The Treasury of Lives

Himalayan Art Resources

Zhalu Monastery in Tsang is one of the oldest monasteries in Tibet. The Serkhang Tramo temple was built originally in 1027 by Chetsun Sherab Jungne of the Che clan, and located close to the Gyengong Lhakhang, built in 997 by Loton Dorje Wangchuk. Buton Rinchen Drub established the Ripuk hermitage in caves above the monastery and retired there. Zhalu is loosely associated with the Sakya school, maintaining its own tradition based on the Sakya and Kadam teachings of Buton.



Akester, Matthew. 2016. Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo's Guide to Central Tibet. Chicago, IL: Serindia Publications, pp. 500-504.

Dowman, Keith. 1988. The Power-Places of Central Tibet: The Pilgrim's Guide. London: Routledge, pp. 272-272.

Gyurme Dorje. 2009. Tibet Handbook. Bath: Footprint, pp. 327-330.

Abbots & Officers


1. First Khenchen rin chen rnam rgyal 1356 - 1388
2. Second Khenchen Drakpa Gyeltsen 1389 - 1404
3. Third Khenchen sangs rgyas dpal rin 1404 - 1413
2. Second Khenchen Drakpa Gyeltsen 1413 - 1440
4. Fourth Khenchen Trulzhik Tsultrim Gyeltsen 1440 - 1466
5. Fifth Khenchen chos grub dpal bzang po 1466 - 1482
6. Sixth Khenchen bzang po rgyal mtshan 1483 - 1493
7. Seventh Khenchen rig 'dzin rgyal po 1494 - 1507
8. Eighth Khenchen Konchok Tsultrim 1507 - 1514
9. Ninth Khenchen Chokyong Zangpo 1514 - 1524
10. Tenth Khenchen bsod nams rgyal mtshan 1524 - 1537
11. Eleventh Khenchen blo bzang bstan pa dpal bzang po 1537 - 1543
12. Twelfth Khenchen 'jam dbyangs dpal bzang po 1543 - 1554
13. Thirteenth Khenchen blo gsal rgya mtsho 1555 - 1559
14. Fourteenth Khenchen Nesar Jamyang Khyentse Wangchuk 1559 - 1568
15. Fifteenth Khenchen bsod name dbang po 1569 - 1587
16. Sixteenth Khenchen Konchok Pelden 1587 - 1590
17. Seventeenth Khenchen bsod nams dbang po 1591 -
18. Eighteenth Khenchen dbang phyug rab brtan - 1621
19. Nineteenth Khenchen nam mkha' chos ldan 1621 - 1629
22. Twentieth Khenchen Sherab Jungne 1638 -
21. Twenty-first Khenchen Lobzang Chokyi Gyeltsen 1642 - 1662
22. Twenty-second Khenchen rin chen bsod nams mchog grub 1662 - 1671
23. Twenty-third Khenchen mkhyen brtse'i mchog grub - 1671
24. Twenty-fourth Khenchen 'jam dbyangs bstan 'dzin -
25. Twenty-fifth Khenchen bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan - 1714
26. Twenty-sixth Khenchen bsam gtan mkhas btsun 1715 - 1719
27. Twenty-seventh Khenchen Lobzang Yeshe 1720 - 1737
29. Twenty-ninth Khenchen Lobzang Chokyi Nyima 1759 - 1802


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