The Treasury of Lives

Katok is a major Nyingma monastery in Derge that was founded in 1159 by Dampa Deshek. Said to be the oldest Nyingma monastery, it is known for its preservation of the Kama, or Spoken Word, tradition.


Gyurme Dorje. 2004. Tibet Handbook. Bath: Footprint, pp.493-495.

Ryavec, Karl E. 2015. A Historical Atlas of Tibet. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, p. 65.


Incarnation Lines

Abbots & Officers


1. The First Abbot Katokpa Dampa Deshek 1159 - 1192
2. The Second Abbot Tsangton Dorje Gyeltsen 1192 - 1227
3. The Third Abbot Jampa Bum 1227 - 1252
4. The Fourth Abbot Sonam Bumpa 1252 - 1282
5. The Fifth Abbot Yeshe Bumpa 1282 - 1327
6. The Sixth Abbot Jangchub Bumpa 1327 - 1347
7. The Seventh Abbot Sonam Zangpo 1347 - 1357
8. The Eighth Abbot Kunga Bum 1339 - 1369
9. The Ninth Abbot Wangchuk Pel 1369 - 1384
10. The Tenth Abbot Lodro Bum 1384 - 1406
11. The Eleventh Abbot Lodro Sengge 1406 - 1430
12. Twelfth Abbot Jangchub Lodro 1430 -
13. The Thirteenth Abbot Jangchub Sengge - 1439
14. The Fourteenth Abbot Katokpa Jangchub Gyeltsen 1439 -
15. The Fifteenth Abbot Yeshe Gyeltsen -
Abbot bsod nams rin chen -
Abbot Gyelse Sonam Deutsen -
Abbot Longsel Nyingpo -
Abbot Choying Dorje -
Abbot bsod nams bstan pa 1995 -


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