The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 3 biographies.

... He then took form in the human world as King Sucandra who was a disciple of the Buddha; as the mahāsiddha Kṛṣṇācārya; Queen Belza Tritsun (bal bza' khri btsun) in Tibet;[80] Prince Mutik Tsenpo; King Relpachen (khri ral pa can), Terton Guru Jotse (gu ru jo tshe);[81] Orgyen Lingpa (o rgyan gling pa, b ...

Read more from the biography of Apang Terton

Tonmi Sambhoṭa is also said to have accompanied the Minister Gar Tongtsen (mgar stong btsan) to Nepal to escort the Nepalese princess Belsa Tritsun (bal sa khri btsun) to Lhasa, and to China to escort the Chinese princess Wencheng Gongjo, known in Tibetan as Gyasa Kongjo (rgya bza' kong jo, d ...

Read more from the biography of Tonmi Sambhoṭa

... He had previously accepted (or demanded) a Nepali wife, the Liccavi princess Bhṛkutī (bal bza' khri btsun) ...

Read more from the biography of Wencheng Kongjo