king of Pemako named Kanam Depa (kaH gnam sde pa) who traced his ancestry back to ancient central Tibetan kings.[2] Khengen Tulku was considered a reincarnation of Japur Lama ('ja' phur bla ma), the son of Katok Gyelse Sonam Deutsen (kaH thog rgyal sras bsod nams lde'u btsan, 1679–1723) of Katok Monastery (kah thog dgon) in Derge ...

Read more from the biography of Dudjom Rinpoche Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje