The Treasury of Lives

Ron Garry has a Ph.D. in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism and an M.A. in integral psychotherapy.

Published August 2007


Lazcano, Santiago. 2005. “Ethnohistoric Notes on the Ancient Tibetan Kingdom of sPo bo and its Influence on the Eastern Himalayas.”Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines.Vol. 7: 41-63, pp. 54.

Hamid Sardar Afkhami. 1996. “An Account of Padma bkod: A Hidden Land in Southeastern Tibet.”Kailash.Vol. 18, nos. 3-4: 1-21, p. 13.

McLennan, Pelden. n.d. “Realization in Action: The Life of Gara Lama Nora Rinpoche.” Unpublished paper.

Nyoshul Khenpo. 2005.A Marvelous Garland of Rare Gems. Richard Barron, trans. Junction City, California: Padma Publication, pp 446-447.