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He was recognized by the Second Lingtrul, Gendun Tenpai Gyeltsen (gling sprul 02 dge 'dun bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1728-1790) as the reincarnation of the Fifth Tongkhor, Ngawang Sonam Gyatso (stong 'khor 05 ngag dbang bsod nams rgya mtsho, 1684-1752) ...
Read more from the biography of Jampel Gendun Gyatso
Another boy, Jampel Gendun Gyatso ('jam dpal dge 'dun rgya mtsho, 1754-1803), was also identified as the reincarnation of Ngawang Sonam Gyatso by the Second Lingtrul, Gendun Tenpai Gyeltsen (gling sprul 02 dge 'dun bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1728-1790) and also given the title of Tongkhor ...
Read more from the biography of Ngawang Jamyang Tenzin Gyatso